I'm sorry... I have to go

Time Flies

The next morning, you changed out of your pjs (http://www.yukisale.com/korean-clothing-wholesale-jk-fashion-dress-k8119-coffee-p-2109.html) and walked downstairs to find Hoya feeding Haneul cereal. "Ahh, ______, did you want some cereal too!?" he asked you. You nodded and he grabbed a bowl for you. Just get as much as you want, there's plenty more anyways because Haneul likes eating cereal. You nodded and only grabbed a little. Hoya looked at you as you had a blank expression on your face. "Yah, kenchanah?" Hoya asked you. You snapped out and said, "Mwoh?" He smiled and felt your forehead. "Are you sick? You look so pale..." You pushed his hand off gently and shook your head. "I want ice-cream noona!" Haneul said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you to the door. "Yah, let me go change first kay? Then noona can take you to the ice-cream store." Haneul nodded agreeably and let go of your hand. You walked upstairs to change, but Hoya followed you. "Wheh?" you said curiously.


"Ahh... I was just going to say that to dress warmly because... it's starting to get cold since winter is coming near..." You smiled and went inside to change. You found the perfect thing to wear and wore it. (http://www.yukisale.com/coats-and-jackets-k2109-gray-p-2348.html) Hoya looked at you one more time and gave you a thumbs up. "That will do," he said happily. You faked a smile and held out your hand so that Haneul could hold it. He shook his head and grabbed Hoya's hand then yours and put them together. You pulled away hastily and bent down to whisper into Haneul's ear. "What do you think your doing!?" you whispered to his ear. He whispered back into your ear, "I want you and hyung to hold hands because you both look good together..." he said as he looked at you poutfully. You looked at Hoya then smiled sheepishly. "Yah... let's go get that ice-cream!" you said as you sped walk to the door and opened it, leavng Hoya and Haneul behind. Hoya looked at Hnauel while Haneul looked back at Hoya. "Let's go Haneul," Hoya said while holding Haneul's hand. Haneul yanked out of his grasp though and ran to you and held your hand instead. You smiled and went to go get some ice-cream.

Listen while reading... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaYGii3CVv0&feature=relmfu)

You looked at the ice-cream infront of you. You smiled and grabbed it out of Hoya's hand. You were going to start it but then you stopped and your mind started to go back to the times with Myungsoo. The only thing you were thinking about was Myungsoo and how he used to be when he didn't go to work. You stopped smiling and the flashback came back into your mind.


"Ahh Myungsoo!! Let me go!!" you screamed as you were swinging your legs while he was spinning you around. You both fell to the ground and started laughing, bubble and all. You guys barely finished a car wash and the both of you were fighting because he sprayed water at you. You suggested you both go buy ice-cream to finish the day with. He smiled and nodded. You both walked side by side and kicking rocks. He smirked at you and you just blushed. You both finally arrived at the ice-cream stall and he handed the vanilla ice-cream to you. You smiled and reached for the ice-cream. He smiled and handed it to you first though. You smiled and thought, *He knew what I liked, he always knew what to say... he was always the first one inside my mind...*


The flashback ended and you just faked a smile at Hoya and Haneul. Then you took one and threw it in the trashcan without even thinking. You were still really upset that you treated Myungsoo badly when you both were living together. You excused yourself to the restroom and started faintly crying. *There's somewhere in me that still cares about him... Please don't do this now ____! Hwaiting! But... I can't fight anymore.* You looked up to the mirror and saw Hoya behind you from faraway, standing at the door. You hurriedly wiped your tears away and washed your face. You ran outside and wiped your face. "I think I got something in my eye. No worries! It's gone now..." you said as you and Hoya were walking back to where Haneul was standing. "If you have something in your mind, you can just tell me. There's nothing that can come inside your eyes right now. You're lying." *How does he know that I'm lying...* "It's nothing, really! It's just that..." "You miss Myungsoo right?" Hoya said. You nodded your head slowly and then hugged Hoya while crying. "I think I have to go... sorry. Tell Haneul that I went. Don't give him an excuse or else I'll feel guilty my whole life," you said as you walked away. Hoya was about to grab your arm, but you were to far for his reach now. He sighed while seeing you walk away like that. You put your hands over your face and ran as fast as you can to Hoya's place, then packed all your things and started to the train.


Hoya was still standing there, dumbfounded, and finally snapped out of it when Haneul reached for his hand. "Where'd noona go!?" pouted Haneul. "She had to go home. Sorry Haneul, but it was an emergency..." Haneul nodded and Hoya started thinking to himself. *Did Myungsoo act so nicely towards her that she actually remembered him through all this fun? Did Myungsoo change? The Myungsoo I know was grouchy all the time and always was too busy...*




Hello guys! I finally got to finish this chapter! I'm so sorry

ALOT of homework. ^ ^

Anyways, HWAITING! ^ ^


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I'm making a sequel to it called A Life Through Happiness and Sorrow. Hope you read it too!!! ^ ^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 26: I didnt know it was the ending until you said it was and now im sad ;o;
But im glad that theres a sequel *yay!*
parkjihoonsgirl #2
It's so cute~
Chapter 26: so short
yah i lije it
agneth #4
Chapter 26: I'm curious your sequel.. Heheh.. Nice story..
Chapter 26: THIS IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD AND CUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I read this story in one day while i was at school! (sorry for reading at school -.-') BUT I LOVED IT SOOO MUCH SOO I COULDN'T CONTAIN MY FEELS TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED NEXT >.< THIS MADE ME SOOO HAPPY!!!! Thank you! :) Now im gonna read the sequel ^.^ Thank You sooo much :)
THIS IS SOOOOO CUTE! Good job on this story author-nim! :o I am amazed ^.^ Argghh.. I read this in one day. Off to reading the sequel ^.^ <3
SOO CUUUUUUTTEE!! :)) Love love love it!!!
Chapter 26: waah! So cute! XD
Chapter 26: Aww! So adorable*spazzing like crazy* =D