You Are More Important!

I Hate You Because I Love You

Eunhyuk came across the church. For vampire, the church was a hellish place as it will burn their bodies. Not just that, they even can't use their telepathy power to detect their destiny partner if their destiny partner being hide there. 

Suddenly,there is rustling sound behind the bushes. Knowing that, Eunhyuk activate his vampire power. His eyes glowing and his nail becoming claw. 

​Siwon: Hoi! You don't have to be that mean.

​Eunhyuk: Siwon...

​Siwon came out from the bushes while showing his wide smile. He walked closer to the church and touch the wall. Unfortunately, even before he can touch, the electric shock attack him.

Siwon: As expected, the clash clan is hiding in here. Heh,and you know what I meant right? Leader..

​Eunhyuk look at Siwon with nonchalant eyes. He lay his head at the tree. 

​Eunhyuk: Even if they are, how can they stay in the church for a long time? They are vampire right? This church is a sacred place for us. 

Siwon: Not for half. 

Eunhyuk suddenly ran towards the church. The action had shocked Siwon. Before Eunhyuk can reach the door,Siwon blocked the way and pushed him.

​Siwon: Are you NUTS?!

Eunhyuk: Siwon! Let me go through!

Siwon: And DIE! no thanks! You are the ruler of our kind! If you die,then all the vampire will...

Eunhyuk: Donghae life is more important than that! If anything happen to him, I can't forgive myself... He will kill Donghae!

​Siwon: Who?

Siwon grabbed Eunhyuk shoulder and shook him. He want an answer. He doesn't know why but it seems like Eunhyuk know something. Eunhyuk stood and punched Siwon  stomach. The last thing Siwon see is the darkness that crept inside his sight.

Without wasting time,Eunhyuk dashed into the church.

Eunhyuk: Heh,what a low security. Did they thought a pure blood will get kill just by that?

??: Well, the game just begin Eunhyuk. Don't think that you are great!

Eunhyuk: I should had expect that you are the culprit,Yesung. The only half from the clash clan I know is you!

Yesung: Hahahahaha! My pleasure! How stupid are you for not thinking about this church.

Eunhyuk: I don't have time to play with you. Better tell me where is Donghae right now or...

Eunhyuk took out a gun from his uniform coat. He pointed his gun at Yesung. The gun is usually use for killing a vampire. Well, you also can cook a meal as it can heat anything,in other words,burn.

Yesung: Woah,Scary aren't you. Is he that important to you?

Eunhyuk: He is much important than anything else! Even much important than my throne..

Upon hearing that, Yesung clenched his fist. He looked at Eunhyuk with his fury eyes.

Yesung: That is what I felt for my Destiny partner too! But! You! You kill him!

Eunhyuk: Kill? Hey, don't accuse me something I didn't done! I never kill a vampire before and I know my kind won't do that. They are much gentle unlike your clan!

Yesung: We live for our king and you don't have right to interfere. I heard this from our king! There is no way our majesty will lied!

Eunhyuk: King? So you are not the leader?

Yesung: I'm just his official. Enough talk. Sara,bring him here.

Eunhyuk lay his eyes on the sleeping form.

Eunhyuk: Donghae....

Yesung: Heh, I'm going to kill him in front you!

Yesung follower grabbed Eunhyuk weapon and pinned him. Yesung grabbed the knife on the table and came closer towards Donghae. The sharp point of the knife cut through Donghae smooth skin. Eunhyuk watched it in terror. He can't use his power anymore as he already tired after using it couple of time in finding Donghae. 


??: See Ryeowook, Your lover want to kill someone who is innocent. My plan really work right?

​Ryeowook: I will kill you! Yesung will eventually know about your evil deed! Acting like a king but actually you are a monster!

??: Heh.. that hurts a lot... Go ahead Yesung... Let your anger capture your heart... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



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Can't update until tomorrow. Phew, this going to be the last exam. Please pray for my success


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Chapter 27: this where i find my name:D
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #2
Chapter 36: Hurry Up!!! SAVE Ilhoon... HURRY!!!!! :(((

Uh-oh!! Jealous Hae-Hae strikes.. this is a problem!! ><
Chapter 36: ahhhhsdhf.udhfu i hate it when they judge each other when they dont even know whats going on
Chapter 35: awwww sibummmmmmm cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and oh my god Ilhoon!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Chapter 35: Yaaaaay~!!!^^ SIBUM IS BACK!!! kyaaaaa~!! >\\\\\\\\\\\< *blushes*

I wonder who's that mysterious person??.. YAH! don't hurt Ilhoon.. >.<

Update soon;)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #6
Chapter 34: Who is that girl???... I'm so curious... But thankful that Kibum is okay.. :D :D Kibum your back!!! :) :)

Update soon;)
Chapter 34: who is the girl im so curious yeahhhhh
bohyemi #8
Chapter 33: omg wow seriously?
bohyemi #9
Chapter 2: So this is set in Japan? Sendai and Baka are Japanese words if you meant the korean words babo would be idiot or fool and sunbae for senior
ELFaLlsuju #10
Chapter 33: please save kibummieeeee!!1
update soon(^_^)