Chapter 2

Myungsoo and his 3 rules

Another day in this hellhole we all call high school. Myungsoo entered the classroom and saw Eunjae already in her seat, texting some unknown person. Probably sending texts with her 'girlfriends' about how some girl was wearing an outfit that's 'so last year.' Sungyeol said that she might be able to help him but he highly doubted it. He slid into the seat beside her and as usual, as part of his routine, didn't spare her a glance. Especially after that whole 'her asking things that's none of her business' thing yesterday about the song.

He looked out the window. The weather looked nice today. It would be fun to skip class and stroll around or sleep, he thought. Anywhere's better than where he was at the moment. But he was stuck there because it's school and he liked to think he was not one of those kids who skip class for fun. At least not anymore. He put his head down on his desk and closed his eyes. It felt peaceful for a second and he thought he could actually get some decent sleep, but nope. The universe was just never on his side. Someone just had to tap his shoulder. He knew that it would either be Sungyeol or Eunjae because they were the only two people who would actually pluck up the courage to do that to him. The rest seem to be scared of Myungsoo and his ever so famous 'glare.'

He looked up a bit, squinting his eyes, and it was Eunjae. God, there were no words to express how annoying Myungsoo found it that she keeps wanting to talk to him no matter how much he showed that he didn't want her company. He's doing his best to save her the trouble of actually getting close to him.. Well.

It's not like he causes mass destruction or anything but he wonders what good Eunjae could ever get by becoming his friend. What will happen then? Nothing. She'll get nothing good out of hanging out with people like him, he thought. He's doing this for her. He's saving her from unnecessary trouble and she should be ing thankful.

"Hey Myungsoo-ssi.." She started. He raised his eyebrows.

"Sorry.. about yesterday. I didn't mean to invade your privacy--"

"It's fine." He said plainly and looked away from her. 


"It's fine." He repeated giving her a hard glare silently telling her to stop talking.

She bit her lip and looked away. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Didn't get any sleep yesterday, huh?" She asked softly. He simply nodded. 

"Hey!" They heard Sungyeol scream, suddenly appearing behind Myungsoo and ruffling his hair. He groans and jokingly slaps his hands away.

Myungsoo nodded at him with a small smile. "Sup?"

"You actually look a lot better when you smile.." He hears Eunjae comment softly.




Oh my god that was so close, for a minute there, I almost gave a . 

"He smiles often when he's with me, you know!" Sungyeol said proudly with a knowing smile on his face. Myungsoo rolled his eyes and scoffed and gave Sungyeol a hard glare. The latter scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

"Okay, fine. I'm leaving."



Sungyeol sees Eunjae try so hard to be able to get past Myungsoo's cold and ignorant personality. He chuckles to himself. Quite sad. The guy hadn't always been like that. He's definitely always been witty, smart and pretty badass, he had to admit. But he wasn't cold. Definitely not cold. He didn't have any rules to follow in life. He wasn't that closed off. There are so many things about Myungsoo that only very little people knew about. Things about him that other people who don't know him very well would be surprised to hear. That guy.. he's one of the most talented and kindhearted bastards Sungyeol has ever had the pleasure to meet. 


"Yo, Kim Myungsoo, will you please stop eating and start practicing with us? You have been eating for the past-- Oh, I don't know 500 years?" Sung Joon complained.

"What? Is it wrong to eat?" Myungsoo said stuffing more ramen into his mouth. The other members sighed.

"Well, it's wrong if you eat everything on the god damn table." Sungyeol said. 

"What? It's on the table therefore it's edible!" Myungsoo defended.

"I wonder why I'm friends with you guys, why are we friends?"  Hyukjae asked.

"Oh, we're friends. We're just scared that Myungoo here might eat us." Sungyeol said, screaming in Myungsoo's ear. He winced and slammed his chopsticks down, his mouth still stuffed with noodles.

He put his hands up in defeat and rolled his eyes. He grabbed his guitar and started playing random chords. He sighed and looked at his bandmates.

"Hey, guys. We call ourselves a band and yet we don't write any of our own songs and we just.. what? Play the songs of other bands. We've never even performed in front of any other places other than those stupid clubs and it isn't even ing legal." He complained.

"So what are you suggesting? We write our own songs and perform in a real rock competition?" Their leader, Sung Joon said scoffing.

"Exactly what I am suggesting." Myungoo said. Everyone looked at him as if he had a mental problem.

But slowly, Sungyeol's facial expression changed.

"Huh. The crazy bastard might be right. I mean, I know the idea's a bit stupid and all that but-- we could. We don't need to win. It's not for anything. It's just for the heck of it. Let's do it. Let's write a song, let's compete in a rock contest somewhere anyday anywhere who the hell ing cares, it'll be awesome." Sungyeol said, laughing at himself.

Everyone agreed it was stupid. And because of that, they did it. Sung Joon and Myungsoo worked so hard on the song while the rest practiced hard, and did whatever they could to help.

Sung Joon as the leader, guitar and vocals.

Jungsoo, who plays the keyboard.

Myungsoo, the guitarist and one of their best composers.

Hyukjae, who plays the bass.

Sungyeol, on the drums. 

Everyday, they met up. The five best friends who have been brothers since childhood, working towards a single dream.

"I wonder what it would feel like to perform our song in front of hundreds of people. That would be so ing awesome, you know that?" Sung Joon had said.

"I can't help but wonder.. why are we doing this again?" Hyukjae asked. We all laughed.

"I don't know. Maybe it's different for each of us. Maybe.. we're doing it for the heck of it. Maybe part of us just wants to prove ourselves." Sung Joon said. "All our lives, people have known us as 'the kids who bring nothing but trouble.' Even our own parents think that. Well-- for those who still live with them." 

"Then.." Jungsoo said. "Let's do this to show that maybe we do cause a bit of trouble. Maybe we are immature kids. But even so, we're worth something. Maybe not something big, but something. We're not like the rest of the guys our age with a future, a family to rely on... Without each other, we don't really have anything. We're broke as broke can get, our families are-- well.. can't be called families. Our love life.. don't even get me started. Let's just do this to show that, yeah, we're teenagers who barely give a . Who don't know if we have a future. Our futures are blurry and unclear and we're not sure of anything. But the future. We're gonna live in right now and we're doing our best." He finished.

Myungsoo gave a huge grin. "So... Let's kill it on that stage!" He screamed. 


At that moment, the five of them knew that unlike all the others, they didn't have much ahead of them. They weren't sure of what they wanted. Not sure of anything. Not sure of where to go or who they were, really. Not sure if their families can really be called families. Not sure what true love was and not sure of falling in love or communicating with girls, for that matter. They were five teenagers.. who knew nothing but music and each other. They were doing what they loved. They had each other, and to them, that was enough.


There were so many things they were supposed to do. They worked so hard for it. Yet.. there were so many things they couldn't do. So much regret. Too much for any of them to be able to handle. For years, they only had each other. Then so suddenly, everything went wrong and no one knew what to do make it all stop. 



It was lunch break and as usual, Myungsoo didn't eat. He barely ever did. The cafeteria's too loud and the food is too gross, he'd say. Girls gossiping about irrelevant things, guys talking about touching girls ies and whatnot. So he resorted to sitting outdoors with Sungyeol, one earphone in his own ear and the other in his friend's. 


neol cheoeum bonsungan meorineun pingdolgo siganeun meomchugo

jigeum paranburideun seollyeong ppalganburideun boijiga anha nan 

The lyrics said. Everyday, they listened to their song. Every single day, wanting to forget but not being able to.

"I miss them." Sungyeol said quietly. Myungsoo nodded silently saying I miss them too.

"Do you ever still cry about it?" He asked, straightforwardly.

To be honest, he hasn't cried since that day. Ever since then, Myungsoo had never cried. He was never really one to cry a lot in the first place anyway. No matter how much it hurt or how angry he was, he never cried. Never

He shook his head no. "You know I wouldn't." He told him.

Sungyeol smirked. "Of course." 

"Yeol.. how do you think they are?" Myungsoo asked.

He looked at him with sad eyes. "I don't know anymore." 

They both sighed and rested their backs against the wooden back of the bench and stretched out their legs. 

After a few minutes, they saw Eunjae pass by, rubix cube in hand. She was walking while solving it, looking so concentrated. Myungsoo watched as her fingers moved so swiftly as if the rubix cube didn't have weight at all. Her face didn't look confused at all. She looked at ease and calm while doing it as if it were the easiest puzzle in the world. She glanced at their direction for less than a second and walked towards the two boys, her eyes not leaving her rubix cube. She silently sat beside Myungsoo without saying anything and continued to solve. He leaned towards her and watched as she finally solved the rubix cube. 

She smiled in content. She looked up at him. "That was less than 2 minutes, right?" She asked.

Myungsoo nodded. "Most likely?" 

She nodded. "Good." 

"How do you do that?" He asked, trying to hide his amazement. He grabbed the rubix cube from her hand. He felt Sungyeol put his earphone down.

"I'm going in. See you both later." He siad before leaving, along with a knowing smile that made Myungsoo scoff.

He examined the rubix cube looking at every corner and side. She really did solve it. As if it were that easy.

"Logic." She said simply. 

"Okay then?" 

"You know what's nice?" She asked. Myungsoo raised his eyebrows.

"Patbingsoo." She said so randomly before standing up and walking away. Myungsoo followed her with his eyes as she walked further and further away until she was inside the school. He laughed a bit to himself.

That girl is so strange, he thought, putting his earphones back in his ears and walking in after her.



Myungsoo was sitting in class trying to look like he was actually listening when in reality, all he was doing was counting how many times that damned teacher pulled his pants up. It's been his 23rd-- 24th time. He was leaning back on his chair, holding a pen with his notebook out but not able to write any notes since he understood nothing, until he felt Eunjae slip a paper under his arm. He opened it without glancing at her and read.

It's actually his 26th time already. You've been daydreaming too much.

He replied back.

You count how many times he does it too? You're new.

I'm new but it would take an idiot not to notice. 

True. Thanks.

You're welcome. By the way, 27th already.


Oh my god, you're actually talking to me.

Writing. Difference.

Okay, writing who cares. You're communicating with me.

And what about it?

Are we friends now?

What are you, eight?

Okay, fine. But you're talking to me. Wow.


I give up on trying to communicate with you.

Good choice. 


He smirked and rolled his eyes at her randomness. So damn cliche. Two seatmates counting how many times their teacher pulls up their pants. He wouldn't call this a friendship. At least not yet. Maybe he can say that, she's not as bad as he originally thought. The fact that she's breathing doesn't really affect him in a bad way or anything. And anyway, she can solve a rubix cube in under 2 minutes and she liked their song. So far.. she seemed different from the rest of the people in that god-damned school.


"How was school?"

A shrug. "Fine."

He went up to his room, closed the door and did whatever he wanted, as always. Like every single day.

Without each other, we don't really have anything.

He shook the thoughts out of his head. Myungsoo, get your together.  He reached into his uniform's pocket and found the paper of his conversation with Eunjae. He glanced at it, smirked and tossed it to the bin.


Someone needs to buy that girl her damn patbingsoo.



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infinite and suju .. wow a rare combo.. but hope it will be exciting...
this is honestly my favourite fan fiction of all time. it is so beautifully written. if i could recommend this to every person i happen to see on the street every day of my life, i would. it is like a coming of age piece that really makes you think and look at how you're living. the style is sort of reminiscent of my favourite book/film called Submarine because of those coming of age elements. i also kinda sorta compiled a playlist of (only three) songs that i find fit this piece quite nicely:
glass in the park-alex turner
bel air-lana del rey
stop the world i wanna get off with you-arctic monkeys
so really, what i'm trying to get across with this long comment is that your writing skills are impeccable. thank you so much for sharing your talent with us in this amazing piece of work.
haerajae #3
Chapter 21: Wwaaaaaaaa.... amazing story...... :) I love everything.... how you write & the plot ... I really like how you portrayed friendship here, & it's not just a story, it has lesson in life....
Eunjae is so daebak, she's so super understanding, I wish I am his bf, too bad im a girl :D
But.... what i scream the most is Hyukjae & Donghae.... wwaaaaahhhh... my EUNHAE feels, fangirling mode (~^.^)~
Chapter 21: This was beautiful. It was based off the drama Myungsoo was in right? I loved it and cried several times throughout the show, same with your story. It wasn't too mushy nor was it boring. There's no doubt that I'll reread this and have the same feelings towards it. If there's one word I can use to describe this story it's simply perfect.
Chapter 21: tanginang "i`ll try again after college"
MsTrollolol #6
Chapter 20: The ending is so good, it's so close to perfection. Be flattered bcos i dont say that to just anyone ;)
Chapter 20: or fluff. doesn't seem to fit in but eh it wouldn't kill. Fluff in LOL OTL.
Chapter 20: fluff!! anyways, author-nim to be honest, this is the best fanfic i've ever read and you know why? because it's a story that revolves not only around romance, but friendship! and i really love it really. REALLY REALLY REALLY LOVE IT! so hard to find these kind of fanfics and I really love it! I'll support you till the end!
Chapter 20: the ending is so great!! author-nim I love your story aaaaaa xD seriously I really like it >.<