Perfect For One Of Us

My Infinite Life

*Mina’s POV*

After stopping at some little shops and getting a bite to eat, we headed over to the small amusement park.

“Bumper cars!” Sungyeol cried, running over to the small building.

“He’s such a child,” I smiled while Myungsoo and I laughed together. When we entered the park a little while ago, he had made a swift move, slipping his fingers between mine. Our hands hadn’t come apart since then.

“What do you say we slip away while he plays with the cars?” he smiled.

“Is it safe to leave the choding unsupervised?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Just this once will be fine,” he laughed and pulled me away with him.

“So where are we going?” I asked as we swung our hands.

“Mmmm, there’s probably a nice view from the Ferris wheel.”

I bit my bottom lip to hide the smile creeping across my face. This guy sure knew every move in the book.

“But it might be chilly up there,” I pouted. “I only have a spaghetti strap dress on.”

“Here,” he slipped off his hoodie and handed it to me. “You can wear this.”

“But won’t you get cold?” I asked while slipping on the hoodie.

“Nah, I’ll be fine,” he smiled.

The line wasn’t too long, and soon enough we were in a caged-in cart rounding the top of the Ferris wheel. They were still loading down beneath us, so we had a while before the ride would start again.

“Are you sure you’re not cold?” I prodded.

“Well, maybe a little. It would probably help if you came over here and sat next to me. We can keep each other warm with our body heat.”

He’s just too good at this. I smiled to myself and slipped over next to him. He put an arm around my shoulders, holding me close.

“Better?” I asked, swinging my legs up onto the bench beside me.

“Much,” he smiled.

I leaned my head against him and snuggled into the hoodie. It smelled of his wonderful cologne. I closed my eyes, relaxing in his comforting fortress.

“It sure is beautiful up here,” I sighed, opening my eyes again to take in the view.

“It sure is,” he smiled, looking down at me. “Mina, can I tell you something?”

“Of course oppa,” I replied in a cute, casual way while playing with the drawstrings on the hoodie.

“Well, there was another reason why I was considering dumping Jinae.”


“Yeah, I um, kinda just didn’t have feelings for her anymore; you know?” he stopped and started fidgeting nervously.

“I’m listening,” I smiled, sitting up and looking directly into his eyes. They were so beautiful with the moonlight reflecting off of them.  

“I um, have feelings for someone else.”

“Really? Who?”

“Do I even have to answer that?” he laughed. “Just come here already.”

He brought his lips to mine and I closed my eyes, kissing him back, enveloped in his warmth. Finally. Finally, things were how I dreamt they’d be. I was sharing a kiss with Myungsoo of Infinite in a beautifully romantic setting. Thank you little fairy girl thing.

“I really like you,” Myungsoo whispered, pulling away just enough to slip out the words.

“I really like you too,” I whispered back, going back in for another kiss.

By this time the Ferris wheel was moving again. However I barely noticed because I was so caught up in the moment. When we broke apart again we leaned our foreheads against each others with smiles on our faces. I bit my bottom and looked down, with a giggle. He let out a small laugh as well before pulling back to kiss me on the forehead.

“If this is a dream, I never want to wake up,” he said softly while tucking my hair behind my ear.

“Then let’s not,” I smiled, putting a hand to his face.

The ride finally began to slow as we neared the bottom, indicating that we would be getting off. When the door to our cart was opened, Myungsoo slipped out first so he could help me off the ride. Even after, he didn’t let go of my hand. 

“There you guys are!” Sungyeol exclaimed, clumsily hurrying toward us. “I thought you- woah… what happened? Why are you two smiling like that? You look like two complete pabos!”

I smiled up at Myungsoo who smiled back at me happily.

“Whaaaaat?” Sungyeol whined.

“I guess we’re kind of together now, huh?” Myungsoo said, still looking right at me.

“I guess so,” I laughed.

“Gah, I can’t even leave you kids alone for five minutes!” Sungyeol grimaced, glancing down at our intertwined fingers. “And knock that off!” He slapped them apart. “It’s creeping me out.”

“Don’t worry hyung; you’ll find a girl someday,” Myungsoo laughed.

“Aish, I don’t need a giiiirl,” he complained, rolling his eyes. “Come on, we should get going now. It’s getting late.”

“Sungyeol’s right,” Myungsoo turned to me. “Do you want me to walk you home?”

“You live on the other side of town silly!” I exclaimed and he frowned a little. “Don’t worry; Sungyeol will make sure I get home safely,” I smiled.

“Unless we get attacked by a pack of werewolves,” Sungyeol spoke up. “Then you’re on your own.”

“Gosh, when will you ever learn that there are no such things as werewolves?” Myungsoo sighed.

“There are! Twilight is reeeeal!”

“This boy,” Myungsoo chuckled and looked back at me. “Be safe okay? I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I -,”

He surprised me by cutting me off with a heart melting kiss.

“…will,” I finished in a whisper, making him smile.

“Goodbyeeeee,” Sungyeol motioned for Myungsoo to leave.

“Good night,” Myungsoo waved.

“Night!” I waved back.


“Your welcome,” Sungyeol uttered after a long, awkward silence.

“What? Oh! Oh Sungyeol, thank you so much for hooking us up! You’re the best!” I exclaimed, throwing my arms around him. I had been so caught up in my thoughts of Myungsoo that I had totally forgotten all that my friend had done for me.

“Yeah, yeah,” he pushed me off of him. “You two sure got friendly fast.”

“It was fate! I finally got everything I wished for! It’s like a dream come true!”

“Well I’m glad you’re happy,” he mumbled as we walked down the sidewalk.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I asked in annoyance.

“What? I just said I was happy for you is all,” he said in a strained voice.

“You don’t seem happy,” I pouted.

“Oh so you run me now?”

“What has gotten into you?”

“You really are conceded Mina!” he snapped. “You have everything you’ve ever wanted, and what do the rest of us have? You stole our lives; everything we worked for! But you don’t even care. As long as the princess is happy.”

“And when did you get all sensitive about it?! You’re the one that paired me up with Myungsoo. You even said you liked this life because you had me as a friend!” I retorted.

“That was before I knew how stuck up you were!”

“Just… ugh!” I gave him a shove and stomped ahead. “Don’t follow me!”

“I live next door to you!”

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SHINeeOnew27's new username is now Woobear27!!!^^


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Chapter 19: HOOO MY GOD
GOSH, idk with my brain but what hoya said to sungyeol really touched me and made me love infinite more..

I'm so weird and emo gosh.
well, anyways I LOVE the story!
Chapter 13: omfg im exactly like her when I fangirl
I love this so much.
Chapter 5: omg this story explains what's inside my fangirl mind! WOW.
Gotta love this.
Chocolatemushrooms #5
This was an amazing story :)
Chapter 19: :') this is such a great story! xD I knew she'd end up with Sungyeol <3 and HAHAH xD hoya remembered!
hiheymondays #7
Chapter 19: This is an amazing story. :) I love the pace of the story. Well written! I read it all in one go. So Hoya is the only one who remembered them? Keep writing great fics! Fighting!
Chapter 19: Okay not gonna lie, I teared up slightly when Myungsoo had a go at her (': BUT SUNGYEOL-AH <3
Chapter 20: where's the link? O_O
Chapter 20: Aww! This story is just too sweet! Pls make a sequel! her brother is so awesome! =D