Flip Cover

Love Loop


Seoul City,

13th May, 2012.

La Terazza Restaurant. 11:15AM,


Jaelyn was sitting at a table next to the pool, the restaurant was still empty since it wasn't lunch time yet. She was waiting for that "Choi Seung Hyun" guy- who was 15min late- to appear, she normally hates waiting even when it was Zico who would come late to a date or else for few minutes, she'd be already back to their appart until he comes ask for forgiveness. However, since told her it was a big fish in the sea, she decided to take on her and tolerate.

   She decided to have a coffee to fully wake up, even if she can't handle cafeine really well. She always have to go pee at least 10 times  after having one small cup of coffee, weird huh? 

   "Waiter!" She called a young man who was busy tidying the table clothes in avery slow motion and he was stealing glimpse at her from time to time, maybe he knew who she was. Few people knew her as Zico's girlfriend and they always act consciously in front of her like some kind of princess which bothers her. Zico always told her that fame isn't a good thing, that people who want to be famous don't know what they are risking and so he kept their relationship almost secret.

  The waiter went to her almost skipping, happy that she called him. "Yes, madame."



"One Americano please." Jaelyn ordered without leaving sight of the entrance.

"Anything else?" He asked as if to drag time while he turned his head to see what she is staring at.

"No thanks." She smiled finally looking at him.

He smiled and bowed but as soon as he walked 4 steps she called him again. "Excuse me! Where are the WC?"

"On the 2nd floor." 



In front of La Terrazza, 11:30AM


"Sajjangnim, don't you think we should go inside already?" Ailee tried to reason Seunghyun who was just sitting in the limo almost 40min ago. He arrived early but still decided to make Zico wait knowing that Zico was always punctual. Not that he wasn't punctual too but he wasn't going to change anything about how they treated each other even if it's for the sake of the acquisition.

He kept silent again, it was the 4th time she tried to reason him to no avail. But then he looked at the time and opened the door himself not waiting for the driver to do it, and Ailee followed behind him a briefcase and notepad in hand.

As he made he entered the restaurant, no one was there to him. He rang the little front desk bell and the same waiter showed up.

"Where is your manager?" Ailee asked while noticing the empty restaurant.

"2nd floor, in her office. Should I call her for you Miss?" He asked intimidated by the the two VIP-looking persons in front of him.

"Why would an employee show his manager where he should be when reservations are made! We are going to visit upstairs first!" Seunghyun told him a bit annoyed before making his way to the second floor followed by Ailee and the worried waiter.

"But Sir..." The waiter tried to reason him but no one was giving him any attention.

"The restaurant is completely empty. Do you think he booked the whole place?" Ailee inquired but Seunghyun didn't answer and it seems what she noticed had annoyed him more. If that was true then Zico was playing a power game with him and he disliked  the idea. Zico is nowhere to be equal to him. 

"Sir can you please wait..." The waiter was struggling to attract their attention.

Ailee turned to him with an indifferent face. "If you want to keep your job, get down there and do it properly." The waiter pondered for a second before doing what she ordered. Ailee then her steps and followed Seunghyun who didn't bother to wait for her.

   Jaelyn was looking at her appearance in the a glass window in the big hall and after looking at her watch she started questionning whether she should call Yuri and see if this was a prank, which she did but as soon as it rang once she cut the line wondering if Zico is going to pop out of nowhere with his over-exagerated gifts and wish her a happy birthday or maybe she can just call him and scold him for making her wait on her birthday that she is spending without him by her side. 

She started missing him already. "This idiot!" She cussed him smiling at her reflection.

  "Does checking your beauty enter in your job description? Or is that the only feature why you are still in your position?" 
  Jaelyn was startled and put a hand over to stop from screaming. She took a deep breath and looked at the person who adressed her with such rude words. 
 "Excuse me? What did you just tell me?" She retorted frowning.
 "Do you have hearing problems? Or were you too concentrating on your beauty than on your studies so that you'll be this dumb?" He said mokingly.
 "I think you got the wrong person, that's why i'm going to do like we didn't have this encounter." She spat angrily before trying to pass by him. 
 "Agasshi! I think you should mind your words and actions, do you know who are you adressing?" Ailee told her with her usual cold poker face.
 "No! i don't! .. But DO YOU?" Jaelyn raised her voice frustrated by what's happening. "Now excuse me, I have other important matters to handle."
 As she tried to by pass Seunghyun, he held her by her arm. "What more important matters do you have apart from serving your clients?"
"Clients? .. what the hell? Let go!!" She yelled trying to free herself. "Are you crazy? SECURITY!"
"Sajjangnim!" Ailee tried to reason him too. The waiters who were in the restaurant went up to see who is screaming, one security agent showed up too.
"What's going on in here?!!" A woman's voice echoed in the hall.
"Managernim..." The same worried waiter adressed the woman.
Seunghyun looked at the woman who seemed in her mid-thirties and back at the girl in his hold. "Managernim?" He asked confused.
"I said LET GO!" Jaelyn spat and pushed him off of her.
"Mr Choi? Miss Park?" The manager asked perplex.
"Mr Choi?!" Jaelyn repeated with big eyes before going back to her furious self. "Do you mean THIS man with no manners is supposed to be Choi Seunghyun?" She said looking down on him.
"I'm sorry but who are you?" He asked her for the first time.
"I'm the person who are supposed to be meeting! but after this unpleasant encounter, i think i have nothing more to talk about with you." She told him coldly while crossing her arms
"Miss Park! Please calm down." She tried to soothe her. "Mr Choi, Miss Park is Mr Woo's fiancé." She enlightened Seunghyun who happened to finally notice that her style and appearance isn't one of a manager. How could he do such a mistake? She was very attractive to be working this type of jobs. How did he never knew about her? Which Park family was she from? 
"You should really re-select your clients if you care about your brand image!" Jaelyn warned the manager before pushing Ailee and everyone out of her way and heading downstairs. 
As she was next to the pool, his firm hand caught her arm again but more grently this time and once he saw her glaring at his hand, he let go of her again.
"Miss Park, I'm sorry for the incident earlier..."
"What's done is done!" She cut him firm on her decision but he stood in front of her blocking her way.
"I'm begging you, we can drop the meeting purpose if you wish but at least accept to have lunch with me as a proof of my sincere apology." He pleaded with her, looking at her brown beautiful orbs with his signature heartwavering stare while she was deliberated if she should accept or not. 
Yuri told her that he was an important client but Zico would never want her to let anyone treat her like that.
End of Flashback

Seoul City,

27th May, 2012.

10AM, Gangnam... Back to Zico's Bedroom...


Jaelyn was still in Zico's embrace while she told him her version of the story. A light breeze blowed and she shivered as they were still topless. He moved his hands from her hips to her arms and created friction to warm her.

"Then i was scared to screw your business and since i don't know much i accepted to have lunch with him, hence the pictures you received. You can ask the manager or anyone who works there if you want." She suggested as he was still frowning and avoiding her eyes, which he does each time he was unsure what to do.

"Zico, i swear it's the truth. We can go right now..." She said standing up but he held her in place.

"I already went there because i didn't want to believe what they said about you. The manager went overseas and the employees said nothing unsual happened that day. And about the Spa, Noona said that you called her later to cancel because we had a change of plan together."

Jaelyn's listened to what he said astonished. "She really is careful with details." She whispered but it was enough for him to hear. 

"Why would she do that? She has Hyung he'll give her all she wants." He asked still not sure whom to trust. "What about the other things Jaelyn? How did the contract be in his hands, you were the only one who went to the company and he met that day and the pictures of you holding hands, and the money in the suitcase he had we found in your house and mother's headdress, the plane tickets?" He sighed and pushed her slowly off of him to sit down on the edge of the bed holding his head in his hands. "Noona can't plan all of this! Do you want me to believe that?" He stated. "As much as I love you but ..." His words trailed when she back-hugged him.
"And do you think I can do all of that? How can I betray you baby? don't you trust me?" She pleaded a bit hurt by his doubts.
When he didn't answer her, she snuggled in the comforter her head hung low and decided to continue with the story.
"All we did was eat in silence as you know i don't talk when i'm pissed, he apologized many times and then he gave me his suitcase and told me to not open it and give it directly to you when i'll see you. suddenly, the restaurant staff appeared wishing me a happy birthday with a cake and all. That Seunghyun guy was surprised as well and wished me a happy birthday asking me to forget about what happened on that day and start a new so i agreed through the handshake that looks like we are holding hands. Moments later, he excused himself as he had work and told me to tell you that he will contact you soon after you receive the suitcase and that's it, i didn't see him afterward." She continued.
"Zico I didn't cheat on you, i wouldn't do that to you or to me! In these two years i spent having only you in my heart, how can you believe i can let go of what we have... Baby I don't even know him.." She was helplessly trying to defend herself.
"... What did you do then after that?" He asked her not wanting to listen more to her hurt self.
"Later I received a message from Yuri asking me to come meet Ommoni at the Manor, she asked me to take the headdress to the jewelery store since Junhyung oppa forgot to take it in the morning and so i did. After that, it was time for me to go see Haraboji in the company and at the smae time i wanted to see whether you'll be there so i can give you the suitcase but you weren't. After spending some time with Haraboji, Yuri sent me a message asking me to go to a beauty shop where i will be pampered and to head directly to my previous appartment..."
"How did she know about your apartment?" He questioned. It was there secret place together but they didn't go there since they announced their relationship to the family.
"I found it weird in the beginning but then that was where we met, so i went there again it was around 7PM, I expected to find you there but you weren't again. All i found was a 2 tickets for Phuket the same night at 10PM so i was going to call because if we wanted to go, you were late so i worried whether something happened to you when someone knocked on the door. When i opened, i found  the dress in a clothing cover and a box with Ommoni's headdress with a note with your writing:
Today you'll be the most beautiful girl in the world
so that you can receive the heart of the most awesome man on earth.
Can't wait to see you later,
love you and Happy birthday.
Jaelyn smiled to herself remembering his words and the butterflies she felt inside. Those feelings seemed like a dream to her right now. Zico seeing her daydreaming turned to face her and another breeze blew so he grabbed his shirt and hinted her to wear it. Jaelyn looked at him thankful. 
"Don't want you to catch a cold you look sick enough." He told her failing in hiding his worried face, she might look awful.
Jaelyn took the shirt and wore it still explaining the events on that day. "So i wore the dress and the headdress thinking they were your gifts and waited for the next call but it never came until you appeared in the bedroom and you started accusing me of things ... and i didn't know what to say... i was shocked by all the things you spat at me." 
Tears started forming in her eyes and her voice cracked a bit. "I never felt so heartbroken before..." and just remembering those hurtful memories her cries were uncontrollable.
Zico held her in his arms, his heart softening seeying her so hurt and lonely. He was the one and only in her life, she had nobody but him and now that he turned his back to her, he knew she was probably lost and insecure. they stayed like that for about 10minutes before her cries died and he wipped away her tears while looking deep into her eyes.
"Then why didn't you say anything at that time? Why did you hide? You just disappeared making your case worse." He asked. " I was angry but i would have listened to you at the end, instead of leaving me like that. If all you said is true, then you just helped Noona in her plans. Where did you go?" 
She stared at him feeling so small and stupid for running away but she was scared of him, of all they accused her of.
"Babe, Why?"
To Be Continued
HERE IT IS LADIES AND GENTS AFTER A LONG HIATUS, I'm BAAACCKK!! ^^ sorry for typos i didn't edit yet.. Hope you still like the story .. More TOP in da house <3 My eternal lover !! and others are coming soon So stick around for updates!! Don't hate on me because of Yuri hahaha each FF needs an evil character!!! 


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update soon
Chapter 10: waaaa twin updated!!!
3la slmatna
khansaa10 #3
Chapter 9: derrni rassiiiiiii!! gooood job!! ;)
Chapter 9: READ ENJOY I'm commenting~~ twiiin love uuu
1001_nights #5
Yeeeeeeey! Mchate tekra :D
khansaa10 #6
Chapter 8: LLAH IRDI 3LIIIIIIIK!!! hadi hya l fanfic wella fala :D wa yallaaaah! i'm waiting for updaaaaaates!! :D
1001_nights #7
Chapter 7: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!
Jaelyn-aaaa Update Update Please!!! ^^
I'm smiling like a dumbie Now :D
1001_nights #8
Chapter 1: I have to read everythinf again to remember...but its a pleasuuuuure ! Yey i'm excited :D
Moumouw #9
WarriorBunny #10