Coffee Shop

The Imaginary Friend

{chapter nine-

After countless hours of awkward silence, Eun Min finally spoke. "Where did your parents go Mr. Sniffles?" she asked, taking a small glance at the toddler with a curious tone. He shrugged. "I don't know..." 

"Ahh, I see." She nodded, "Do you know where you live?" 

Jae Min shook his head. He's only 4 years old, how could he remember such an address? All he knows where it's located, but in this situation in an unknown area. It's difficult to navagate it in the darkness. Eun Min heavily sighed. How could she find this kid's parents now? It been awhile since she's been a Helper, hence she's really rusty. 

The fall breeze brushed against their clothing, it was cold enough to pass for a winter breeze. Jae Min shivered like a chihuahua, he was only wearing a thick grey sweater with bubbles. The layers didn't help him at all, he was still freezing to death! Eun Min on the other hand, she was fine. Really, her heavy coat and scraf made everything much warmer. As if it was nothing. 

Eun Min heard faint teeth chattering. She turned a 90º angle to face Jae Min. She gave out a small smile at his pink nose, it was obvious he was cold. He looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. What does she want now? Eun Min squatted down to his level and generously took off her grey infiny scaf, placing it over the little toddler's neck.

She made a few adjustments. Once she was finished, she stood up. She looked at his with a statisfied grin. "Warm now?" Eun Min chuckled. Jae Min looked up at her with his eyes only showing. The rest of the scaf covered the lower half of his face. He slowly nodded. With the help of the scarf, he felt warm, inside and out. 

Eun Min gave him an eyesmile and continued to walk up the hill. Jae Min eyed her as she trudged her way up with a bare neck. 

Maybe this women isn't so bad.


Countless hours have passed and it's 2am. Lu Han has been searching around the city. He carefully yet quickly drove his car, trying his his not to run over red lights. He definalty did not want to get arrested at the same night.

Lu Han serched with no luck. His heart is so close for being shredded into a million once again. Where did his beloved child run off to? 

He pulled over his car to the side of the rode. He sighed heavily as he rested his head on the headboard of the seat. Lu Han stared at the clear black sky, the stars were shining brightly. His eyelid began to droop.Immdeinatly Lu Han shook his head in dissagreement to wake himself up.He can't sleep now when his child is in danger.No way. Sleep isn't the important thing right now. Jae Min's safety is. 

"I need some coffee..." He mumbled as he started the engine. 


Jae Min's eyes oogled at the pastries in the glass display case. Eun Min laughed, she knew how much how hungry he was. His stomach was rumbling thunder storms! "Go ahead, it's my treat." She smiled sweetly. Jae Min pointed with no hesistation at the Totoro shaped creme puff. It was his absolute favorite, plus it looks cute!

"Adjumma, may I have 4 of those and 2 hot chocolates?" Eun Min ordered. The Adjumma nodded and placed their order. "What a cute baby you have there!" The adjumma chimmed , taking a glance at Jae Min. Eun Min gave a shy laugh at her statement. Ironcally, Jae Min's not hers. She paid and the two waited near the countertop.

"Thank you~" She said and took the white paper bag of treats in one hand and her hot chocolate. Jae Min was holding his. The two sat in the way back of the Coffee shop, it was well lit and not to dark. Jae Min took out one of the Totoro puff out of the bag with his mouth drooling. 

But before he took a montrous bite out of it he hesistated. Eun Min stopped drinking her chocolate and raised an eyebrow. "Go ahead eat." She smiled once more. 

"Komayo." Jae Min repield and then he nibbled the ear of the creme puff. Finally, he's got that off his chest.  A wide grin on her face, finally after hours he finally spoke. It was relief! She thought the kid was mute. "You're welcome. Now tell me, how does your Mama and Baba look like?" She asked. 

Jae Min stopped nibbling on the creme and stayed silent. Mentioning his Baba made him teary eyed, he missed him too much. Eun Min panicked once tears were building up. Oh what to do! Before she knew it Jae Min was crying waterfalls. "Aigo, I'm such an idiot!" she flicked her own forehead. 

"Oh! Jae Min! Look~" Eun Min took a dropet of whip creme off of her hot chocolate and put it on the tip of his nose. She laughed whole Jae Min looked at her with puffy eyes. He wondering what was she laughing about until he noticed white creme on the tip of his nose. He furrowed his eyebrows at it then took some creme from the cream puff and wiped it on her cheek. 

"Hey!" Eun Min scrunched her nose. Jae Min began to laugh, clutching his stomach. The mood was quickly lightened with no trouble. The shop was full of giggles and laugher as if little childeren were there. In reality it was the help of Eun Min's childishness. The two continued and somehow became closer. Jae Min became more open, he felt safe. 

Once they calmed down Eun Min carefully asked. "Jae Min-nnie, you want to go home right? If we go now, I'll drop you off to the police station. You're parents will pick you up from there." 

Jae Min nodded happily at the thought. Eun Min stood up from her seat and threw the hot chocolate in the trashcan with Jae Min following right behind her.

The adjumma was watching them the whole entire time with a great smile on her face. The lady seems very motherly and childish.The way she handled Jae Min so calmly. A perfect mother. Her husband must be very grateful of marrying a pure women, she thought. 

They exited the Coffee Shop wuth full stomachs and heightened sporits. Plundging themselve back into the bitter Autmun cold


Once they at the cross walk which was down the road. Lu Han entered the Coffee shop lifelssy with his hoodie on. A total wreck. The Adjumma stared at him in conceren. "Are you okay sir?" he asked. Lu Han shook his head. "Ani, I'm a horrible father" he sighed heavily. 

The Adjumma pressed her lips into a firm straight line. Looking at him to head to toe, he seemed like a fine suitor. Very fatherlike. "You don't seem like a bad father.." she said. Lu Han sighed once more and gave a smile smile. He was getting side tracked. He needs to find his son. "Thanks Adjusmma. Can I get Hot chocolate to go?" 

She nodded and walked infront of the shop and presssed the button where the warm milk came out into a cup, putting onthe lid and with the finishing touch with the whip creme. The adjumma placed the cup into the youngman's hands. "Thank you," he said while taking his hood off. 

The Adjumma looked at him with wide eyes. He somewhat resembled the toddler who just exited the shop. The similar small face, the almond eyes and the exact copy of their eyebrows. Maybe that was his father and maybe that was his kid? She continued to stare at him. 

Lu Han noticed the eery staring and stopped taking a sip of his drink. "Yes Adjumma?" He snapped her out of her daze. 

"Oh! It's nothing, you just look like a little boy who came in earlier. You two look exactly alike!" The adjumma smiled. Lu Han looked at her with raised eyebrows. Could it probably be his son? "R-Really?!? Was he with anyone?!?" He exclaimed. 

"Hm, he was accouped by a youthful women..." The adjumma tapped her chin thoughtfully, "...about your age." 

"Did you get his name???"

"The women called him Sniffles but mostly....Jae Min." 

Next thing the Adjumma knew it, the man rocket it out of the shop not even finishing his hot chocolate. Throwing it into the trashcan. She never seen someone run so far before. "I'm guessing that's her husband." She chuckled as Lu Han got into his carwith his engine roaring. In a flash, he darted his way down the road. 


Jae Min held on Eun Min's hand since his were gettiing cold. The two walked 6 blocks to the police station, they were almost there. It was quiet, nothing much is happening since it was Tuesday. Everyone is in bed to be ready to go to work or school tommrow. Meanwhile wih  Eun Min and Jae Min who is stuck with each other in 2am in the morning. 

"Is your Mama nice?" Eun Min asked, taking a glance at the toddler besides her. "I don't have a Mama..." Jae Min whispered. Theres MinJung but she's not part of family in his world. Never. Sadly, his Baba is going to marry her in a couple of months. Bleh. Eun Min created an 'o' shape with . "I don't have a Mama or Baba, so your not alone." She sighed, looking up at the stars. 

She was always an only child, Imaginary friends don't have parents in the Neighborhood. It was always the friend of the Imaginary friend who would keep them company too. They both benifit each other. They look after each other. They're family. 

"Almost there Jae Min-nnie. Your parent will be happy to see you-" Eun Min froze at the sudden car engine behind them. She continued to walk with hand and hand with Jae Min. She continued to ignore the car, but it continued to follow them. This made Eun Min a bit suspious, what do they want. 

Jae Min was more curious then scared. Why was the car follwing them? How come it the design of the car looks so familiar. Similar to his Baba's. 

Honk Honk Honk, the car horn beeped.

Eun Min frozed, the car has a purpose. They were following them this whole time. She didn't turn around but Jae Min did. The  bright light blurred his vision. He blinked to see the person behind the wheel. The man had rough blond hair and light almond eyes.  "B-Baba?!?" he shouted, happily. Eun Min's ears perked up. Baba?

LuHan felt like the happiest person in the whole world. It was him. It was his child. His prize procession. Jae Min wasn't hurt. No scares or bruises anywhere! Praise the lord. He wasn't touched either. 

He jumped out of the car and ran towards his child. Craddling him into his arms, throwing him into the air and back into his arms. Lu Han planted kisses all over Jae Min face.

"It's really you!" He squeezed Jae Min into a bone crushing hug. Oh how much he missed him even though it's been a day. It felt like forever. 

"C'mon now, lets go home. Appas are waiting for you-" Lu Han looked at the women standing in the distance with her back faced insttead of the font. Jae Min looked at his direction, seeing Eun Min not turning around.

"Excuse me miss!" Lu Han yelled at her. She didn't turn around. "I would like to thank you for finding my son! MISS!" He shouted once more. 

She waved her hand bluntly. No problem, she thought. Jae Min furrowed his eyebrows and relased himself from his Baba's arms. He marched his way to Eun Min and tugged on her coat. She looked down at him with a raised eyebrow. 

"I want you to meet my Baba..." He pleaded. Eun Min sighed and turned around. The two of them stared straighed into each other's eyes. Both of their almond eyes enlarged.


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HEROOO~ GUYS! Updating tonight! :D Omg I can't wait but homework comes first! WAIT FOR ME!


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Chapter 11: update plz
abbe_28 #2
Chapter 11: Ayyiieeh!! Luhan finally found his son!! I hope he will not get mad on her.. :( Hwaiting!! :) Update soon~
Chapter 11: an update yeeeey! hanging ending tho
Chapter 11: hehe finally an update!!! lulu finally found his son!
Chapter 11: :O hanging ending...
abbe_28 #6
Chapter 10: My thoughts are right. EunMin find Jaemin! :D Well, I hope they could be good friends!! Hwaiting!! I also hope that Luhan would find his son soon! :D
Chapter 10: so okay i want min in my name too jjmin
abbe_28 #8
Chapter 8: oH its okay! we'll wait!! :)) Jaemin is missing? How come? Maybe EunMin will be finding him!! :)) Thanks for the update! Update soon~
Chapter 7: r u rewriting