I'm too Young!!!

Time Flies

I'm too Young!

          You were sitting on the couch watching T. V when all of a sudden you noticed your parents looking at your every move. "Do you have something to say Umma and Appa?" you asked your parents. "Should I tell her now?" you heard your dad to ask your mom. Your mom motioned for your dad to tell you and you started growing more curious every second.

"Appa! Tell me please," you pleaded. Appa cleared his throat and then started talking. "_____, you're getting married," Appa said easily. You got up immediately, turned off the T. V, and sat next to your parents. 'Why!!??" you whined really loud. "Please don't do this to me! Why do i have to marry him! I'm too young and I'm only nineteen! Besides, I can decide if i can marry him or not!" you complained and stomped your foot.

Your dad hugged you, but you pushed him away. " My baby girl? It was a promise. Your grandma and his grandmother met in the streets when your grandmother was carrying me in her stomach. These men came out and tried to her, but his grandfather saved her.

After that, they became close friends and since he saved her that day, she promised to give her grandchild girl to his grandchild boy. So, I'm sorry my baby girl," Appa explained. You grew so frustrated that you didn't know what else to do, but cry. Your Umma hugged you and you hugged her back.

"It's okay my baby doll. You'll be alright," she comforted. "Go get yourself ready. We're going to meet Myungsoo's parents today," Appa said. *Myungsoo? That's his name? What an ugly name that is!* you thought. You were just pure frustrated at this arranged marriage, but you still dressed your best. (here)

You rushed out to see your parents in their car, waiting for you. Suddenly, your best friend, Sunggyeol stopped you. "Where are you going ____? he asked you. "Umm, to the m-mall" you managed to reply so he didn't have to worry. He didn't have time to answer back because you were already in the car. *Sorry Sunggyeol, for lying to you* you thought as you drifted off for about 30 minutes until someone shook you gently.

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I'm making a sequel to it called A Life Through Happiness and Sorrow. Hope you read it too!!! ^ ^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 26: I didnt know it was the ending until you said it was and now im sad ;o;
But im glad that theres a sequel *yay!*
parkjihoonsgirl #2
It's so cute~
Chapter 26: so short
yah i lije it
agneth #4
Chapter 26: I'm curious your sequel.. Heheh.. Nice story..
Chapter 26: THIS IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD AND CUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I read this story in one day while i was at school! (sorry for reading at school -.-') BUT I LOVED IT SOOO MUCH SOO I COULDN'T CONTAIN MY FEELS TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED NEXT >.< THIS MADE ME SOOO HAPPY!!!! Thank you! :) Now im gonna read the sequel ^.^ Thank You sooo much :)
THIS IS SOOOOO CUTE! Good job on this story author-nim! :o I am amazed ^.^ Argghh.. I read this in one day. Off to reading the sequel ^.^ <3
SOO CUUUUUUTTEE!! :)) Love love love it!!!
Chapter 26: waah! So cute! XD
Chapter 26: Aww! So adorable*spazzing like crazy* =D