Meeting Mr.Sniffles

The Imaginary Friend

{chapter eight-


Everyone gulped hard. As Lu Han spoke, the air became ice cold. The wind began to pick up speed. Chilling everyone's bare skin. As if the weather is control by his emotions. He paced back and forth while glaring at his friends. Chen swore he saw steam coming out of his ears. Maybe even some lasers shooting out from his eyes. The police officers had already left and went back to their units to continue the investigation. 

Kris placed his hand on Lu Han to calm him down. That. That did not help one bit. He continued to pace back and forth, making a dent on the earth. "We can explain." Kris calmly said. Lu Han stopped pacing back and forth and glared at the younger one with red eyes that hit the core of his soul. "Explain it loud and clear. Wu Fan." He growled. He looked at the others, shooting daggers but they hung their heads in shame. "We were just getting off the bus.." Kris began.


Jae Min sat not-so-patiently between Chen and Lay. He wanted to get off the bus or go back to Lotte World. The little toddler did enjoy it very,very,very much especially when water ride and Xiu Min Appa fell into the water. It was busy Monday,there were a handful of business men and high school student on their way to their destinations. 

It was packed so no one can move an inch without hitting someone's face. "Appas are we there yet?" Jae Min pouted impatiently. The five of them nodded at the same time. 

"Just a couple of blocks don't worry." Lay smiled and ruffled the little one's hair

. And so the couple of blocks passed and they were at the bus stop.  The doors opened and people began to flood out the doors, disbursing their separate ways. Jae Min sprang out of his seat extremely over joy-ed leaving that packed bus in peace. He jumped out of seat so fast his Appa didn't even seem to notice. Jae Min walked carelessly between the crowd of people, pushing his way through legs. Finally hoping out of the bus. 

He waited patiently for his five Appas to come out. The 4 year old was too short even tip toeing he couldn't see clearly.. The sea of people making him stumble back didn't help either. He waited and waited but they didn't come out. To double check, Jae Min crawled back into the bus with the next batch of people. The bus driver didn't see the boy and closed the door. 

Once step on the bus, the people eyed the little boy strangely. 

Jae Min froze at the sound of the engine roaring and the sight of his Appa's seats empty. The bud began to move. Appa? He asked himself. Jae Min once again looked around but they weren't there, he climbed one of the chairs to see a better view outside. Once he saw the outside world he saw five familiar faces frantically looking for him. It turns out that they already boarded off the bus without Jae Min knowing. 

"JAE! STOP! LU JAE MIN!" They all shouted. The bus drove off ignoring their shouts. 


"...Jae Min got on the bus and we didn't notice..." Kris finished. He bit his lip, not knowing what will happen to him. Lu Han's temper is a deadly one.

"He didn't go far hyung, Jae Min's  smart kid." Chen sheepishly said. Lu Han's fist tightly curled up into a ball. He was furious, concerned and disappointed. But he had that familiar feeling ; emptiness.  Lu Han was definitely not loosing another one that he loved. Not again. Not a third time.

Never again. Instead of yelling and making a fuss, He didn't say a word and ran into the garage into his black brand new car. He the engine, drove out of the driveway with teary eyes. No way in hell he's going to loose another one.

 "HYUNG! Where you going!" Tao sprung up his seat, running towards the car. The others followed.

"I'm going to find my son." He growled, the engine was roaring.

"We're coming with you then-" Xiu Min offered. A undesirable noise of screeching cut him off. The black car crocked it's way down the road, leaving the five of them. Kris sighed as the older one's car disappeared into the darkness. Please find him soon, he hoped. 


It was pitch black night and Eun Min is walking around the city with no clue where she was. She  rubbed her hands and cupped it around to keep warm. She inhaled a deep breathe of air and exhaled. Slowly, she walked across the pedestrian lane, transferring herself to the other side of the street. Yes, she is definitely lost. Absolutely no idea where to go in this unfamiliar place. She decided for some time to herself to fix this. No luck so far. Eun Min walked along the sidewalk of the city, gazing up at the clear sky. The stars were watching her, protecting her. 

She smiled at them and continued to walk. Walking ever so diligently until she heard faint crying near a bus stop. Eun Min's ears perked up. Following the noise it was across the street. A dim light. Swiftly and carefully she ran to the bus stop. A boy, crying. She crouched down to the ground.

"Are you lost?" She whispered softly. He continued to sniffle not even bothering to lift his head from his knees.  Eun Min blew air into her cheeks and sat at the far end of the bench. She looked around awkwardly then at the boy.

"it's not good to cry. Where's you Mama and Baba?" Eun Min asked. The boy began to cry louder mentioning his Father. Eun Min scooted a bit closer. She fiddled with her hands. She tilted her head to the side and smiled. 

"She? Is anyone there?" She giggled. The little one scooted farther away. Still crying his eyes out. For a little kid, he seems very smart. Not talking to strangers, his parent's did him well. She thought. Eun Min tapped her chin thoughtfully, thinking of a plan. The little boy continued to cry sniffling into his brown jacket. He wanted to be home where his Baba and Appas were. Not here all alone with this stranger. A smile was plastered on Eun Min's face; Ding. 

There are three little bears in a house 
Father Bear, Mama bear, baby bear 
Daddy bear is a fatty 
Mommy is slim 
Baby bear is too cute! 
They all do well! 

She sofly sang the song to the little boy. The song sounded familiar. His Baba would sing it every time if he would be upset or it's naptime. But he continued to cry. Eun Min puffed air into her cheeks but smiled and tried again. She scooted a little closer. Eun Min began to sing it again, going up and down with the beat, her hands on his hips. The boy sniffled, not crying anymore and lifted his head out of his arms. The stranger didn't mean no harm, he thought.  He opened one eyelid and saw youthful women besides him. It looked like she was in her whole little world, not noticing the little boy.

"...Kyeowa!" Usuk! Usuk! Well done..

Eun Min stopped and turned her head to the little boy. He was looking at her with raised eyebrows. A bit scared. Eun Min smiled at him sweetly. "Hello there Sniffles.", she teased. The boy continued to give her a strange look. As if he hasn't a girl. Ever. Well, he is only 4 years old.

"I'm Eun Min. What's your name, Mr. Sniffles?", she asked. 

He hesitated. The women didn't look like any harm to him, in matter in fact that sweet smile of hers made him feel safe. It felt, weird. Eun Min glided herself across the bench, plopping herself right next to the boy. She poked his arm curiously.

"Yah, Sniffles-ah. Are you there?", she giggled. The boy blinked and his mouth spoke for itself. "J-Jae Min.." His eyes widened and his hands flew on top his mouth. 

"Whoa! That's cool. We have similar names. I'm Eun Min and you're Jae Min.", Eun Min laughed. Jae Min laughed a little bit too. He didn't know why but it felt nice. He lowered down his sleeve and exhaled a huff of smoke.

"You miss your Baba and Mama right?" Eun Min asked. 

Jae Min nodded quickly

. "Let go find them!" She exclaimed, jumping off the bench. Eun Min liked helping others, it was part of her job to help children. Its a good thing she can handle these type of situations. Lu Han was always that one kid in the class that would get lost on a school field trip. It was Eun Min always guiding him back to the class. Jae Min blinked and tilted his head to his side. Should he come with strange women or not? Maybe she can be good use. Or she's one of those bad people, he thought. She began to walked away from the bustop, walking up the hill. She felt something was missing, Jae Min wasn't following her. 

He was still at the bus top looking down at his feet. Still thinking about it.

"Sniffles! Are you coming or not!" Eun Min shouted. Jae Min looked up and shook his head. Eun Min looked at him for the last time and turned around.

"Alright, don't blame me if the monsters come and get you." She said while waving her hand nonchalantly. The mentioning of monsters made Jae Min's decision. He most truly did not like monsters. Quickly, he bolted his way right next to Eun Min with terrified expression.

"Scared of monsters huh?" she laughed. Jae Min scowled at her and continued to walk up the hill. 

Eun Min smiled instead and patted the grumpy toddler's head. "C'mon now, let go find your parents."

Author's Note: Oh gosh, this update TT-TT. I'm back you guys~ Winter Break is here :) and a bonus, my laptop is fixed asdfghjl;' /explodingrainbows. Praise the lord, that means more updates too! One fanfic down, two more to go  on the update express<3 

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HEROOO~ GUYS! Updating tonight! :D Omg I can't wait but homework comes first! WAIT FOR ME!


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Chapter 11: update plz
abbe_28 #2
Chapter 11: Ayyiieeh!! Luhan finally found his son!! I hope he will not get mad on her.. :( Hwaiting!! :) Update soon~
Chapter 11: an update yeeeey! hanging ending tho
Chapter 11: hehe finally an update!!! lulu finally found his son!
Chapter 11: :O hanging ending...
abbe_28 #6
Chapter 10: My thoughts are right. EunMin find Jaemin! :D Well, I hope they could be good friends!! Hwaiting!! I also hope that Luhan would find his son soon! :D
Chapter 10: so okay i want min in my name too jjmin
abbe_28 #8
Chapter 8: oH its okay! we'll wait!! :)) Jaemin is missing? How come? Maybe EunMin will be finding him!! :)) Thanks for the update! Update soon~
Chapter 7: r u rewriting