SM Entertainment Part 2

Do You See Me Now?



"Woah~~~" My eyes rounded and I hid behind Kai. 

"What's wrong? It's just Sooyoung and Hyoyeon." He looked at me and chuckled but I just stood there starstruck.

"It's not JUST!! Those are my idols!! The variety goddess and the dancing genius~~!!!" 

"That's cheesy!" 

"Shut up...."

"Oh! Kai, who's that?" Sooyoung asked as she sent looks to Hyoyeon.

"Is that....OH! Your girlfriend?!" At that, Kai blushed.

I came out from behind him and bowed.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, MiYoung imnida." They bowed back and smiled.

"Annyeong!! So....are you?!?" They looked like highschool girls who just got some new gossip.

"A-Ani!!" Kai looked flustered and avoided eye contact. 

"Yeah, I'm just his friend." 

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon just nodded as if saying Surreeee.... 

"Well, we gotta go. See you later Jongin...and MiYoung~~~!!" They left and Kai just pulled me down the hall.

"They were nice~~" I said.

"Not really..." Kai muttered. 



I just shrugged. 

" you want to see where I hang out all the time?" He leaned down at me and raised a brow. 


He smiled and pulled me along. I blushed as I looked down at our intwined hands.


"Ta-Dah!!! Here we are~~" I looked inside the room and smiled brightly.

"You like to dance too?!!?!" I ran inside like I was a little girl again.

"Yeah. I didn't know you danced~" He looked at me teasingly.

"Oh, I can dance. I bet I'm better than you~" I lifted my chin in a snooty manner and he chuckled.

"Well how about a little competition then." He went over to the proffesionally built stereo.

"You're on!" 

"You don't know what you're getting into my dear~" 

"Just play the music!!" 

He laughed and put on a random song, f(x) NU ABO. 

HA!!! I love this song and know it the best. He's dead~~

I began dancing and looked at him mockingly. He just stood there with a goofy grin. Once I was finished it was his turn and we went on like that until the song ended. 

"Wow, you're a good dancer!!" He handed me a bottle of water.

"You too~" He smiled and gulped down his. 

"Whoo~ Who's this Kai?" We looked towards the door and in came two guys around our age, but older. 

"Oh, hyung. This is MiYoung." He gestured towards me and I bowed.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, MiYoung imnida." 

"I'm Chanyeol and this is Kyung Soo." He smiled cheerfully at me, while the other guy awkwardly stood there staring at me.

"You have big eyes." I blurted out.

"Hahahaha!!! See, I told you!!" Chanyeol pointed at Kyung Soo as he glared back.

"Whatever, at least I don't smile like a e!!" He shot back. At that, the boys began bickering like 5 years olds.

"Boys!!!" I looked over and saw a gentle looking guy come.

"Sorry, I'm JoonMyun." He smiled apologetically began going over to the 5 yea- I mean, boys. 

"Stop fighting, you're not showing our guest here your good side!!" He tried his best to calm them, but they just erupted even more. Finally, after about 7 minutes, he gave up. 

"Sorry Kai..." 

"It's okay hyung. They're stupid and always will be." 


Kai ignored them and pulled me out of the room.


"Well, I think I have to go now. Thanks for showing me SM!!" I waved to him as I said goodbye.

"Well, don't forget to call me whenever you're in need of company." He had saved his number before we left. 

"Arrasso!!" At that, I left and ran to the bus. 

"Today was fun!!" I smiled to myself and thought of him.

"Aigoo, why do I keep blushing!!" 

I just didn't notice the little voice in the back of my head, Because he's special~\




Aigoooooooo, such a y chapter. I'm too lazy to write a decent one. Sorry guys!!

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Chapter 11: MiYoung have a thing towards Kai :p - Yuki
Chapter 7: short chapter :'( - Yuki
Chapter 5: MiYoung will be popular in next week !! - Yuki
Chapter 3: MiYoung is a talented girl :) - Yuki
Chapter 2: Thank you for update :) - Yuki
Chapter 1: I like this chapter ... i'm hope you can try to put more lines in next chapter!! - Yuki
YooHoo ~ This story looks so cool & nice description!! - Yuki