
Do You See Me Now?

(Beginning of July 2011)


It's a normal day. I wake up, get ready, go to YG, train, finish, etc. Now I'm going home and all I want to do right now is go to bed and SLEEP!!!


"Bye bye Mi Young!!" I wave at my friends as I pick up my bag and head out of the building. I immediately shiver as the cold night air hits me. I look down at my light clothes and curse myself for not bringing a jacket. 

"Aish I'm so stupid!!" I face palmed and began to walk towards the bus stop. However, since it was late, I missed the bus and the next one would come in like 3 HOURS!!! I stomped my feet and just decided to walk home, even though it was like 5 miles away. 

I began walking, but since I'm so bad at directions, I immediately got lost. Well ....

"AISHH!!!!!" I kicked the ground and looked around. 

"How the HELL did I get here??!" I said as I looked at all the nasty looking buildings, obviously abandoned. I shuddered.

I began to walk the way I came, but instead I just got even more lost. I began to panick thinking about all of the stories I've heard of this place. It's the ghetto part of Seoul where all of the gangs reside. I crouched down by a lamp post and took out my phone.

"Dammit why is it running out of battery??!!!" I stuffed it back into my bag and hid my face in my hands. Suddenly I heard a sound of a glass breaking and immediately turned to see.....a cat. I heaved a sigh of relief as I stepped towards it and picked it up. It was a white cat with big black eyes. 

"At least you're not scary." I pet it and then set it down. This time I heard voices and I'm definitely sure that cats can't talk. I crouched down again and crawled behind a trash can. I hesitantly poked my head out and saw what I really didn't want to see. A gang. They were all kicking around litter on the ground and being roudy, as I expected a gang to be. The main thing I caught was that they all wore masks. 

Suddenly one of them saw me and his eyes widened. I quickly hid and prayed to God that they wouldn't hurt me. 

"Well looky here. We got ourselves a visitor now don't we??" I shivered as his icey cold breathe hit my neck. 

I'm screwed.

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Chapter 11: MiYoung have a thing towards Kai :p - Yuki
Chapter 7: short chapter :'( - Yuki
Chapter 5: MiYoung will be popular in next week !! - Yuki
Chapter 3: MiYoung is a talented girl :) - Yuki
Chapter 2: Thank you for update :) - Yuki
Chapter 1: I like this chapter ... i'm hope you can try to put more lines in next chapter!! - Yuki
YooHoo ~ This story looks so cool & nice description!! - Yuki