Chapter 1

The Best Mistake


Sitting at the table with a cup of diet coke in front of me, I nervously waited for him to arrive.
I never planned for any of this to happen, especially with him but I guess it was a little too late for that now.
Tapping a finger on the table in front of me, I suddenly heard the jingle of a bell as the café door opened.
I looked up to see him walking towards me while brushing the snow flakes off of his shoulders after having apparently walked here from the SHINee dorm.
He smiled at me, the way he always had done ever since we were kids. 
Taking a seat opposite me, he looked around the café to see we were the only two here besides the owner who was reading a secret magazine behind the counter, he thought I hadn’t noticed but I did.
Once seeing that the coast was clear, my childhood friend slipped off his beanie hat and scarf that was comfortably wrapped around his neck revealing SHINee‘s dancing machine, Lee Taemin.
I watched his every move as I tried to control the nerves that were beginning to flare up inside of me, there was no turning back now.
“Hyorin, It’s about time you called me. I got the feeling you were avoiding me or something but you could have picked an appropriate time to meet up. I’ve had a really long day with a packed schedule” Taemin complained before letting out a big yawn, making no effort to hide his tiredness.
“I’m sorry, it’s just I really need to tell you something and it’s really hard for me to say-” I began but Taemin cut in by raising one of his hands in front of me.
“Hyorin, you know you can tell me anything. It’s always been like that for both of us but can I just go order a coffee first before we get down to talking? I’m really tired and a coffee is just what I need” He asked as I quickly shook my head, it was now or never.
I had to tell him before I lost the nerve to do it and made up a lame excuse to leave as fast as my feet could carry me.
Taemin nodded his head slowly, a look of concern slowly making it’s way across his face as he realized just how serious I was.
I inhaled and exhaled before making full eye contact with the boy sat in front of me.
“Taemin, there’s no easy way to say this and I know that you’re probably going to freak out but I need you to try to remain calm” I said in the calmest voice I could muster. 
Maybe if my voice was calm then Taemin would think I am as well, even though calm was not even in my dictionary right now.
The words that did describe Kim Hyorin right now would be scared, anxious, and worried.
“Hyorin, what’s wrong? You’re starting to scare me”
“Do you remember a few weeks back? That night when you were having trouble with Krystal and you called me to meet up, things got a bit out of hand and we ended up-”
“You said we should treat it like that night never happened, that we should forget about it and not let it ruin our friendship” Taemin interrupted, the panic in his voice was just starting to reveal itself.
“Taemin, I don’t think we can pretend like that didn’t happen anymore” I whispered softly but the expression on Taemin’s face told me that he had heard every word.
“I don’t understand, do you like me more than a friend now or something because you know I worked things out with Krystal and Minho would be devastated if he found out his girlfriend likes one of his best fr-”
“Taemin, you’ve got it all wrong. What I’m trying to tell you is that we can’t pretend it didn’t happen anymore because….I….Well I’m pregnant” 
And with just them words, Taemin’s eyes rounded as his jaw slightly slackened and the colour drained from his face.
Taemin was silent, nothing else he could say or do but just stare at me in shock.
[4 Weeks Before]
Pushing Minho off of me softly, I sat up from the bed and pulled my phone from out of my bag.
I had 2 missed calls and 1 text message all from Taemin.
Looking up at Minho, I could tell he instantly knew what the problem was and I knew he didn’t like it one bit.
It’s not that Minho isn’t an understanding boyfriend, completely the opposite actually, but tonight was supposed to be special. It was our one year anniversary and tonight was the night we had planned for us to finally take the next step in our relationship.
After twelve months of innocent flirting that progressed into an honest and meaningful relationship, I was finally ready for him to take my innocence.
I looked at Minho and he shook his head.
“It’s our anniversary Hyorin, can’t it wait until tomorrow?” He questioned, sitting down on the bed of the hotel we were at. 
He had planned it perfectly, first we took a long walk around Han River before coming to this 5 star hotel where he had booked the best suite in the hotel for us and prepared dinner for me.
“Minho, you know Taemin has been having trouble with Krystal lately. I can’t leave him alone if he’s upset. It’s not that simple”
“But it’s our anniversary. Taemin and Krystal fall out every week lately. I’m sure Taemin will understand if you don’t reply”
Suddenly my phone began to ring in my hands.
I looked down to check the caller ID to see it was Taemin once again, quickly looking back up to Minho, I saw the dark expression fall across his face.
“Hyorin, you’re always there for Taemin when he needs you and I never had a problem with that. He’s my best friend as well but just this once, I’m asking you to ignore the phone call and stay with me on our 1 year anniversary”
Looking at his serious expression I bit my bottom lip and took hold of my bag that was on the floor.
“He’s my best friend Minho, he’s important to me” I said before pressing the button to answer Taemin’s call.
“Then what am I to you?!” Minho shouted as I walked out of the hotel room.
“Taemin, where are you?” I asked getting the details on his whereabouts so I’d know where to meet him.
Minho would let it slid this once, I know he was angry but he would let it go after cooling off and thinking things over.
Once arriving at the bar that I knew Taemin was at, I had no trouble locating him since it wasn’t that packed.
He sat alone on one of the stools, right in front of the bar.
I let out a low sigh and made my way over to him, hoping he hadn’t drank too much yet so that he could tell me what had happened this time.
Krystal and Taemin had been dating for a few months now, at first they were always happy and seemed like a match made in heaven but recently things weren’t so great for them.
Taemin was always busy with SHINee and when he was free to see her, Krystal was too busy with f(x). Their schedules clashed a lot and even though they were from the same company, they barely had any time to see each other.
They were arguing a lot these days which was causing Taemin a lot of stress which overlapped onto Minho since Taemin always called me to cheer him up.
Sitting on the stool next to Taemin, I placed my bag on the floor and turned to look at Taemin.
He was staring down into the glass in front of him, apparently not having noticed me yet.
“Hey, if you look any deeper into that glass you’re going to need a snorkel” I smiled as Taemin’s head quickly snapped up to look at me.
Upon seeing me, his face instantly brightened up as his arms found their way around my shoulders and his head sat comfortably next to my neck.
I felt him inhale a breath as I patted his head softly.
Even though Taemin was a month older than me, I felt like I was responsible for him a lot of the time and I knew I had to take care of him right now.
“Do you want to tell me what happened this time?” I questioned after a moment of silence. 
Taemin instantly removed himself from my arms and began his rant on how he was in the right and Krystal was in the wrong, same old Taemin, even if he was upset and slightly tipsy.
“She’s always on my back about how I don’t devote enough time to her, you’d think with her being in the same type of business; she’d know how tying it is. When I try to explain to her she just gets even more angry and tells me I’m belittling her. It’s like she’s constantly PMS-ing at me. When I try tell her she’s being unreasonable, she goes on saying all girls would act the same way but then I tell her they wouldn’t because, well you’re not like that. Minho and I don’t have a lot of free time on our hands but you never complain”
“And let me guess, she gets even angrier because you brought my name into the argument?”
“It’s like you’re psychic. She just doesn’t let it go. I don’t understand her sometimes” Taemin growled and ordered what I can only assume was his fifth shot by counting the empty shot glasses in front of him.
He ordered one for me as well.
“Yeah well, if it makes you feel any better I don’t understand guys either. Minho’s a bit upset with me right now”
Taemin perked up and looked at me questioningly, waiting for me to go on.
“It was our 1 year anniversary today and because I came here to meet you, Minho’s kind of pissed at me”
“Oh crap, you’re right. Sorry” 
I smiled and shook my head before pushing his shoulder playfully as the barrister placed our shots right in front of us.
“I guess both of us are in the same boat then. Care to join me and drink your troubles away?” Taemin smirked at me as I laughed.
“You know I’m a light weight when it comes to alcohol” 
“That’s the whole point”
I thought about it for a minute.
What’s the worst that could happen? Minho had probably already left the hotel room in anger and I had nowhere special to be now.
I smiled and nodded my head in agreement to Taemin’s request.
The next morning, I honestly felt like kicking myself for giving in to the temptation of alcohol. 
That is after waking up in a Motel room.
With Taemin. 
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Seems cool..
Omg this is like one of the first stories I read ... ur back... omg yes!
Chapter 18: OMG YOU'RE BACK!!!! I've missed this story so much! Thanks for updating (:
Chapter 17: the new friend was handsome~~~ please update soon.the story is interesting
Dubu_blinger #5
Chapter 17: Update!!! Please update!
kristinam96 #6
Chapter 17: hello please update :) i love this story
updateeeeeeeeee :D
omg at the new friend! XD this story is getting better... pleaae update more!
Jorbaby #9
Chapter 17: New fri3nd is HOT DAMN!!!
Gahhh I love this story so much update soon
Minho Asdfghjkkkhffbn I let me hold him!!!!
Chapter 17: That "friend" is flipping gorgeous. I've read all of this story in like a day and I love it so far. Can't wait to see what happens next.