Chapter Three

Bestfriends With The Player


So after stupidly agreeing to going to that party, here I am standing at my porch waiting for Sulli and Amber to go shopping for the party tonight. Why did I agree? Oh that’s right, because I don’t have a life and Taemin wants me to go. Sighing heavily a rubbed my face with frustration. I’ll just pick out some random clothes, it’s not like anyone would notice me anyways, they never do. I was momentarily pulled out of my thoughts by the loud music booming from the black convertible which pulled up in front of me.

“Aeri!” Sulli waved energetically to me while Amber only smirked at me through her sunglasses.

“Hey Sulli” I smiled at her enthusiasm while getting into the car.

“Are you ready for your transformation?” She squealed excitedly while she clapped her hands together.

“Transformation? I’m only buying something for tomorrow night aren’t I?” I couldn’t help but frown, “Plus I’m not going to look much different”

She turned around so quickly I’m surprised her neck is still attached. was wide opened as if I said something ridiculous.

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” she screeched.

“What?” I had no idea what I said wrong, and my voice was barely even audible, but it wasn’t like she was listening anyways.

“You are totally getting a transformation! Look at you! I’m not going to let you go to that party in your usual straight jeans and weird shirts” she emphasised my clothes like they weren’t even supposed to be worn. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her. “You my dear, are going to look so fab tonight!!” she squealed even more excitedly.

Oh dear, what did I get myself into?

So here I am trying on another dress. I never knew how fussy Sulli and Amber could be, not one dress have been right for them. This dress is a peachy pink, strapless with a black waistband and black bow at the back. It was short, just a bit above mid-thigh hugging me from to waist but loose from waist downwards. I wasn’t comfortable with the dress being so revealing but I really liked the way it looked on me. Maybe I’m just tired from all the clothes I’ve had to try on.

Sighing I opened the dressing room door and stepped out. Sulli and Amber both pushed their sunglasses up, and the moment of shock was finally broken by their vigorous nodding before jumping up towards me.

“Yes! It’s perfect” Sulli squealed and spun me around.

“Damn you look hot” Amber also placed her hand on my shoulder, looking at me from head to toe.

“Okay we’re getting this! Come on we now have to find matching shoes, plus fix up your hair and make-up and don’t forget the nails!” Sulli pushed me back into the change rooms and ranted on.

As expected, after getting the dress and the shoes, which matched perfectly, I had to get my nails done. I’m finally back home having a bath before the return to fix me up properly for tonight. Sulli had stated that they’ll do my make-up and hair for me. It wasn’t like I had much of a choice. Taemin also said he’ll come around to drive me to the party tonight. Sighing I scrubbed myself as clean as I could with my new French tipped nails before stepping out of my bath to dry myself. I slipped on my dress, and it was ridiculous to think that I’m not even allowed to look at the mirror until Sulli was done with me. My heels were peachy pink with black lace on top. The colours were perfect but they were very high, I don’t even have time to practice walking in them without killing myself. The doorbell rang just as I’ve slipped into my shoes, tumbling down the steps, I opened the door to Sulli and Amber looking as amazing as always. Sulli was dressed in a tight black dress that hugged onto her curves. The dress had a chiffon fabric around the waist which made the dress seem short at the front but long at the black. She wore killer heels and she was carrying a massive bag, which I’ve concluded to hold the cosmetics and hair products. Her hair was dead straight with a big headband in it. Amber was as a cool as ever in her leather leggings with a ripped top and her leather jacket. She was in ankle heels and her hair was gelled up.

“Come on! We need to make you look good!” Sulli hurried us up into my room, while I stumbled in my shoes.

I was pushed into the chair roughly, while all the mirrors were turned away from me.

“Close your eyes” Sulli ordered and I did as I was told. It made me so self-conscious since I had no idea what they were doing. I could feel Sulli roughly tying my hair into a bun before she seemed to have placed herself in front of me. She began rubbing things onto my face.

“Your skin is amazing!” she commented as she continued to rub and brush along my skin.

It wasn’t until I felt Amber rub at my leg that I opened my eyes to protest.

“Close your eyes!” Sulli ordered harshly.

“What are you guys doing?” I screeched as I moved my leg away.

“Stop moving!” Amber ordered as she held onto my ankle and continued to rub something into my leg.

I did as I was told, but couldn’t help but whimper when I finally realised what she was doing. She was shaving my leg.

“I could do that myself!” I whined with my eyes still closed and my body as still as possible.

“Oh shut up, we don’t have time to waste!” Sulli continued as she began brushing on my eyelid.

Amber finished and rubbed moisturiser into my leg before moving onto the next one. To think that, that moment was tormenting, I was so wrong since the next thing I knew, she lifted my arm. I quickly pulled my arm as I looked up at her horrified, but it was as if she expected it since her grip tightened, holding my arm in place. I noticed Sulli stifling a laugh as she watched.

“Stop moving! And we’ll get this over and done with” Amber growled and I pouted, closing my eyes and going along with it. I was completely horrified as she shaved my underarms.

“I do keep myself well groomed you know…” I whined, but they only laughed as they continued.

When that moment was finally over I felt Amber move behind me, releasing my hair from the bun and began brushing at it. Sulli was still working on my face, plucking at my eyebrows.

From all the brushing, pulling at my hair, and painting my face, it was finally done.

“Oh my god! You look so amazing!! Okay we have to go and help out at the party” Sulli squealed while hugging me quickly before packing her things.

Amber kissed my cheek, “Bye beautiful, see you later” and with that they both left. I sighed and hobbled over to the full length mirror, finally able to see myself.

I was at a loss for words…before I could even comment on myself, my bedroom door swung open to a very hot but shocked Taemin.



I hope you guys liked the update, I actually found it very hard to describe her shopping experience considering I never go shopping OTL

Sulli is meant to be dramatic and Amber is suppose to be cool like she usually is. I hope their personalities came across. 

Btw do any of you guys make posters? The poster I made is so badly done hahahaha

If you guys aren't busy, I would love for someone to make me a poster ♥ 

Guy is obviously Taemin

Girl is Kim Shin Yeong

It would be so kind, and who knows, I might upload a bit earlier :P or dedicate a chapter to one of you guys x) ♥ 

Anyways, Comments are super loved! ♥ :D

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hyegun #1
Chapter 7: Update soon
Bluecometx #2
Chapter 7: This is so interesting please update ^^
noomin #3
plzzzzzzzzzz update soon i love love love it really plzzzzzzzzz
Icyminnie #4
This is really hood.. Please update it soon.. <3
Omo please update soon! I'm in love with this story ♥
Chapter 7: Rereading because its soo good T~T
I hope you update soon
I'll be waiting~
dm_robot #7
Chapter 7: Good chapter :) i hope they come togheter again XD update soon
Chapter 7: psssshhh I thought that they were actually going to do it :P I don't quite get the last part but good job :D it's a coincidence though since we also had our exams...but anyway good luck~