Meeting More Boys

SHINee World vs. EXO Planet

Later, after a long conversation with Jonghyun and Onew, ______ headed back to her new home. She strolled down the streets of the markets when suddenly someone called, “Hey, ______!”

______ turned around, pulling off one of her earplugs. She saw Changmin waving at her, walking with three unfamiliar guys. She smiled to Changmin as he and the other three guys walked up to her.

“Hey Changmin.”

“Hey,” he grinned. “Where you headed?”

“To the dorm,” ______ said, pointing in the direction.

“Already? Don’t you get bored there?” Changmin asked. ______ shrugged.

“It’s not like I have anything to do around the town anyway,” ______ responded.

“Hey, why don’t you have dinner with us?” Changmin said, gesturing to the other three guys.

“Oh, um, I don’t want to intrude—”

“No, it’s fine,” one of the other guys answered. ______ looked at him and he had a smile on. “I’m Suho, by the way.”

“I’m Luhan,” said another guy. He had big round eyes and looked like a young kid to ______.

“And I’m Sehun,” the other guy said. ______ politely smiled to them before looking back at Changmin.

“So what do you say?” Changmin asked. ______ looked unsurely at the other guys.

“Hey, we don’t bite,” Suho chuckled. ______ smiled at his joke.

“… Sure, I guess.”

So after a long argument between Sehun and Luhan about where they should eat, the two finally decided on a Chinese restaurant.

Sehun and Luhan, the two boys that were now joking around with each other, sat on one side while ______ sat between Suho and Changmin.

After ordering, Suho turned to ______.

“So you’re a senior this year, right?”

______ nodded. “Are you guys seniors too?”

“Yeah, final year!” Sehun said, holding up a hand to Luhan, who slapped it without neither of them even looking at one another.

“Are you in EXO-K or EXO-M?” asked Suho.

“EXO-K,” ______ and Changmin answered.

“She lives in my dorm,” Changmin explained.

“What??” Sehun gaped at Changmin. “She lives in your dorm, hyung?? Isn’t that against the rules?? A guy and a girl can’t dorm together because what if they… you know, do stuff??”

“Aish, this kid,” Luhan said, hitting Sehun in the back of the head. ______ held back a giggle as Sehun shouted at Luhan, “Ow! What, hyung??”

“Not that way, you idiot,” Luhan scolded. “Don’t you remember that Changmin hyung is in charge of Cassiopeia Dorm?”

“Yeah, so??” Sehun asked before realization hit him. “OH!! You’re staying in hyung’s dorm, Cassiopeia!”

Changmin rolled his eyes as ______ laughed.

“Yeah, I live in Cassiopeia dorm. Why, are you guys in EXO-K or EXO-M?”

“I’m from EXO-M, but these two are from EXO-K,” Luhan answered, pointing to Sehun and Suho.

“Oh, so that means we’ll have class together, right?” ______ said, relieved to know at least two more people other than that jerk.

“Unfortunately for you,” Luhan said. He leaned into ______. “Suho’s okay, but Sehun can get on your nerves. He’ll—”

“Hey! I can hear you,” Sehun said, pointing at Luhan. Luhan gave him an innocent smile.

“Oh, Sehun, I was just telling her about your good qualities,” Luhan said, patting his head.

“Sure, hyung,” Sehun said sarcastically.

“Wait… hyung?” ______ asked, surprised.

“Yeah; hyung. Even though Luhan here looks like a kid, he’s actually older than me,” Sehun said.

“And me,” Suho added.

“Okay, we get it, I’m old,” Luhan said, brushing away the topic. “Anyways, ______, where’d you transfer from?”

“I came from across the country,” ______ explained.

“What city?” asked Suho.

“The city of Shawol.”

“Ah, so you’re a Shawol citizen,” Sehun exclaimed.

“Well, yeah, but I wasn’t born there,” ______ said. Changmin’s eyebrows narrowed in confusion.

“You… weren’t?” asked Changmin. ______ shook her head.

“No. I don’t exactly know where I was born since I was adopted,” ______ explained. Changmin stared at her more.

“The food has arrived!” Sehun suddenly cheered as he noticed the waiter coming with their food. As everyone happily took their food from the waiter, Changmin sat in deep thoughts. He looked at ______, who was now laughing at something Suho had said.

*Could it really be her…?*



Boring chapter...

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 75: Omg okay so when I first read this, I already liked the story because I liked the relationship the MC had with SHINee. BUT THEN. Her relationship with exo made it even better! Like at one point I even asked myself, shoot who is she going to end up with!? I had to skip to the last chapter to see if it was my ultimate bias (Taeminnie <3) But this story is probably one of the few that start with Taemin and the MC as best friends or has this sort of bubbly warm relationship and I really appreciate that :) Through this, you can feel the development that each character goes through, instead of immediately being with the character. I also liked the fact that the story wasn't rushed aha :D Like the way you wrote the story got me very attached to the characters. I almost cried for Kai ;-; My exo baby. But just the format, plot and writing of this story. I reallt enjoyed it so much :) Thanks and koodos to you, author-ssi ahaha <3 Can't wait to read more of your work; secretly hoping you write more ehe. Hwaiting~~~ <3
Altariamelody #2
Chapter 9: Gosh, this chapter is so sad, i hate separation :((
Chapter 74: Awwwww i love it this story <3 but I'm sad for the kai :( it's ok !!! i like ~*
juch50 #4
Chapter 75: I loved it and since i love song ji hyo i put her name in and it was the best. Meesage me when you make another one.
juch50 #5
Chapter 75: I love this make sure you write another one like this
Sakura_24 #6
Chapter 75: Awesome!story!
bluegirl04 #7
Chapter 25: Wah, I really miss Kris with this story :3
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 69: what is oppa loompa???can somebody tell so curious right now..