The perfect opportunity?

Did I or didn't I say?


Your POV

Zico called me this morning: he asked me if I was going to do something after lunch.

Even if I had to do something, I’ll cancel it if it’s to hang out with him…

What? I like him. I bet that three quarters of the girls in love in the planet would do the same thing.

So he invited me to his place to see a movie: The Ring.

… I’ll get traumatized.

But the thing that was getting me nervy wasn’t the movie itself; it was the fact that Zico kissed me the other day and I was really, so freaking nervous.

What if in the middle of the movie something happens?

Like… we kiss again or something…

Aaargh! Damn you hormones!


I walked to the grocery store and brought one of those packages of popcorn that you put in the microwave; I seriously think it’s very tasty, so if he doesn’t like it, I can eat it all by myself. No worries.

Then I headed to his house.

I pressed the doorbell, looking at the ground and playing with my hands. Zico opened the door and smiled,

“Hey” he greeted me

“H-Hello…” I greeted back. God, he’s so handsome.

“Come in” he said putting his hand in my lower back and pushing me inside.


I grabbed a bowl and put the popcorn in it, then in the microwave.

“What did you brought?” he asked curious trying to look inside the microwave.

“Popcorn” I answered closing my eyes and smiling.

His face got bright, “ yeah! I love those things”

I’m an ace haha.

A few minutes passed and the popcorn was ready, so we took the bowl and went to the couch.


Zico started to arrange some stuff in the DVD to see the movie. Then, he sat beside me.

“So” he said stretching, “You ready?”

I swallowed, “Always…”


The movie started and I freaked out when I saw the girl coming out of the TV, and then when they found the other girl inside of the closet… I started to shiver and Zico looked at me.

“You OK? If you want to, we can cut it here”

I shook my head and frown.

He chuckled and put his arm on my shoulder, “OK, you said so”


The rest of the movie wasn’t so terrible, but it hadn’t ended. When they found the well and the girl, I screamed like it was the apocalypse and jumped into Zico’s arms, hugging him strongly and hiding my face in his chest.

Zico hugged me back and chuckled, “I told you so”

“Shut up” I said pouting and lifting my head.




Zico’s POV

She screamed and hugged me. I tried really hard to hide my laugh but some chuckles came out anyways, “I told you so” I said hugging her back.

“Shut up” she said and lifted her head; her eyes were a little teary.

She’s really scared…

She looks so cute.


I looked into her eyes and her cheek. She let out a little smile of nervousness and giggled.

I couldn’t avoid it, I needed to kiss her. Her lips looked so tempting, they were like calling me.

I leaned my head and with my other hand approached her to mine, still looking at her pretty eyes.

“Zico…” she whispered

I started to close my eyes. She did it too and I heard her whisper something else, but I couldn’t really understand it.


She approached too and when our lips were just meeting, someone opened my front door.

“Hello Jiho hyung!” JiHoon yelled. Then, he looked at us; we both blush and separate from each other.

What a !

P.O chuckled and smirked, “Interrupting something here?”


_____~ shook her head and stood up, interrupting me.

I sighed, “Hum _____~, this is JiHoon, we call him P.O. P.O, this is _____~…” I introduced them to each other.

“I could figure it out” P.O smirked again.

“Hello” she greeted him, P.O waved his hand.

_____~ scratched her head, “T-Thanks for inviting me Zico, but I may have to go now”

Damn you JiHoon…

I pouted, “That’s OK I guess… Do you want company?”

She looked at me a little embarrassed, “Don’t worry. It isn’t dark yet and you have a guest. I’ll see you soon I guess”

“Fine, take care” I said goodbye and rubbed my eyes.

“You too” she said approaching to the door and, flirty, smiled at me leaving my house.


“What a cutie, hyung” P.O said chuckling.

I approached to him and gave him a punch in his arm, “You ing and bigmouth”

“Aish! That hurt~ … I understand it, but bigmouth? Why?” he asked rubbing where I punched him.

I rolled my eyes, “You told Kyung about her and me”

He looked confused at first and then he nodded.

“S-Sorry Jiho, it just slipped from my lips”

I pulled him by his ear, “Aiiiiish! What’s the big deal?” P.O whined.

“You ruined such a good moment you moron!” I let him go.


JiHoon laughed and snorted, “Yah hyung, it’s not like that was going to be THE moment to kiss her, so don’t worry keke”

I pouted and gave him a bad look.

P.O rubbed his front, “Do you want me to compensate you?” he asked smiling.

I smirked, “You better, huh” I said and started to put on my shoes

He chuckled, “OK, I’ll invite you some food… Yah hyung”

“Deh?” I asked turning to see him, JiHoon smirked

“What are you going to do? Will you ask her to be your girlfriend or something?”


I looked down and smiled; then I sighed, “That’s the plan. Today was the perfect opportunity, ya know…?”

“Aish I told you that I’m sorry hyung. But you can do something more romantic for next time, don’t you think so?”

I rubbed my front, “Like what?”

“I don’t know, but anything’s better than make her see some horror movie and then ask her… Let’s think about it while eating” he said and we both stood up leaving my house.


So pissed… Damn you, JiHoon.

But he’s right, I’ll do better next time and ask her out; somewhere else instead of staying in my home.

Deh… I may know where.

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Chapter 19: Ahhh i just read this story and its so good i wish it had more than just a special chapter! (sequal~) :c

Well anyways great story! :D
Park-HoSook #2
Chapter 19: this was really good it needs a sequel
do a sequel!!! like the life they have in the dorm, the fights and the good and AI times ;) ehehe le dirty fangirl xD i loved this story, my fav from all the zico's fanfics i've read :) it maked me love him even more <3 thank you for your hard work author-nim.
Wish you the best.
asiananimelove #4
Absolutely adored this story!
Zico is cute!!!
Hahaha xD no, Kyung's not looking at Infinite the group :P
CarmenL #7
Chapter 10
When they say looking at the infinite not the group Infinite is it?XDDDDDD
I almost thought they were thereXDDDDDD
CarmenL #8
I'm only in chapter 2!!>W<
Zico you are so nice~~~ My fav song~<3
angelzico #9
I love your story :)
please update soon <3
Its great author-nim:) Wayy better than I expected:) i would definitely will predee a ty chapter so go for it:) Im really happy that you got soo many subbies:) chukahamnida!!!! Pm me if you run out of ideasand I'll give you some friendly tips:) Happy writing!!! And may the odds be ever in your favour:)