The First Day I Met Her

My heart only wants u

“Hey bro. What’s up?” Jung Shin came to Min Hyuk,  Jong Hyun and Yong Hwa.

“Writing a new song” Yong Hwa concentrates on his music sheet.

“Finishing my homework” Min Hyuk didn’t bother him.

“And what are u doing?” Jung Shin saw Jong Hyun sitting down doing nothing so he sat next to Jong Hyun.

“Apparently nothing. Its so boring and so early in the morning. No hot girls. Only Yuri, Yoona and Sooyoung. And some boring nerd girls.” Jong Hyun stares at the blackboard.

“Well, whatever” Jung Shin puts his bag and walks out of the class.

“Hey, I heard there is a new kid” Yuri talks to Sooyoung.

“Jinjja? I wish to make friend with. But if she is a nerd, she can join the nerd team” Yoona is the popular kind.

“Come on Yoonnie, don’t be like this all the time. Lets turn her popular” Sooyoung sits down.

Soon, the class starts to fill up with students and the school bell rang. The teacher came in with a new student that Yuri was talking about.

“Class, we have a new student today, introduce urself dear” the teacher sits and look and her.

“Hi. I am Seo Ju Hyun. I would love to be friend with u” JuHyun introduce herself and Yong Hwa starts to drool over her.

“Dude, are u drooling over her?” Min Hyuk saw Yong Hwa’s action.

“Ok u may sit nest to Yuri, JuHyun” the teacher points at Yuri and Yuri raise her hand.

“What? She’s hot.” Yong Hwa continues to look at JuHyun.

“Ok,  Let’s start” the teacher starts to teach.

“Hi, I’m Kwon Yuri. Nice to meet u.” Yuri starts the conversation.

“Nice to meet u too.” JuHyun smiled and continues to study.

“Man I wish to meet her.” Yong Hwa goes all dreamy.

“Whatever, u better start taking notes” Min Hyuk ignores him and start taking notes.

“Yong Hwa, I don’t see ur notes. Stand up” the teacher saw Yong Hwa not taking notes.               

“Yes” Yong Hwa stands up and the whole class looks at him, even JuHyun.

“Explain urself” the teacher sits.

“I’m sorry.” Yong Hwa feels shy when he saw JuHyun giggles.

“I want to see u get an A on the test then ur apology is accepted. Class dismiss” the teacher says it as the bell rings.

After few classes, its recces time. Everyone walks out. JuHyun and SNSD approach Yong Hwa.

“Hahaha, u gotta get an A” SooYoung teases him.

“Whatever SooYoung” Yong Hwa stands up.

“What’s wrong about getting a good grade? I think its good. I’ll help u” JuHyun smiles sweetly at Yong Hwa making him like her more.

“U’re kind. Hi, I’m Min Hyuk” Min Hyuk shakes hand with her and Yong Hwa gave him a death glare.

“What?” Min Hyuk goes all innocent.

“Nothing” Yong Hwa takes his bag.

“Come on guys”  Jung Shin left the class followed by everyone else.

When they arrived at the school café, SNSD, CN BLUE, and SuJu sits together. Yuri asked JuHyun to join them.

“Wow, that’s a big table” JuHyun saw SNSD’s special table.

“Ya, it’s our special table. Join us” Yuri pulls JuHyun.

“I’m not sure” JuHyun pulls her back.

“Relax JuHyun” Yuri pulls her and she walks slowly to the table.

“I see we have an extra person” TaeYeon saw JuHyun.

“May I join?” JuHyun asks politely.

“Sure” Fany gave her an eye smile.

“What ur name sweetie?” Hyoyeon asked her.

“I’m Seo Ju Hyun” JuHyun smiled.

“So, we’ll call u JuHyun?” Sica wants to confirm.

“Yes” JuHyun smiled.

“Well, welcome to SNSD. “SooYoung welcomed her.

“Thank you” JuHyun eats her lunch.

“Look at the kid. She’s new and she is already part of the famous SNSD” they brag about JuHyun and gave her a glare.

“What’s with them?” JuHyun starts the worry.

“Relax, they’re just envy that u are part of us now and ur new while they tries a lot of things to be a SNSD member” YoonA explains everything.

“Is that a bad thing? Will I be safe?” JuHyun starts to think negative.

“Relax, no one dares to hurt a SNSD member. Would u like to stay with us?” Yuri got exicted.

“Well, I moved here cause my mom and father died in a tragic accident and I will have to stop school for a few months cause my salary can’t afford me to stay in school all the time. My aunt registered me and I’m allowed to study here without parent permission. My aunt is poor too so I have to live on my own” JuHyun cries a little.

“That’s sad. U are more than welcome to stay with us. We can make u into a celebrity like us.”Sooyoung wipes her tears.

“I’m not sure. I have no talent and I’ll be troubling u guys” JuHyun feels shy.

“JuHyun, please, now we are friends and friend are suppose to help each other.” TaeYeon looks at her.

“Ya JuHyun, stay with us” Fany looks at her too.

“Will it be ok?” JuHyun is not sure.

“It will be. We will help u move later after school” Sunny does her aegyo.

“Ok” JuHyun feels like she troubled them.

After recess, all of them went into class and study. After school, they all meet up at the park. CN BLUE played their guitar.

 “Ok, what song first?” Yong Hwa grabs his guitar.

“S.E.O.U.L song” TaeYeon jumps.

SNSD and SuJu performed S.E.O.U.L song.

“Wow, u guys sure have a lot of talent” JuHyun clapped her hand.

“U should sing” Sunny suggested.

“What? No” JuHyun refused.

“Come on, sing.” Yuri sits beside her.

“What song?” JuHyun gave up.

“Try 4 Minute-What A Girl Wants” Fany scrolls her Ipod.

Yong Hwa plays What A Girl Wants and JuHyun sang it sweetly. Yong Hwa fell in love with her sweet voice.

“OMG JuHyun, that was beautiful”SooYoung went to her.

“I sounded like a frog” JuHyun insulted herself.

“JuHyun u should totally join SNSD. U are perfect” TaeYeon was amazed.

“aniya…” JuHyun refused.

“Come on, don’t waste ur talent” Sunny does her cute cute aegyo.

“Will it be ok?” JuHyun is not that sure.

Yong Hwa P.O.V.

“Wow, she’s beautiful, a good singer, an intelligent girl and also very kind. I really wish she would be my girlfriend” Yong Hwa said it in his heart.

“Of course it will be ok” Min Hyuk cuts in.

End of P.O.V.

“Ok, I’ll join” JuHYun smiles.

“Yay” Everyone there shouts happily.

Soon, their car was here. CN BLUE and SuJu live as nest to SNSD. When they arrived home, TaeYeon asked the manager about JuHyun’s talent. The manager agrees to add JuHyun into SNSD.

“JuHyun,  our manager agrees to add u as one of the SNSD member!” TaeYeon runs and hug JuHyun

“Omo, jjinja?” JuHYun was so shocked.

“Yay, u are going to debut Gee with us. YAY!” Sooyoung shout and all the girls screamed.

“Omg, I can’t believe it.” JuHyun jumps with them too..

“Let’s celebrate it” Hyoyeon went and and call a restaurant to reserve.

“Aniya. It’s troubling” JuHyun refuses.

“Relax, go dress up” Sica pats her back.

“I don’t’ have any clothes except for my uniform, a normal tee, and a pair of jeans.” JuHyun got worried.

“Relax, since u have the same size as Yuri, u can borrow her clothes first” Sooyoung pushes Yuri next to her.

“Ya. U can borrow my clothes first” Yuri pulls JuHyun to her room.

“I’ll call CNBLUE and SuJu” Sunny grabs the phone.

All of them dress up. They all meet up at a restaurant. 

“Congratulation to Seo Ju Hyun as the 9th member of SNSD. Cheers” TaeYeon says it and everyone stands up to cheer.

“Kamsahamida” JuHyun bows and thank the manager.

“Come lets eat” Siwon smiled..

All of them eats happily, especially Yong Hwa and JuHyun.

 “I can’t believe she’ll be so close to me now. I just wish she knows how I feel” Yong Hwa smiles to himself.

“So JuHyun, how do feel of being a part of SNSD?” the manager asked.

“I feel happy knowing that I’ll be staying with 8 sisters who is kind.” JuHyun smiles sweetly.

“We will take good care of u and now u are the maknae of this group. Sunny is the aegyo queen so if u get tired of her, just ignore it. Hehehe” TaeYeon teases Sunny.

“I’m not liking this” Sunny looked at TaeYeon…

“I’m working tomorrow” JuHyun remembers her working place.

“Where do u work?” SooYoung swallows her cake.

“Coffee Café. Please don’t ask me to quit, I love to work there. In fact, I wish to open my own bakery” JuHyun smiles.

“We won’t but sometimes u need to attend training and ur work must be set aside” the manager explains to her.

“I don’t dare to reason with my boss. Can u do it for me?” JuHYun is scare that she will get fired.

“Relax, we will do it for u” the manager drinks his beer.

“Ok, thank you so much” JuHYun thanks the manager, SNSD, CN BLUE and SuJu.

All of them went back home. JuHyun and Yuri sleeps together. Yuri and JuHyun became bestfriends since they wear the same size and have alot in common.


MianHae if this chapter is long.


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