Thanks for lying

Did I or didn't I say?


Zico’s POV

The … was…

What the heck?  She kissed me!

I was completely stunned, I mean, she kissed me! When I was just resting my eyes for a bit!

I pretended to be asleep so she would still believe that I actually was, but I couldn’t avoid moving a little when she gave me that peck.


Her lips were so delicate and kissed mine so smoothly that I felt like, butterflies or something.

I’m starting to really like this girl…


I opened my eyes really slowly to see if she was awake or not. Luckily, she wasn’t, so I moved carefully to not wake her up and went to the living room. I had to talk to someone.

In the living room, I took my phone and dialed P.O’s number.






Your POV

I woke up and I didn’t see Zico there…

Where could he be?

So I stood up and looked for him in the entire house.

Finally, I found him talking by the phone with someone.


“Hey Zic-“

“Yeah… I know dude, but I’m troubled…”


I went very, very curious. So I hide myself and tried to hear the conversation.


“Of course I’m troubled… What if she finds out?... That I was hanging out with her to make MinJee jealous… Who? Oh come on JiHoon! I’m talking about _____~!... Yeah, yeah, right… Of course I was hanging with her because of that! I didn’t know her…”

At that point my tears were coming out like a freaking waterfall. I couldn’t keep listening so I ran to the bathroom and locked myself in it.

I squatted on the floor and cry like there was no end. It hurt me a lot…


How could you?

I thought we were true friends…

That you were with me because you liked to…

I guess I’m just so gullible.

I’ll never believe in you again, Woo Jiho.

I prefer to stop loving you.






Zico’s POV

The phone started to dial. My hands were shivering.

P.O answered the phone, Finally…

 “Heeey! How are ya Jiho-hyung?”

“Ugh dude, I’m really confused”

“Why, did something happen?”

“Yeah… You remember that I talked to you once about _____~?”

“Of course, she’s your friend, right?”

“Yeah… I know dude, but I’m troubled…”

“Troubled? Because of your I-don’t-know-what plan? Why would you be troubled?”

“Of course I’m troubled… What if she finds out?”

“Finds out what again? I don’t remember well what you told me”

“That I was hanging out with her to make MinJee jealous…”

“MinJee? Sorry, who are we talking about? MinJee or _____~?”

“Who? Oh come on JiHoon! I’m talking about _____~!”

“Oh! I get it know! So you were using _____~ to make MinJee jealous, right?”

“Yeah, yeah, right… Of course I was hanging with her because of that! I didn’t know her… I mean, at the beginning, nowadays we’re hanging out a lot. Now I’m confused because I think I’m falling for her”

“OAAAAH, Jiho-hyung! You’re a player hahaha. But why would you be troubled? Isn’t it good that she keeps MinJee out of your mind?”

“Yeah, I know… But I’m still worried that she finds out my firsts intentions. They weren’t really nice…”

“Why don’t you tell her? I think that, by what you’ve told me, she’ll believe you. What can you lose? You have charisma, so if she’s upset you’re the one that can make her happy, or I’m wrong? I mean… I don’t really know what I mean… But I guess you understood it, right?”

“Hahahaha, Yeah, I understood it JiHoon hahaha. Maybe you’re right, thanks maknae! I’ll kill some time while she’s asleep and when she wakes up I’ll talk to her”

“WOAH, so you’re with her! Lucky hyung!”

“You dork haha. Thanks you dude, I’ll see ya later”

“Bye bye hyuuuung~”

*Click* P.O hanged the phone and I did the same.


I went to _____~’s room to see if she was awake, but actually she wasn’t in the bed.

Where did she go?

I looked for here everywhere. Downstairs, upstairs, in the kitchen, the living-dining room, her bedroom, that little room with the desk… the only place left was the bathroom.

I approached to the bathroom and before I could knock, I was surprised to hear… sobs?


What happened?

*Knock Knock Knock*

“______~, are you OK?” I asked really worried.

She sobbed more for a while and then I heard it stop.

“Go away, Jiho!” she yelled.



“______~? W-Why? What did I do?”

“Just shut up and leave! I want you to leave my house right now!”


“Go away!”


I fell into a huge distress and walked slowly to the door. I opened it and stopped before go through it.

“The food… was delicious. Thanks a lot and… Sorry if I did something. Bye”

I closed the door and walked away, wishing to disappear.


Just when I’m starting to be happy again, this has to happen.

What did I…?

Some tears started to come out of my eyes and there was a knot in my throat.

Did love always hurt so much?






Thanks again, annlovespolly~

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Chapter 19: Ahhh i just read this story and its so good i wish it had more than just a special chapter! (sequal~) :c

Well anyways great story! :D
Park-HoSook #2
Chapter 19: this was really good it needs a sequel
do a sequel!!! like the life they have in the dorm, the fights and the good and AI times ;) ehehe le dirty fangirl xD i loved this story, my fav from all the zico's fanfics i've read :) it maked me love him even more <3 thank you for your hard work author-nim.
Wish you the best.
asiananimelove #4
Absolutely adored this story!
Zico is cute!!!
Hahaha xD no, Kyung's not looking at Infinite the group :P
CarmenL #7
Chapter 10
When they say looking at the infinite not the group Infinite is it?XDDDDDD
I almost thought they were thereXDDDDDD
CarmenL #8
I'm only in chapter 2!!>W<
Zico you are so nice~~~ My fav song~<3
angelzico #9
I love your story :)
please update soon <3
Its great author-nim:) Wayy better than I expected:) i would definitely will predee a ty chapter so go for it:) Im really happy that you got soo many subbies:) chukahamnida!!!! Pm me if you run out of ideasand I'll give you some friendly tips:) Happy writing!!! And may the odds be ever in your favour:)