Chapter 5

The Best Mistake


Silence enveloped the 3 of us in the room.
Nobody moved and nobody spoke.
How did this happen?
This was so not the way I wanted Minho to find out about this, and Taemin seemed to have gone into a state of shock from Minho’s sudden appearance.
 The only sound that could be heard was our breathing as I looked to Minho, his eyes looking at the wall with a look on confusion on his face.
That is until he suddenly turned to me and at that moment the impact of what I’d done to Minho really hit me.
His eyes showed me how much he was hurting inside and I’d never seen him like this.
“Minho…I’m sor-” I began when he cut in.
“Is it true?”
I paused and looked to Taemin to see he was now avoiding eye contact by staring down at his feet, I could tell he was feeling the guilt aswell.
“Is it true?!” Minho raised his voice making me jump slightly.
I turned back to him before nodding my head slowly.
“Yes, it’s true” I said softly only to jump once again by Minho suddenly punching the wall he had be glaring at in anger.
“How could you? I thought you loved me, like I loved you!” Minho shouted as I inhaled a deep breath.
“It was an accident-” I began only to be cut off once again.
“An accident? You just accidentally fell into bed with one of my best friends and your now pregnant with his baby?!”
I shook my head in denial but it was hard to admit that what he was saying was kind of true.
I had slept with Taemin but I wasn’t in the right state of mind at the time. I know that wasn’t an excuse to justify what had happened between us but I would have never done something like this if I hadn’t drank so much.
“Minho, I’m sorr-”
“I don’t want to hear it”
I looked up at him to see a tear trailing down his cheek, it was only at that point that I felt the wetness of tears running down my own face.
I hated the fact that I hurt him this way.
“You disgust me and I never want to see you again. Get out” Minho said in a low tone and I could hear the venom in his words.
He was serious.
But I couldn’t let everything so just like this, Minho had to know how sorry I was.
“Minho, please underst-” 
“I said GET OUT!” He screamed at me making me step back from shock.
I looked to Taemin once again before looking back to Minho who was now glaring at Taemin.
At that point I decided to take my leave and allow Minho to calm down.
Although I wanted to talk this out with him, I knew he was in no state to hear my side of the story.
Right now the only emotions Minho would be feeling was hurt, anger and wrath.
Stepping out of the dorm, I noticed Jonghyun and Key had not totally abandoned Taemin and I as they stood resting against the wall in the hallway.
key let out a sigh as I shut the door and pulled me into a hug as I just let all of my tears drop.
I didn’t deserve his sympathy or anybody else’s right now but it didn’t stop me from holding onto Key as if he were a life line given to me.
I opened my eyes slightly as caught Jonghyun running his hands through his hair in frustration before patting me on my head softly.
“I’ll take you home. You can’t stay here with Minho like this and you can’t over work your body by walking” I heard Key said in a hushed voice as he still held me in his embrace.
Suddenly, there was a smashing noise heard from inside the dorm.
My eyes widened as I pulled away from Key and tried to make my way back into the dorm to see what had happened but Jonghyun managed to stop me.
“You go home with Key. I’ll take care of it” He said before opening the door and stepping inside when I heard voices shouting at one another.
Once voice belonging to Taemin and the other belonging to Minho.
“Let’s go” Key said taking me by the shoulders and softly nudging me away from the door of their dorm.  
That night I waited up with my phone in hand, waiting for a message from anyone of the guys.
I needed to see if Taemin was okay, if Minho was okay, if Jonghyun was okay after intervening.
I looked up at the clock in my room to see it was already 1AM.
Umma and Appa went to bed long ago after giving up trying to feed me.
I knew it was bad to skip meals when your pregnant but after today, my appetite had completely evaporated.
How could I eat when I knew a person who I cared about so much was in pain because of me and my stupidity.
Suddenly there was a tap at the window.
Quickly springing off my bed, I did the same as I did the night before and made my way down stairs to meet Taemin.
I didn’t have to check this time to know it was him.
And sure enough, he met me on the front porch of my house as I slipped out of the door.
I looked at him to see his hair fell over his left eye, and the one thing Taemin hated the most was his hair blocking his sight. 
I already knew something seemed off about him but when he smiled at me upon seeing me, I knew he was hiding something.
Stepping forward I swept his hair from out of his eyes as he flinched.
“You and Minho got in a fight?” I asked looking at his black eye which he had been trying to hide from me.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t speak up when Minho was shouting at you” Was all Taemin said but the last thing I need from him was an apology.
“I’m sorry Minho hit you. It seems like you got the worse part of Minho’s rage” 
Taemin shook his head and sat down on the porch step as I followed quickly after.
Sitting down next to him, he put his arm around my shoulder and frowned at me.
“What have I told you about coming out of the house without a jacket?” He questioned as I sighed and shrugged my shoulders slightly.
“How is Minho?” I couldn’t help but ask, despite him shouting at me and injuring my best friend, I still cared about Minho.
I still loved him.
“You mean before or after her threw a lamp at me?”
“He threw a lamp at you?” I asked as my eyes widened slightly as Taemin shrugged.
“Yeah but I managed to dodge it, it must have made him even madder. It wasn’t the best idea to shout at him when he was in such a state and the next thing I know he was using his fists. That is until Jonghyun came running into the room and dragged Minho off me” Taemin explained as I bit my lower lip.
“Minho took it worse than I thought. After seeing his reaction to the news, it makes me wonder how Krystal is going to take it. She isn’t as strong as Minho”
I looked to the ground as Taemin thought about his other half.
If Minho went at Taemin through rage, did that mean I would be Krystal’s target?
I guess Taemin noticed my silence and sensed what I was thinking as he lifted my chin up with his hand that wasn’t on my shoulder.
“If it’s Krystal, Minho or anyone else, you know I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you right?” He asked as I nodded my head slowly in reply.
“You’re my best friend and the Umma of my baby. I won’t let anything or anyone hurt you” Taemin reassured me as I let out a silent sigh.
What about the pain I was feeling inside?
I was hurting because I knew Minho was hurting.
He said I disgusted him but somewhere deep inside of me, I knew it was said in anger.
“I’m telling my parent tomorrow” I said as Taemin nodded his head in understanding.
“I’m telling Manager Hyung tomorrow, wait until I‘m finished telling him and we‘ll break the news to your parents together”
I shook my head quickly.
No way was I gonna let Taemin be in the same room as my Umma when she found out about this.
In most families, it was the Appa the guy would have to be scared of but in my family, Umma was the most feared.
Not even Appa could stop her when she flew off the handle.
“I’ll tell them myself. You just focus on telling your manager and SM in general. I’ll handle my parents” I said and after a while of silence, Taemin sighed in defeat.
“Call me if anything goes wrong, got it?” He asked as I nodded my head in understanding.
Taemin smiled slightly and stood up in front of me.
“You better go in now. I have to get back to the dorm and help Key clean up the mess since Minho probably hasn’t stepped out of his room yet. He locked himself in and not even Onew’s words can coax him out” Taemin said as I felt another pang of guilt erupt inside of me.
I nodded silently and stood up.
“Take care and get some sleep. The last thing I want is for you to over work your body” Taemin said as I smiled slightly and turned to go inside.
I turned to wave to Taemin one last time before stepping into my house and shutting the door quietly behind me.
How many more people were going to be hurt from mine and Taemin’s mistake?   
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Seems cool..
Omg this is like one of the first stories I read ... ur back... omg yes!
Chapter 18: OMG YOU'RE BACK!!!! I've missed this story so much! Thanks for updating (:
Chapter 17: the new friend was handsome~~~ please update soon.the story is interesting
Dubu_blinger #5
Chapter 17: Update!!! Please update!
kristinam96 #6
Chapter 17: hello please update :) i love this story
updateeeeeeeeee :D
omg at the new friend! XD this story is getting better... pleaae update more!
Jorbaby #9
Chapter 17: New fri3nd is HOT DAMN!!!
Gahhh I love this story so much update soon
Minho Asdfghjkkkhffbn I let me hold him!!!!
Chapter 17: That "friend" is flipping gorgeous. I've read all of this story in like a day and I love it so far. Can't wait to see what happens next.