Chapter 18

The Best Mistake

Stepping into SHINee's dorm after a long day of job hunting, Taemin had not been kidding when he had text me to inform me about Key's freaking out.

The moment his eyes landed on me, he ran to my side and circled around me, just to see if my body was still in good condition.

"See, I told you she was fine. Seriously Key, you've got to loosen up a bit. She's only pregnant." I heard Jonghyun's voice from behind Key.

Looking up, I noticed Jonghyun and Onew stood together, Onew looking slightly amused by how worried Key was over me.

"Someone should have still gone with her though. Who knows what could have happened?" Key frowned at his two hyungs as I heaved out a sigh.

"Could you guys stop talking about me as if I'm not here?" I asked, stepping past Key and making my way into the living room.

"Have you eaten Hyorin?" I heard Key ask as he sauntered after me, pushing past his two hyungs as he did so.

The boy always liked to fuss over everybody.

Walking into the living room, I came to see Taemin sat on the couch while casually watching television.

"What are we watching?" I asked, parking myself down right next to Taemin as he looked my way and smiled.

"There's nothing that interests me. How about you go into my room and pick out a DVD for us to watch?" Taemin asked as I smiled and nodded my head.

Standing up, I happened to glance at Key, Jonghyun and Onew who were all stood side by side, watching me with giant smiles on their faces.

Pushing back the fact that their smiles were creeping me out, I ignored the three of them and made my way to Taemin's room.

Opening the bedroom door, I walked over to the DVD cabinet that stood in one of the corners in Taemin's room and began to scan over the familiar titles of the movies that Taemin owned.

Usually I would go straight for the rom-com genre but I didn't feel like arguing with Jonghyun tonight, especially since Minho wasn't around to side with me anymore.

  "Aish, I don't know." I found myself mumbling when I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes, making me jump slightly from shock.

Instantly, my hands flew to the pair of hands that shielded my eyes.

"Guess who?" A voice whispered in my right ear, making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up on ends.

"Oh my god, no way." I whispered from instantly recognizing that soft voice.

That same voice I had missed for so long.

Prying his hands from my face, I spun around to see that familiar beautiful face smiling down at me.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" I shouted, smacking Kim Jongin across his right arm as he cowered away.

"And here I was thinking you'd be happy to see me." He pouted as I pushed him slightly before quickly wrapping my arms around his torso and snuggling my head into his chest.

"I guess some things never change. Same old Rinrin I know and love." Jongin laughed before I felt his arms wrap around my shoulders and his head rest upon mine.

"Not exactly the same." I commented, pulling away slightly so I could look up at Jongin as I heard him softly sigh.

"I know. Taemin filled me in on what has happened when he picked me up from my dorm. The last time I talked to you, you were all loved up with Minho."

My smile faltered slightly as my eyes diverted to the floor in shame, that is until Jongin lifted my head up to make eye contact again.

With his hands cupping my cheeks, he beamed down at me.

"I'm not judging. Everything happens for a reason, that's what I think." he spoke softly when Taemin strolled into the room with a smile playing on his lips.

"I figured that seeing Jongin would cheer you up and I knew he'd find his way to us sooner or later now that he's back from China. I just sped up the process. Were you surprised?" 

"Like you wouldn't believe. Are you back for long?" I questioned Jongin as I took him by he hand and proceeded to pull him into the front room, completely disregarding the DVDs I had been looking through before.

Sitting on the couch and pulling Jongin down to sit beside me I waited for his answer, hoping he'd tell me he was going to be staying for longer than I could hope for.

"Exo has finished promoting for the time being as a group so for now I'll be staying in Korea. Until when I don't know but I'm thinking for a while." Jongin smiled and I clapped my hands in excitement.

I had originally met Jongin through Taemin but just like I had done with Taemin, I had instantly clicked with Jongin.

Almost to the point that Jongin became a surrogate for Taemin back in his trainee days after Taemin had already debuted with SHINee.

"Just so I know, will you be joining us for dinner tonight?" Key asked, leaning over the back of the couch we sat on.

"Of course he will be. I haven't seen him in ages."

"I can't Hyorin. I've got to get back to unpack all my stuff. I came here straight after getting to my dorm, I haven't even had a washed up yet." Jongin explained as I immediately began to pout.

"And there's her famous pet lip. Hyorin, Jongin has to go back. You should be happy he came to see you straight after getting back to the dorm. I wouldn't have done that after just spending that long of time in China." Onew tried to reason but he only fueled my annoyance.

"That's because you ."

I heard a laugh come from Jongin and a snigger come from Taemin from my comment.

"Okay, maybe you have changed a bit Rinrin. You've got more of a bite with your words." Jongin said as he beamed at me while patting me on the head like a child.

"Is that your way of saying that you changed you mind and that you have decided that you'll stay for dinner?" I asked with hope dripping from my words.

Not having seen Jongin in so long was obvious from my clingy personality right now.

"I still have to go but how about tomorrow I take you out for lunch? We can have a proper catch up?" Jongin offered as instantly smiled at him and nodded my head with excitement.

"That sounds good as well. I get to decide the place though?" I asked.

"Hold on a minute, Aren't you forgetting something Hyorin?" Key called as I looked to him in confusion, not knowing what I could have forgotten.

"He's right Hyorin. You have your appointment with the midwife tomorrow." Taemin spoke up this time as reality hit me hard.

How could I have forgotten I had my very first meeting with my midwife tomorrow morning?

"What time is the meeting?" Jongin asked nobody in particular.

"10AM. I'll be going with her to the appointment." Taemin was the one to answer as Jongin looked back at me.

"Well I guess we could meet after the appointment and then go out for lunch. You'll just have to send me a tet when you're nearly done and I'll come and meet you both. I'm not ppaying for your meal though Tae." Jongin smirked back at Taemin who rolled his eyes as his so called best friend.

"Stingy." Taemin muttered which only made Jongin stick his tongue out at him.

"But as for now, I better get going." Jongin sighed, standing up from the couch as I tried to stop myself from pouting, not wanting to leave so soon.

"I'll give you a ride since I'm such a giving friend." Taemin said as Jongin scoffed and turned to me.

"See you tomorrow Rinrin?" He asked as I looked up at him and nodded before standing up and giving him a hug.

"Tomorrow" I said as Jongin smiled and pulled away, ruffling up my hair as a last goodbye, Jongin left the dorm with Taemin in tow.

Hearing the door shut, I heaved out a sigh and sank back onto the couch while Key made his way to the kitchen.

Jonghyun sat down beside me on the couch, where Jongin had been sat seconds before while Onew positioned himself on the floor to watch television.

"So... How did the job hunt go?" Jonghyun asked, reminding me of my failure to find a job earlier today.

Instantly, my head fell into my hands as I heard Jonghyun's next words ring through the room, over the volume of the television and the sound of Key pottering about in the kitchen.

"I take that as not so good?"

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Seems cool..
Omg this is like one of the first stories I read ... ur back... omg yes!
Chapter 18: OMG YOU'RE BACK!!!! I've missed this story so much! Thanks for updating (:
Chapter 17: the new friend was handsome~~~ please update soon.the story is interesting
Dubu_blinger #5
Chapter 17: Update!!! Please update!
kristinam96 #6
Chapter 17: hello please update :) i love this story
updateeeeeeeeee :D
omg at the new friend! XD this story is getting better... pleaae update more!
Jorbaby #9
Chapter 17: New fri3nd is HOT DAMN!!!
Gahhh I love this story so much update soon
Minho Asdfghjkkkhffbn I let me hold him!!!!
Chapter 17: That "friend" is flipping gorgeous. I've read all of this story in like a day and I love it so far. Can't wait to see what happens next.