The Mansion

A Maid for Exo

You opened the door and ran to your mothers room. She was sitting on the bed while taking her medicine. “Mommy?” She followed your voice, “Jieun? Aren’t you suppose to be working?” You sat next to her, “The restaurant closed. But, I got a new job!” “W-wait, the restaurant closed?” You nodded, “Yeah, our boss had to lay everyone off. But, I found a lady that’s hiring maids!” “A maid?” She asked. You nodded, “Yup!”


“No, mom. I’m not going to argue with you” You cut her off, “I want to help you. What kind of daughter would I be if I don’t care for my mom?” She smiled, “So stubborn, but that’s why I love you.” You giggled and got up, “Are you hungry? I can buy some ramen and make it quickly.” “Thank you honey, but I ate already.”

“It’s hot today, do you want some ice-cream?” You asked. She shook her head, “I’m a bit tired so I’m going to rest.” You smiled and patted her shoulder, “Okay, rest.”

You tucked her in and walked out.

You grabbed your keys and went to the store.

Inside the store, you were contemplating on what ice-cream you should buy. “Maybe I should buy strawberry or chocolate? Man! Why did they invent such delicious flavors?” “Having trouble?” Someone spoke from behind you. You jumped and spun around, “Kai! You scared me!” He chuckled, “Fancy meeting you here?” “Not fancy enough” You muttered under your breath. “What?”

“Nothing. Go back to what you were doing” You said and looked for any other ice-cream that would catch your attention. “Hmmm, oh! Green tea ice-cream my favorite! Wait! There’s red bean ice-cream! Damn it! What to choose?…” Kai stared at you in amusement, “Relax they’re not going anywhere.” He reached inside and grabbed a chocolate ice-cream bar. You scowled, “Mind your own business.” He chuckled, “Just kidding. So, do you live around here?” You glanced at him then back to the ice-creams, “Maybe, but I’m not giving a legit answer.” He laughed once more, “You’re funny.” “What am I your clown?” You rolled your eyes, “I guess I’ll get chocolate and green tea.” “Hey, I’m sorry about yesterday. I didn’t mean to offend you or anything.” You shrugged, “It’s fine.”

“As an apology I’ll pay for the ice-cream” He proposed. You raised an eyebrow, “You better not be planning anything.” He put his hands up, “I promise.”

“Okay, then I’ll get more ice-creams” You smiled and grabbed more, “I mean if that’s okay.” He gave you a charming smile, “It’s fine.”

You walked to the counter with him right behind you. As promised he paid for your ice-cream.

When both of you were outside, you bowed, “Thanks, Kai.” “No prob. So we’re cool, right?” He asked. You thought about it. “I don’t know, bye!” You walked towards your home. “Hey!” You heard him shout. You waved goodbye, “See you at school”


The next day right after school, you walked to the address the lady gave you. With excitement you reached the mansion. “How do I get in?” You tried pushing the gate open, “Doesn’t this have a knob or something?” You noticed a button and pushed it. “Who is it?” You jumped when you heard the voice, “Um, it’s Jieun. I’m here to see…” You looked at the card, “Ms. Lee.” “Do you have an appointment with her?” “She just told me to come today.” “Please wait.”

The gates automatically opened. You hesitated before walking in.

A woman in her late 40s dressed formal walked towards you, “You’re here to see Ms. Lee?” You nodded, “Yes.” “Please follow me.” She led you inside the mansion. It was humongous. Your eyes kept widening at every little detail, “Wow it’s beautiful.” She led you to the living room, “Please wait here, Ms. Lee will come down soon.” You bowed, “Thank you.” She bowed and walked away.

“Wow, I’m going to work here” You said in awe. Footsteps were heard. You turned and looked at Ms. Lee walking down the stairs while talking on the phone. “No, make sure you get everything done for the meeting. I’ll probably go there tomorrow to check it out. Yes. Yes. No, leave it in my office I’ll sign them when I get there first thing tomorrow. Okay, bye bye.” She smiled at you, “Hello, I didn’t catch your name last time we met.” “My name is Kim Jieun” You bowed.

“Okay, follow me” She said. You followed her upstairs.

Just then, the front door opened and Exo walked in. “Hyung, I need your help on my paper assignment” Baekhyun told Suho. “I’m hungry” Chanyeol walked to the kitchen and asked the chef to prepare him some food. Xiumin followed him.

“Is mom here?” D.O. asked one of the head maids. She nodded, “Yes, she arrived right after you left to school.” “I’m going to see her” He started to walk upstairs. “Sir, she’s in a meeting.” D.O. furrowed his eyebrows, “In her office?”

“Yes, she’s having interviews for the new employees.” She answered. Tao glanced at Sehun, “You better not ruin it this time, Sehun.” Sehun rolled his eyes, “Get over it Tao.”

“Hey! I heard the Avengers just came out on theatres! Who wants to go with me?” Tao asked with excitement. “I saw it yesterday with Chanyeol” Kris said. Luhan got up, “I’ll go with you who else wants to go?” Kai got up along with Chen. “I have to do my homework plus I have a project to turn in.” Baekhyun said. “Lay?” Tao asked. He shook his head. “Suho?” He asked. He nodded, “Why not? You don’t anymore help Baekhyun?” He shook his head, “I got it.”

“I’m up for it” D.O. said. “Me too” Sehun got up.

“Let’s go!” Tao said.


“Okay, here are the rules.” She handed you a folder. You opened it and nodded it each of them. “W-wait, I have to live here?” She nodded, “Yes, I could get you a spare room.” She said. “No, it’s just that my mother is very sick. I can’t leave her by herself.” “I’m sorry, but those are the rules. You can visit her whenever you can except when you‘re on duty” She said. You thought about it, “I have to think about it. Can you please give me some time?” She nodded, “I understand, but give me your answer as soon as possible. I have more people to hire.” You nodded and bowed, “Thank you so much. I’ll contact you when I come up with my answer.”

You bowed once more and walked out of her office. “Damn it, I didn’t know I had to live here. I can’t leave my mom by herself.”

You walked downstairs.

A figure was laying on the couch with his eyes closed while listening to music. ‘He looks familiar…’ You thought. Curiosity got the best of you. You tiptoed towards him and looked at his face. ‘Isn’t he the guy I saw on the bus?’

Just then he opened his eyes. He blinked at you.

You jumped, “Sorry.”

He sat up and looked at you with a blank expression. “Who are you?”

“M-me? My name is Jieun” You answered. He got up making you stumble backwards falling on your . “Ouch…” Lay helped you up, “You alright?” You nodded, “Sorry.” He nodded and sat back down. You felt awkward, “I-I’m leaving. Bye!” You ran off.

He watched your running figure and something rare happened, he smiled.


Walking home, you felt sad. ‘Man, this . For one thing I was going to get paid really good. But, I can’t leave my mom.’

You inserted the key and turned the knob. “JIEUN!” You were pulled into someone’s thick arms, “Omo, my little Jieun grew up to be a beauty!” You smiled when you noticed it was your aunt, “Auntie!” You hugged her tightly.

Your mom was sitting on the couch with a smile plastered on her face. “What are you doing here, Auntie?” She pulled her suitcase, “I’m staying here for good. I was soo boring living in the country, so I decided to come here.” You beamed, “You’re really staying here?” She nodded, “Yes, I also missed both of you.”

“How was school today honey?” Your mom asked. You nodded, “Everything was fine.” “And work?”

You kept silent.

She noticed, “What’s wrong? Did you get the job?”

“No, this job requires me to move in with them.” You said.

Your Auntie rose an eyebrow, “What kind of job are you trying to apply for?” “A maid at a high class mansion” You replied, “And it’s a good pay, but I can’t leave my mom alone.” “Hello? I’m here now aren’t I? Sweetie, don’t you worry about your mom, I’ll take care of her! Besides I bet you can come when you want right?” “She did say I can come when I’m not on duty, but I don’t know…” “Don’t worry! I’m your moms sister aren’t I? I’ll take good care of her.”

“What do you think mom?” You asked. She got up and walked towards you.

You extended your arms to lead her towards you. She cupped your cheeks, “Whatever you think is right for you as long as you’re happy.” You smiled, “Thanks mom.” She smiled, “But promise you’ll concentrate on your studies.” You nodded and held out your pinky.

You lightly pulled on her pinky and looped it around yours. “Promise!” She hugged you. “So, where am I sleeping then?”

“You can take the couch, Auntie” You said. “Where are you going to sleep?” She asked. “I can sleep on the floor.”

She shook her head, “This is why I bought a air mattress on the way here.” She opened her luggage and pulled it out. You helped her by plugging the machine that would let in air into the mattress. You helped your mom to her room.

You turned off the light off and laid the couch. “Auntie, are you sleeping?” “No” She responded. “Thank you for coming” You said.

You could tell she was smiling.

“Jieun, have you heard from your father?” She asked. “No, I don’t hope I do.” You said. “I’m sorry” She apologized. “For what?” You asked. “For not being there for you when your father was being an . I found out only later when he left.” “Have you heard from my dad?” You asked. “I did. The last thing I heard was that he was drinking at a bar close to my house.”

“Still hasn’t changed has he?” You said. “People like him don’t change, sweetie. The best thing to do is forget about him.”

You nodded, “You’re right.” 

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Updated chapter 15! Sorry for not updating for a long time!,


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Chapter 15: Come back I need this to continue XD
Chapter 15: I don't know who to ship. It is really good and cute btw. :):):)"
Chapter 15: I love it!! Update as soon as possible! <3
Exo_Scarlett #4
Chapter 15: jebal.. update plezz..
exocraze88 #5
Chapter 15: Update please! I'm absorbed into your story!
dramaheartslove #6
Chapter 3: I just had this story
Wow my brother cant do anythomg
_spiderlily_ #7
Chapter 15: Hello...I really like your story. I hope you update soon :)
ukissme123 #8
Chapter 15: Im back after two years.... xD still love this story <3
MBLAQGirlAplus #9
Chapter 15: Yeahh awesome:) Thanks for making this storyyy plssssss update soonnn:333
Chapter 15: Love your story ! kinda shocked that it kinda fit my imagination bout exo's maid ! ^^