Chapter One

Bestfriends With The Player


Placing my tray on the table, I sat down as everyone began to pile in. It’s already midway through the semester and like a ritual, in the beginning of the year, which ever table you sit in, that’s the table you stay at for the year. All of our friends sat down on the table, well technically Taemin’s friends. But I sat here too since me and Taemin were inseparable. He made his way through to the popular group so quickly, but being the great friend he is, he dragged me in as well. Except I don’t exactly fit in. Don’t get me wrong, I know all of them, and they know me too, but me and them are too different. All the girls ever talk about was make up, clothes, designer brands, parties, and guys. The guys only talked about were girls, sports, cars and of course parties. The only thing that would really have my interest was sport, but I’ve gotten out of the phase finally. I like gaming, movies, and occasional sports, but I no longer enjoy running around. I’ve gotten too lazy, plus on this table that I’m sitting in, I’m the only one that studies.

We have a lot of guys and girls at our table not including me and Taemin, we have up to thirty-two. The Shinee boys, the Exo boys, After School girls, and F(x) girls. They all have their distinct names since the other people in our year had grouped them up. Taemin was counted as one of the Shinee boys, since they were the closest. Exo were bigger, but back in junior year, we were all separate groups before we started all hanging together. It used to be me, Taemin and Shinee. But then Taemin went out with a few of the F(x) girls, Sulli, Krystal and Victoria. Exo started hanging out with us too not long after the boys played soccer together. And then After School girls sat with us because Taemin went out with Kahi, hooked up with Nana, then went out with Lizzy.

“Taemin!” everyone called out and I turned around to see my bestfriend walk in through the cafeteria doors. He smiled softly at everyone, but I could already see that something was different. He broke up with his girlfriend. Again.

“Hey guys” he sat himself next to me and took a bite out of my cookie. I shot him a glare but continued to eat my lasagna.

“Is it true?” Nana asked as she flipped her bleached blonde hair. Only she could pull that off and still look gorgeous. I couldn’t help but look at her cleavage that was hanging out of her low v top. I could barely make out two bras.

“Hmm?” he questioned as he munched on my cookie, not even giving her a second glance.

“You broke up with Lizzy!” she more than squealed. I wasn’t sure if she was delighted because he was single, or horrified that he broke up with her bestfriend. I was pretty sure it was the first one though.

“Yeah, things just didn’t work out” he shrugged as he sipped my chocolate milk. No. Not the chocolate milk. I shot him a bigger glare as I placed my fork down.

Snatching my chocolate milk off him, I frowned, “Get your own!”

He pouted at me, giving me the puppy dog eyes, “But I’m your bestfriend!! Sharing is caring” Taemin whined while wrapping his arms around my neck and reaching for the milk.

“No!” I pouted and gulped down my chocolate milk.

I noticed the glares I was receiving from all the girls. Most of them hated me because of how close I was with Taemin. But I wasn’t going to let them get between him and me. We were bestfriends, always and forever.

“So mean!” he poked my ribs and I forced myself to swallow the milk before I sprayed it.

“Stop!” I laughed as he kept poking my ribs. I was ticklish and he was using it against me.

“Anyways!” Bekah interrupted giving me a small dirty before continuing, “What happened?”

Taemin finally released me and shrugged, “Nothing, I just told her that we were better off as friends” he rested his face on the table with his arm stretched on the table playing on his phone. It was obvious that he didn’t want to talk about it, but they were so oblivious. I rolled my eyes as I continued to eat, I was the only one, apart from the boys that got proper food. The girls all ate fruits are salad, it’s healthy but it didn’t mean they can scowl at my food. Who doesn’t love a cookie, chocolate milk, and lasagna?

“And what did she do after you said that?” Most of them were leaning in to get more details.

“I don’t know, I walked off cus I was hungry” his tone was bored, but of course they didn’t really care.

Minho slung his arm around his shoulder, “Dude! Lizzy is hot though! Have you seen her s!”

Taemin laughed as he sat back up and I placed the last bite of my lasagna in my mouth, “Yeah but Aeri has bigger s” and I coughed, choking on my lasagna from his comment.

I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks as I slapped his arm, “Taemin!” I whined. I knew everyone was looking at me now and I consciously wrapped my jacket around me tighter.

Of course my best friend was laughing at the top of his lungs while slinging his arm around my neck and pulling me to him. He kissed the top of my head but I could still feel the vibrations off his chest as he laughed. I couldn’t help but smile as well and wrap my arm around his waist.

I love my bestfriend.


First update!

Don't forget to comment and tell me what you think! :D

I hope you guys like it, I added a lot of people x_x 

But they won't all be mentioned, since they're all minor characters.

Maybe one or two will be more of the main people mentioned. 

I would love to hang with them, hot girls and hot guys *0* ♥ 

Haha anyways, comments are super loved ♥ c:

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hyegun #1
Chapter 7: Update soon
Bluecometx #2
Chapter 7: This is so interesting please update ^^
noomin #3
plzzzzzzzzzz update soon i love love love it really plzzzzzzzzz
Icyminnie #4
This is really hood.. Please update it soon.. <3
Omo please update soon! I'm in love with this story ♥
Chapter 7: Rereading because its soo good T~T
I hope you update soon
I'll be waiting~
dm_robot #7
Chapter 7: Good chapter :) i hope they come togheter again XD update soon
Chapter 7: psssshhh I thought that they were actually going to do it :P I don't quite get the last part but good job :D it's a coincidence though since we also had our exams...but anyway good luck~