Moving In

A Maid for Exo

You woke up early even thought it was Saturday. But, you were excited to tell Ms. Lee that you would work for her. “My mom’s medicine is this one. She takes it right after her meals.” Your auntie nodded, “Okay.” “And that’s about it” You smiled.

You kissed your mom before you walked out of the house.

You took the bus and waited patiently for your stop.

You leaned your head on the window and closed your eyes.

Suddenly, the bus abruptly stopped. You opened to look at what had happened. “Sorry folks. There’s something wrong with the bus.” You sighed and looked out the window, “It’s not far. I’ll walk.” You walked out of the bus and towards the mansion. You’ve noticed that there was nobody walking. “Am I the only walking?” Only cars were seen.

After a few minutes, you arrived in front of the mansion. You pressed the button and waited with excitement. “Who is it?” “Jieun, I’m here to see Ms. Lee.”

“Come in” She said.

You waited for the gates to open completely. This time in the driveway, you noticed cars parked sports cars. “Whoa.” The woman from yesterday walked towards you. “Hello again” You bowed. “Follow me” She walked away. ‘Well, she’s nice…

You walked in and she led you inside. “Ms. Lee will arrive in half an hour. Please make yourself comfortable.” “Thank you.”

You sat down and waited for what seemed hours so instead of waiting you started to roam around the house.

You walked upstairs and the long hallway seemed endless. At the end of it was a balcony. You walked towards it. Once, you reached it, you gasped, “Wow, it’s so pretty!” There was beautiful garden with a fountain in the middle. “Hey! Who are you?!” You spun around and your eyes widened, “L-Luhan?”

“Jieun? What are you doing here?” He asked. “M-me? I’m going to work here. What are you doing here?” “I live here.” He answered.

“Wait, you’re Ms. Lee’s son?” She asked. He nodded, “Adoptive son.”

“Are you applying as a maid?” He asked. Your cheeks turned light pink, “Y-yeah, I need a job.” He noticed your discomfort, “Hey, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.” You gave him a half smile. “I’m home!” A voice yelled. “The lady of the house just arrived” The lady walked towards you. You bowed, “Thank you.”

“I gotta go” You told Luhan and walked away. He watched you walking away, “I didn’t expect to see her here.”

You walked downstairs to be greeted to Ms. Lee. “Oh, hi. I didn’t expect to see you so soon.” You could hear footsteps walking down the stairs. You suspected it to be Luhan. “I have an answer” You paused, “Yes.”

“Are you sure? What about your mom?” She asked in a worried tone. “My aunt just moved in with us. She said that she can take care of my mom.” She smiled, “Okay, follow me to my office.” While walking she noticed Luhan, “Oh, you’re here? Where are the rest?” ‘Rest?’ You wondered. “Sehun is in his room and the rest stayed at school to watch the soccer game.” He answered.

“Oh okay. So, Jieun I want to introduce you to my son Lu-” “Luhan” You cut her off, “We’ve meet. We go to the same school.” She blinked in surprise, “Really? So then you’ve probably met my other sons?” “Other sons?” You asked slightly confused. She pulled out her fingers and began to count, “D.O., Sehun, Chanyeol, Kris, Lay, Chen, Xiumin, Suho, Baekhyun, Tao, and Kai.” Your eyes widened, “T-They’re your sons?!” She nodded, “Not blood related my adoptive sons.” Luhan walked towards Ms. Lee and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, “Doesn’t matter if we’re not blood-related. We’re still a family by heart.” She smiled and patted Luhan’s head.

“It’s about time you came woman.” A voice said. You turned and looked at Sehun walked downstairs, “The stupid chef messed up my foo-”

He noticed you, “Jieun?”

Luhan walked over, “She’s going to be our new maid. So, try going easy on her.” Sehun remained shocked. “Come on. I need you to sign your contract.” You followed her upstairs. Sehun was still in a shock state. “Hey, Sehun. Are you okay?” Luhan asked. “Is that really Jieun from our school?” “The one and only” Luhan chuckled.

Luhan walked to the living room and the television. While, Sehun stood stock-still. Was he dreaming? He ran upstairs and stopped right in front of his mom’s office. He pressed his ear on the door and waited to hear your voice.

“Just sign here” He heard his mom speak, “When are planning to move in?” “I was actually thinking about moving in today, if that’s okay? I have my luggage ready at home. I just have to go get them.” “That’s perfect and also we need to pick your hours because I suppose you have to go to school in the morning?” You nodded, “Yes, I have to go to school in the morning.” “Okay, then it’s settled. I’ll ask the butler to take you to your home and bring you back.” “Thank you” You smiled.

“Alright, I actually have to go to work” She pulled a folder from her desk. “O-oh, okay” You got up.

Sehun heard footsteps moving closer to the door, so he got up and ran to his room. You opened the door and walked with Ms. Lee.

She told the butler to take you to your home.


“So, you’re moving out today?” Your mom asked. “Yeah, but don’t worry. I’ll look for another job soon, so I won’t have to stay away from you.” She smiled, “Don’t worry.”

You grabbed your duffle bag and suitcase. You hugged your aunt, “Thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means.” She smiled and patted your back, “Just take care of yourself.” You nodded, “Don’t worry about that. I’ll see you guys soon!”

You walked out of your house. The butler was waiting patiently for you. He grabbed your stuff and placed it in the trunk. He opened the door for you, “Thank you.”

You lowered the window and waved goodbye to your family. “Bye!”

“She left” Your aunt whispered to your mom.

She put her down and walked back inside. “Okay! What should we do? Oh, I know. Why don’t we go out for a stroll?” Your mother smiled, “That would be nice.”


The same lady led you into your room.

“Okay, this will be your room” She opened the door to your new room. It was simple and clean, “The main housecleaner will come in a few minutes and explain everything, okay?” You nodded and bowed, “Thank you so much!”

You smiled and nodded, “Thank you, again.” She walked out of your new room leaving you alone.

You dragged your suitcase and placed it on your bed. You couldn’t help, but to think about your mother, if she was taking her medication and eating. You opened your suitcase and moved all your clothes into the closet and drawers. You placed a photo of your mother on the drawer. You smiled at it, “I love you, mom.”

There was a rapid knock on the door. “Yes?”

The door opened and a woman in her mid 30s walked in. “Are you the new maid?” You nodded, “Yes I am.”

“Okay, first of all welcome.” She smiled. You bowed.

“So, we need to make sure you get a uniform and show you around the house, follow me.” She said. You got up and followed her, “This job won’t be easy because there are a lot of people living here maybe around your age. There’s only two simple rules, do not talk back and follow their orders. Simple right?” You nodded, “Yes.”

She showed your every inch of the house. You tried your best to remember.

“So, tomorrow you will be in charge of the garden. Water the flowers, pull out the weeds, clean the fountain, and pick up any dead plants or flowers. We have separate clothes.” She walked outside to the garden and towards a small house. Here is a spare key, do not lose it” She handed the key. “Open the door.”

You inserted the key and opened the door. It was small. All the materials were inside. “Here are the items you will need.”

“The madam told me that you will only work after school?” She asked. You nodded, “Yes.” She handed you a schedule, “Here’s your schedule. Follow it.” You grasped and nodded, “Okay.”

“So, when you’re done with the garden tomorrow come see me and I’ll explain the rest. Have any questions?” She asked. You shook your head, “I got it.”

“Tomorrow wear normal clothes and put this over it” She handed you a green suit. “Keep it in here.” She pointed inside.

“Okay, if you don’t have any questions I’ll leave. By the way my name is Ms. Hwang” She walked away in a fast pace. You placed the suit inside and closed the door. You made sure it was locked.

You slid the key inside your pocket.

You began to walk back inside the house, but got distracted by the beautiful flowers. There was different flower of every color. You peered closely and cupped a white rose, “It’s so pretty.” You gently let it go and walked to the fountain. You sat on the edge and dipped your fingers in the water. It was cold. You smiled, “This place is beautiful.”

From the balcony, Sehun was staring at you.

His heart fluttered at your smile.


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Updated chapter 15! Sorry for not updating for a long time!,


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Chapter 15: Come back I need this to continue XD
Chapter 15: I don't know who to ship. It is really good and cute btw. :):):)"
Chapter 15: I love it!! Update as soon as possible! <3
Exo_Scarlett #4
Chapter 15: jebal.. update plezz..
exocraze88 #5
Chapter 15: Update please! I'm absorbed into your story!
dramaheartslove #6
Chapter 3: I just had this story
Wow my brother cant do anythomg
_spiderlily_ #7
Chapter 15: Hello...I really like your story. I hope you update soon :)
ukissme123 #8
Chapter 15: Im back after two years.... xD still love this story <3
MBLAQGirlAplus #9
Chapter 15: Yeahh awesome:) Thanks for making this storyyy plssssss update soonnn:333
Chapter 15: Love your story ! kinda shocked that it kinda fit my imagination bout exo's maid ! ^^