They're Finally Back

SHINee World vs. EXO Planet

NOTE: Um, thanks for the comment, guys, but I just want to point out that if some of you think the story is "ruined" because of my ideas or think the story is "unrealistic," you don't have to keep reading. It's not like I'm forcing you to read this.

Obviously, this is called a fan-FICTION for a reason, so no need to be realistic.

And please don't tell me how to write. It's my story and I will write it the way I want.

I'm not trying to be mean (and you probably weren't even trying to be intentionally rude), but I SPECIFICALLY said at the beginning of the story for you readers to not judge my writing. I also asked you to keep negative comments to yourself.

Again, not trying to be rude or mean; I appreciate the comments, but please keep in mind to keep negative comments to yourself.


- Always_a_Shawol





“Stupid boys. Keep me locked up in here,” ______ muttered. She was flipping through the channels on TV and was practically jabbing each button on the remote.

Earlier, she had received a phone call from her parents. She was about to complain to them when they told ______ that they had talked to Taemin’s parents about SHINee and EXO. Then Taemin’s parents had offered them to sleep at Taemin’s house while ______, SHINee, and EXO stayed at ______’s house. At first, ______’s parents were unsure of the idea, especially at the fact that she'd be alone with 17 other guys. But Taemin’s parents convinced them that ______ and the boys needed to catch up together and that, in EXO and SHINee’s case, needed to make new friends. So, since ______’s parents trusted Minho in taking care of ______ and the house, they agreed to stay with Taemin’s parents until the break was over (though they would continually visit and check-up on them throughout the break).

So since ______’s parents had been telling her that they were basically going to leave her alone in a house with 17 boys, ______ forgot all about complaining to her parents about the boys ditching her and leaving her alone in the house.

______ glanced at the clock. It was almost eight. Where the heck were they?

Suddenly, ______ heard the door open and faint sounds of laughter were brought to her ear. Slightly confused and a little surprised, ______ got off the couch and peered at the door entrance.

Sure enough, there all the boys were—laughing and smiling with one another. The sight puzzled her even more.

Did they seriously bond just because of that one situation of getting to have revenge on ______? Although ______ liked that they were finally getting along, she didn’t like how she had brought them together to go against her.

Then, putting on a stern face with dark eyes, ______ approached the boys. As they noticed her, their laughter and smiles faded, taking in her dark expression.

“Hey, ______,” the boys chorused together. ______ just glared at them. Did they really expect her to be smiling back at them right now? After they all just ditched her??

“Don’t ‘hey’ me. What took you guys so long??” ______ complained, crossing her arms. The guys all warily glanced at one another. Obviously, they couldn’t tell her they had been out shopping for her Christmas present.

“What? Oh, jeez,” ______ groaned. “Don’t tell me you guys went to go do something stupid.”

The guys didn’t answer. ______ sighed. “All right, what was it? Did you guys go kill someone or something? Did you go do drugs or get high?”

The boys stared at ______ strangely.

“No? Did you…” Suddenly, ______ gasped. “Don’t tell me… you guys went to a strip club??”

The guys only looked at ______ even more strangely.

Taemin was the first to ask. “______, what the heck—”

“Sorry, I was watching all these CSI and Law & Order shows today,” ______ waved off, rubbing her eyes. She normally liked those shows, but today, there had been too much of those shows. She was literally feeling like some detective in a murder case.

The fact that the boys had done a “jury trial” earlier today didn’t help.

“Anyways, where did you guys go?” asked ______.

At once, all the boys glanced at one another again. “Uh…”

“Oh, come on, don’t tell me one of my guesses was actually right.”

“We, uh—”

“Went to Taemin’s house,” Kai interrupted Onew. At Kai’s response, all the boys nodded in agreement.

“Yeah, we went there,” Xiumin nodded.

______ arched an eyebrow. “Really?”

“Yeah,” all the boys chorused together.

“Then did you see mom and dad?” ______ asked. They stared at her, puzzled.


“Mom and dad were over at Taemin’s house,” ______ said, as if it were obvious.

“Huh? Oh. Oh! Yeah, we saw them. We saw, um, mom and dad, yeah,” Minho said, smiling awkwardly to her. ______ stared at them suspiciously.

“Yeah, and we even saw Taemin’s twin,” Chanyeol jumped in. Taemin and Kai immediately turned to him, wide-eyed.

“Really?” ______ said, a smile suddenly forming on her face.

“Yeah, she was sooo pretty,” Sehun added. Taemin, groaning, slapped his face into his hands while Kai closed his eyes in defeat. Now, ______ definitely knew they were lying.

“Twin?” Onew, Jonghyun, Key, and Minho turned to stare at Taemin. Taemin, sighing, waved a hand at them.

“I’ll tell you guys later,” Taemin mumbled to SHINee. Laughing a little, ______ turned to EXO.

“So, she was really pretty, huh?” ______ asked.

“Yeah, she’s even more prettier than her picture,” Lay jumped in as Tao nodded in agreement. Enjoying Taemin’s flaming red cheeks, ______ laughed more.

“Really? Tell me, how pretty was she?”

Trying to remember the picture, D.O. said, “Well, her eyes were—”

“Okay, that’s enough!” Taemin shouted loudly. “Hungry, anyone?”

Chuckling, ______ followed Taemin to the fridge as everyone else started talking amongst themselves.

“I seriously need to talk to them about that,” Taemin muttered to himself as he searched through the fridge. ______, crossing her arms, smiled at him as she stared at him from the side.

“So tell me, oh so pretty one, where’d you guys really go?” ______ asked, smiling. Taemin just scowled at her in return, causing her to laugh again.

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 75: Omg okay so when I first read this, I already liked the story because I liked the relationship the MC had with SHINee. BUT THEN. Her relationship with exo made it even better! Like at one point I even asked myself, shoot who is she going to end up with!? I had to skip to the last chapter to see if it was my ultimate bias (Taeminnie <3) But this story is probably one of the few that start with Taemin and the MC as best friends or has this sort of bubbly warm relationship and I really appreciate that :) Through this, you can feel the development that each character goes through, instead of immediately being with the character. I also liked the fact that the story wasn't rushed aha :D Like the way you wrote the story got me very attached to the characters. I almost cried for Kai ;-; My exo baby. But just the format, plot and writing of this story. I reallt enjoyed it so much :) Thanks and koodos to you, author-ssi ahaha <3 Can't wait to read more of your work; secretly hoping you write more ehe. Hwaiting~~~ <3
Altariamelody #2
Chapter 9: Gosh, this chapter is so sad, i hate separation :((
Chapter 74: Awwwww i love it this story <3 but I'm sad for the kai :( it's ok !!! i like ~*
juch50 #4
Chapter 75: I loved it and since i love song ji hyo i put her name in and it was the best. Meesage me when you make another one.
juch50 #5
Chapter 75: I love this make sure you write another one like this
Sakura_24 #6
Chapter 75: Awesome!story!
bluegirl04 #7
Chapter 25: Wah, I really miss Kris with this story :3
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 69: what is oppa loompa???can somebody tell so curious right now..