SM Entertainment Part 1

Do You See Me Now?

(Near the End of June 2011)


It's been a couple weeks since I saw....Zico. Things went by smoothly and today we finally get a free day!!!


"ASA!!!!" SooMi pumped her fist in the air and ran out of the practice room pulling Soojung along with her. 

"Well, bye guys!! I'll see you tomorrow!" HyunA waved before she left.

"Bye bye!!" JiEun and Bora said as they left.

It was just SongMi and I and she was already packing up.

"Bye unnie. My mom is here! We're going to have our first mother/daughter day since she came back from her business trip yesterday!!" I waved to her as she left.

"Well, I guess I should go now. Hmmm.... Wonder where to?" I gathered up all of my stuff and quietly left. 


"FREEDOM!!" I said as soon as I left the building. I smiled and took off running. Today I was going to just lay back and relax. 

I hopped onto a bus and headed towards Hongdae. I smiled to myself as I got off at the bus stop and immediately started to walk around.

"Hey there~" Someone took a hold of my wrist and pulled me into an alley. 

"Hi beautiful~ What's your *hiccup* name?" I winced as his disgusting breath hit me. 

"Get away from me!!" I tried to push him away, but the drunkard only pushed himself more onto me. I grimmaced and began to scream out for help, but he covered my mouth. 

"Shut up. You don't want that pretty face of yours to be damaged now do you?" He smiled deviously before leaning in. I closed my eyes tight in fear of what might happen until the weight was suddenly pulled off of me. 

"Bwoh?" I opened my eyes only to see the man on the ground unconcious. I looked up to see...

"Omo! Is that you Kai?!" He looked up at me with a confused face.

"How do you know my name?" 

"Uh....You helped me that one day! With that Zico guy!!" His confused face immediately turned into a bright one.

"OH!! You look so different. I guess I couldn't recognize you...also, it's pretty dark in this stupid alley..." He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. I giggled at his awkwardness. 

"Umm... I know it's wierd to ask this now but.... what's your name?" 

"Huh, oh! It's MiYoung." 

"Oh....that's cute." He whispered the last part.

"What?" I blinked up towards him and he blushed.


We stood there in silence until the man began to groan and regain his consciousness. 

"I think we should go now!" He said and I nodded in agreement. He took my hand and we ran out. 

"So....where do you want to go?" He said, our hands still intwined. 

"H-Huh? Oh....I don't know." I looked down sheepishly. 

"Ah! I know!!! How about we go to my work! I needed to go there anyways." I looked up at him and tilted my head.


"Yeah! I'm currently training at SM Entertainment. I'm planning on debuting next year." He said with a proud smile. 

Omo... Otteoke!?! Should I tell him about me training at YG?! Wouldn't we be considered rivals? 

"Umm. MiYoung-shii? Yes? or No?" He leaned down towards me and I blushed again.

"Huh!? O-Okay." He pulled back and smiled.

"Okay! Let's go!!" 


"WOAH!!!" As we entered the building I couldn't help but marvel at the size. YG was definitely a cooler building, but SM was HUGE!!!

"It's not all that great." Kai said as he led me towards the elevator.

"But it's huge compared to-" 

"Compared to what?" 


He just chuckled and pushed the 3rd button. As we went up I couldn't help but looked down at our still intwined fingers and blush. I thought back to my training and shook it off. The doors suddenly opened and we got out.

"Woah times 2!!" 


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Chapter 11: MiYoung have a thing towards Kai :p - Yuki
Chapter 7: short chapter :'( - Yuki
Chapter 5: MiYoung will be popular in next week !! - Yuki
Chapter 3: MiYoung is a talented girl :) - Yuki
Chapter 2: Thank you for update :) - Yuki
Chapter 1: I like this chapter ... i'm hope you can try to put more lines in next chapter!! - Yuki
YooHoo ~ This story looks so cool & nice description!! - Yuki