A first day can't be any worse

I Hate You Because I Love You

Minho went to Donghae sit and sat beside him.

Minho: Hey! what is wrong with you? Just a moment I saw you, you are not in  this condition.

Donghae: Do you even care?

Minho: I have to even if I don't want to. You only can trust me.

Donghae: What do you mean?

Minho: I mean that you and I are the only one who from Sukisyo Gakuen. You are isolate place, right now.

Donghae: Heh! so you are isolate huh?

Minho: Not anymore because of my beauty, Every student can't resist me.

Donghae: Haha, Funny. So I'm not a student here? You said 'EVERY' student but you forgot one .

Donghae sticked out his tongue to mock Minho. He do that ever since they still in junior days. Minho always try to tease and insult him but that painful words never enter Dongahe ears. He in his own world so Minho always try to do anything that get into his nerve like bullying him. Well, it still can't make him mad after all because all those bullying things Minho done to him make him think he is not alone. We can say that Minho is his frenemy(friend+enemy)

Minho: You never change. Not even a bit,

Donghae: Glad you realize that.

Minho: sarcastic comment again huh? 'Never stop and never will', that is your motto right?

Donghae: You observe me very well senpai.

Minho: Too well.

Donghae: You came here just to mock  me again right? can't you stop it.

Minho just chuckle upon hearing that. Dongae was dumb-founded after receive a chuckle from Minho.

Minho: Baka! who came here for you? I don't even miss you. I want to see Taemin. DELUSIONAL!

Donghae was beet red. well, who wouldn't? Their conversation was cut by Taemin who went to Minho and gave a notebook that Donghae believe Minho note book.

Taemin: Thanks..

Taemin then walked away but Minho caught his wrist. He stood up and pulled Taemin hand outside the classroom. Donghae only can sit and enjoy the scene.

Donghae: That Taemin guy is really cold.

??: Hey!

The voice make him startle. He saw the owner and just smile.

??: My name is Kimbum. I hope we can be friend.

Donghae: Yes, I hope so too. So let me guess, you sit beside me?

Kimbum: silly, of course not. Don't you realize that boy over there sit beside you god know how long.

Kimbum point at that guy who is chatting with his friends. He has porcelain skin. That is the only thing Donghae saw because he sat behind.

Kimbum: His name is Siwon. Be careful of him okay. He is a playboy.

Donghae: He is a playboy and he can harm me? I don't understand.

Kimbum: He like to play with everyone heart and make a guy go gay,after that he left them.

Donghae: sad ergh.. I don't know what to say about that.

Kimbum: I hate him from the start actually. Can you believe he tried to ually harassed me when I just enter this school.

Donghae: Wow, it just like a copy of my story.

Kimbum: What?

Donghae: n-no I mean. I like to copy a story.

Kimbum: Haha, YOU are weird. but well, you seem like a good people with a good heart.

Donghae: cool Well, that is how I am

~Class Session~

Donghae was fully concentrated. Siwon look at him and eyeing him like there is no tomorrow. This make Donghae felt uncomfortable but decide to ignore that. After 15 minutes past, He really can't take it.

Donghae: Can you stop looking at me like that? Most people don't do that to a nerd.

Siwon: You mean a ugly nerd. Right now I am eyeing a beautiful nerd.

Donghae: Your word is too cheesy to be true.

Siwon: Looking at your body, your face must be so pretty right?

Donghae: Eww, ert. How many ert live in this school huh?

Siwon: many,.

Donghae: Thanks for answering.indecision

Siwon: I really want to feel you.

Donghae: Stop it will you?! I'm not a toy you can play with.

Siwon: Is it because someone has own you.

Donghae: What do you mean?

Siwon: Nice hickey there.


Ahh about Siwon and Donghae talking, they are whispering. enough said . laugh

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Can't update until tomorrow. Phew, this going to be the last exam. Please pray for my success


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Chapter 27: this where i find my name:D
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #2
Chapter 36: Hurry Up!!! SAVE Ilhoon... HURRY!!!!! :(((

Uh-oh!! Jealous Hae-Hae strikes.. this is a problem!! ><
Chapter 36: ahhhhsdhf.udhfu i hate it when they judge each other when they dont even know whats going on
Chapter 35: awwww sibummmmmmm cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
and oh my god Ilhoon!
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #5
Chapter 35: Yaaaaay~!!!^^ SIBUM IS BACK!!! kyaaaaa~!! >\\\\\\\\\\\< *blushes*

I wonder who's that mysterious person??.. YAH! don't hurt Ilhoon.. >.<

Update soon;)
JewelHyuk_FishyHae #6
Chapter 34: Who is that girl???... I'm so curious... But thankful that Kibum is okay.. :D :D Kibum your back!!! :) :)

Update soon;)
Chapter 34: who is the girl im so curious yeahhhhh
bohyemi #8
Chapter 33: omg wow seriously?
bohyemi #9
Chapter 2: So this is set in Japan? Sendai and Baka are Japanese words if you meant the korean words babo would be idiot or fool and sunbae for senior
ELFaLlsuju #10
Chapter 33: please save kibummieeeee!!1
update soon(^_^)