So Which One's My Real Life?

My Infinite Life

*Mina’s POV*

“Well?” I looked to the doctor with baited breath.

“This is a very strange case of amnesia. I’ve never seen it before,” the doctor scratched the top of his head.

“So she does have memory loss?” My mom gasped, holding tight to my father as he embraced her.

“Well that’s just it. She remembers things like family, phone numbers, her school and so on, but she doesn’t remember anything about her social life,” the doctor replied.

“What social life?” I laughed, but all I got was a weak smile from Sungyeol.

“Do you remember your fifth birthday sweetheart?” My mother asked nearly in tears.

“Of course umma. It was our first year here in America. You let me have it at the water park because I was so sad about moving.”

“Do you remember who was there?” the doctor prodded.

“It was just us four; umma, appa, Kyubok and me,” I concluded, causing everyone’s little bit of hope to come crashing down.

“You don’t remember me being there?” Sungyeol asked in disappointment. “I convinced you to go on your first waterslide.”

“Annio,” I shook my head. “I really don’t.”

My mother began to cry and my father hugged her as comfortingly as possible, then asked, “Do you think this could just be a phase, Doctor?”

“It’s hard to say. I’ve never seen anything as strange as this before, but it’s possible.”

“Or the other option is possible?” my mother looked up in tears. “Her memory could be gone for good?”

“Umma, it’s okay,” I went to her side. “I remember everything; just not… him.” I looked to Sungyeol who stared back sullenly.

“Or the gang,” he sighed.

“I think the best thing you can do now is introduce her to her life. Since we don’t know what caused this, anything could trigger her memory. Step by step you have to reteach it to her; faces, places, voices,” the doctor advised.

“Mrs. Kim, don’t worry,” Sungyeol placed a hand on my mother’s shoulder. “I’ll reintroduce her to everyone. She’s bound to remember sooner or later. We might as well make the best of it for now!”

“Oh Sungyeol, she’s so fortunate to have a friend like you; always so positive! Thank you sweetheart, bless you.”


“Where are we going first?” I asked once we got back to my house.

“Well, our first major memory was meeting at the park by the gazebo. Maybe we should start there,” Sungyeol suggested.

We made our way through the park together, but I was lost in thought the whole time. I knew there was no way I was the crazy one in this situation. Infinite definitely existed, they lived in Seoul, and I was absolutely never ever friends with any of them. Yet somehow I was the one being called crazy in all of this.

“Well, this is where we met,” Sungyeol sighed when we reached the gazebo, right where I had been resting yesterday when that girl… that girl! I began searching high and low for that little dark haired nature child.

“Yeah, um just look around I guess,” my ‘best friend’ shrugged and sat on the steps of the gazebo.

Still seeing no sign of the girl, I went around to the side of the gazebo that faced the woods. Finally I was half relieved and half angered at the sound of a small giggle.

“Hello unni!” the girl waved from underneath the gazebo.

“How did you get under there?!” I exclaimed, seeing no plausible entrance due to the woven wooden panel along the base of the gazebo (like so:

“What do you think? Did the white puffs live up to be everything you wanted?” she asked with twinkling eyes, avoiding my question.

“You mean you did all of this?!”

“Not me, the white puffs! I told you magic was real, and you obviously believed me at least a little or all this wouldn’t have happened.”

“But I don’t understand. Why does everyone think I’m the crazy one?!” I asked in exasperation.

“Your wished life has to fit into your real life somehow, while still making sense to the world around you. The only downfall is you might not exactly know the ‘real story’ to your life now.”

“My head hurts,” I sat down on the ground.

“You’ll get used to it soon enough,” she girl flashed her white pearly teeth. “I wish you the best of luck in your new life! After all, this is what you wanted.” The girl crawled back under the gazebo into the shadows.

“Wait!” I cried, but when I looked under the structure there was no sign of the little girl. “Stupid fairy thing,” I pouted.

“What are you doing?”

I turned around to see Sungyeol looking down at me like I had five eyes and two mouths.

“Oh um, looking for my memory of course!” I tried to cover.

“Well I’m sorry to ruin the fun for your disgustingly erted mind, but we never did anything under there.”

“That’s not what I meant!”

“Hahahaha, still so gullible though,” he smiled.

“Yah!” I slapped his converse-covered foot.

“Wow, that hurt,” he laughed as he gave me a hand up.

“Maybe we should try your house again. I have an idea that might help you.”

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SHINeeOnew27's new username is now Woobear27!!!^^


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Chapter 19: HOOO MY GOD
GOSH, idk with my brain but what hoya said to sungyeol really touched me and made me love infinite more..

I'm so weird and emo gosh.
well, anyways I LOVE the story!
Chapter 13: omfg im exactly like her when I fangirl
I love this so much.
Chapter 5: omg this story explains what's inside my fangirl mind! WOW.
Gotta love this.
Chocolatemushrooms #5
This was an amazing story :)
Chapter 19: :') this is such a great story! xD I knew she'd end up with Sungyeol <3 and HAHAH xD hoya remembered!
hiheymondays #7
Chapter 19: This is an amazing story. :) I love the pace of the story. Well written! I read it all in one go. So Hoya is the only one who remembered them? Keep writing great fics! Fighting!
Chapter 19: Okay not gonna lie, I teared up slightly when Myungsoo had a go at her (': BUT SUNGYEOL-AH <3
Chapter 20: where's the link? O_O
Chapter 20: Aww! This story is just too sweet! Pls make a sequel! her brother is so awesome! =D