Chapter Four

Bestfriends With The Player

This chapter is dedicated to ShawolElfSone123 for the beautiful poster above ♥ And a very special scene has been suggested by her within this chapter ~  updating early because of her as well, so my lovely subbies, if it's not too hard, please thank her for her contribution :D 


I was at a loss for words…before I could even comment on myself, my bedroom door swung open to a very hot but shocked Taemin.

We both stood there in shock, staring at each other. Well to be exact, Taemin was in shock while I was a bunch of nerves. How could I not be when he’s just frozen at my door, not even saying a word. I was aware at how different I looked. I saw myself in the mirror just before he barged in.

My hair was neatly curled, but they let it loose for it to look natural. My make-up was heavy, yet natural looking with the beige eye-shadow along with the defined eye-liner, finished off with the mascara to enhance my already long eyelashes. The eye make up made my eyes look massive and it definitely brought out my brown chocolate eyes. Then there was the dress, that showed more skin then I’ve ever shown since I started developing and realised that there are things I shouldn’t do since I’m a girl. And the heels that matches it has made me taller and my legs longer.

After what seemed like forever, Taemin finally broke the silence with a breathy, “Wow”

I couldn’t help but laugh. Really? After all that nerve wracking silence, he gives me a “Wow” that was barely audible.

Taemin blinked a few times, snapping himself out of what seemed like a trance before he advanced towards me. Holding my shoulders and keeping me at arms length, he looked at me from head to toe before beaming brightly at me.

“You look beautiful” his words sincere and truthful, causing a blush to rise.

“Thank you” I returned his smile, and it was then that I finally took in Taemin’s appearance.

He looked gorgeous like always. His usual messy hair has been messily spiked up with hair wax. He was in a grey button up shirt that was rolled up at the sleeves with black buttons that was done up from mid chest, giving a glimpse of his chiselled chest. His shirt matched perfectly with his black skinny jeans and his shiny black shoes. No wonder girls flocked themselves around him.

It wasn’t long til we pulled up at the party, the loud music was already booming and a lot of people were already drunk. I carefully stepped out of Taemin’s car in my heels and Taemin rushed to my side, holding out his arm to me like a gentleman.

“Shall we, my lady?”

 I laughed at his gesture, wrapping my arm around his, “We shall, my lord”

We made our way through the crowd, and somewhere along the way, Taemin went from holding my hand tightly, to wrapping his arm around my waist. I was glad that he was keeping me close to him considering the amount of people that were drunk at this party. It surprised me how crazy it got, and once again, teenage parties just weren’t for me. But I let out a sigh, deciding to push that thought away for the night. Now that I’m here, I should at least have some fun.

Taemin pulled me through another door before we both settled into the kitchen and soon Minho, Sulli, and Jonghyun entered as well.

“Taemin!” they cheered and greeted him straight away with a harsh pat on the back, a hug or a man shake.

“And who is this sweetie here?” Jonghyun smirked at me as he swung an around my shoulder, instantly pulling me closer to him. I was never fond of skinship, especially from those that I weren’t close with. Taemin being an obvious exception.

“I can’t believe you don’t recognise the person you’ve hung out with for nearly your whole school year!” I faked a hurt expression.

He frowned at me, confused whilst Sulli and Taemin laughed. I was pulled out of his embrace only to have Taemin wrap his arms around my waist from behind, resting his head on my shoulder. “Mine” he growled possessively in a joking manner.

“Aeri?” Minho finally stated as his frown deepened.

“No way!” Jonghyun’s eyes never leaving me as he gasped.

I couldn’t help but pout, “Do I seriously look that different?” I muttered, clenching and unclenching my fists.

They both nodded vigorously, causing me, Taemin and Sulli to laugh and shake our heads.

“Well I’m glad you came Aeri, but I gotta get around” Minho chuckled in his deep voice as Sulli wrapped her arm around his and they both waved, before going off to somewhere else in the house.

Jonghyun couldn’t tear his eyes away from me, to the point where I was starting to feel uncomfortable, and Taemin seemed to have noticed as well. Still with his arms around me, he walked us both towards the fridge, opening to take out two cruisers.

“Try it” he smiled at me as he opened one and handed it to me before taking one for himself. I sipped at it, wincing a bit at the taste. I’ve never had alcohol before, the drink was sweet with a weird after taste. I didn’t quite like it, but it had a weird taste that makes you keep drinking, as if to wash out the after taste, or just to savour the sweet moment. I didn’t know what it was, but I continued to drink it.

The two of us walked around, and I noticed the stares that I was receiving from the guys. Maybe it was because of the drink, or the several other ones I ended up having after. But Taemin seemed to be a bit more touchy than usual or should I say possessive?

We walked to the back where the pool was, but I instantly felt uncomfortable with the people that were half in the pool or spa. Then there were the many people making out on the grass, against the wall, on the recliners and I could feel Taemin escorting me back into the house. We were in a big open space, with all the furniture pushed against the wall while everyone was in the centre dancing.

Everything was moving, as if I was on a boat, it was so hard to think properly. I turned to talk to Taemin only to realise he wasn’t by my side, next thing I knew, I was pulled into the dance floor while someone was dancing with me. I stared at them for a bit until it clicked, it was Key. I didn’t know he could dance.

“Come on” he slurred as he gripped onto my hips and pulled me close to him, moving my body with his.

I felt awkward at first, but in time, I found myself closing my eyes and beginning to move to the beat of the song. I would have never danced like this, not even if I was alone, so I had no idea what came over me. But it was weird, I liked the way the people were looking at me. They looked at me as if I shone, like a bright star would, not like an outcast. I liked the way I was moving, I felt…y.

But my dance was interrupted with a tight grip pulling me away from Key. Everything happened in a flash. Hand gripping my wrist, pulling me away from Key and into his chest. His other arm wrapping around my waist, pressing my body into his. Then his lips were on mine. Taemin’s lips were on mine. 


I hope you guys liked the update!!

I am horribly sick, I've been cooped up in bed for 3 days! 3 WHOLE DAYS! OMG KILL ME!

Btw, for those that don't know, a Cruiser, is a type of alcoholic drink.

And did you guys guess the scene?? 

It should be quite obvious, I'm sure all my subbies would have loved it x)

But of course, I'll be a party pooper and reveal it in the next chapter :D 

Comments are super loved ♥

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hyegun #1
Chapter 7: Update soon
Bluecometx #2
Chapter 7: This is so interesting please update ^^
noomin #3
plzzzzzzzzzz update soon i love love love it really plzzzzzzzzz
Icyminnie #4
This is really hood.. Please update it soon.. <3
Omo please update soon! I'm in love with this story ♥
Chapter 7: Rereading because its soo good T~T
I hope you update soon
I'll be waiting~
dm_robot #7
Chapter 7: Good chapter :) i hope they come togheter again XD update soon
Chapter 7: psssshhh I thought that they were actually going to do it :P I don't quite get the last part but good job :D it's a coincidence though since we also had our exams...but anyway good luck~