KyungKi Finally Leaves

Time Flies

When you got to Myungsoo's house, you heard laughters inside. *Aish!!! KyungKi still here!!!* You dropped your bag on the ground then knocked on the door lightly. "Coming!" Myungsoo called out. You didn't want to come in and disturb them. You didn't even know why you knocked on the door, so you hid behind a tree and tried to hold your breath. Myungsoo opened the door and saw your suitcase on the floor. "_____'s suitcase? Then, where is she!?" Myungsoo said as he ran passed you and opened the gate. Then, he drove his car around the whole neighborhood while you came out behind the bush and walked inside. *I should probably call him and tell him I'm home already...* you thought. You picked up your cellphone and dialed Myungsoo's number.


KyungKi came in then and walked towards you. "Do you know how worried Myungsoo is about you!? I don't even know why he worries about a middle class girl like you..." "Sshh!" you said to her while putting your index finger on your lips. She scoffed and then whacked the phone out of your hand and onto the floor. "Aish!" you said as you tried to pick it up, but then KyungKi slapped your hand and pushed you to the wall. "Don't ever flirt with my Myungsoo jagiya again!" KyungKi said as she slapped your face. You put your hand on your cheek and pushed KyungKi away from you. "I have never flirted with him! I have never even had an interest in him! Don't worry! As long as your here, you'll be with him forever! Don't worry about me! I have never bothered the both of you before! Don't bother me! I have nothing to do with this!" you yelled as you pushed her out your bedroom door.


"Yah! Open this door or I'll knock it down myself!" she yelled at you. You locked it and sat on your bed, crying. Then you spotted your cellphone. It said... connecting. You gasped and then whispered a hello and on the other line there was a worried Myungsoo. "You're home already!? Why didn't you tell me that! On the other hand, KyungKi slapped you!? I'm coming home right now!" "Ani-" but he already hung up. 5 minutes later, you heard Myungsoo slam the door open and heard him lecturing KyungKi. "Just because I don't like her doesn't mean that you should hurt her either! Yes, I heard! She doesn't have an interest in me and I don't either okay?! Got that!? She doesn't flirt with me either! You've never seen her flirt with me right!? The ony person I see infront of my face all the time, trying to flirt with me is you!" "But you do like her! That's why you're always worried about her! That's what's causing our relationship to fall apart! That is why you would do anything she says!" KyungKi yelled back.


You heard a long pause then Myungsoo saying for KyungKi to just go home. He slammed the door shut on her and then slammed his own bedroom door shut. You puffed your cheeks and went to go knock on his door. "Neh!" he yelled from inside. You flinched and then opened the door. "How many times are you going to do that. I said neh not come in!" he yelled. You bit your lower lip and looked down. *I'm sorry...* Myungsoo thought. "I...umm... i.." "If you don't have anything to say then pailee and get out." Myungsoo said as he kind of pushed you out of his door. "Yah...!" you called as he pushed you out the door. You turned around and saw his face only 4 inches away from yours. "Aish!" he said as he pulled back. You looked down and fiddled with your fingers.


"Umm... I was... lying... on... the phone.... I have to go sleep! Bye!" you said as you waved quickly and then went immediately inside your room. He tilted his head to the side and then did an 'Oh' mouth. He puffed his cheeks and scratched the back of his head. *Aish! Why am I so stupid! I should be the one saying that first! I was lying too ________! Mianeh...* He then smiled and closed his door. *My sweet girl. Never says anything that's on her mind...* Then Myungsoo finally realized he really DID like you. In your room, you were laying down on your bed and finally realized you were growing feelings for Myungsoo. *Why him! Why can't it be somebody nicer! Like, Hoya or something...* You then just smiled and shrugged then went to sleep peacefully.  

How very cute are these two! Finally knowing that they like eachother! Finally!

^ ^

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I'm making a sequel to it called A Life Through Happiness and Sorrow. Hope you read it too!!! ^ ^


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14 streak #1
Chapter 26: I didnt know it was the ending until you said it was and now im sad ;o;
But im glad that theres a sequel *yay!*
parkjihoonsgirl #2
It's so cute~
Chapter 26: so short
yah i lije it
agneth #4
Chapter 26: I'm curious your sequel.. Heheh.. Nice story..
Chapter 26: THIS IS SOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOD AND CUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I read this story in one day while i was at school! (sorry for reading at school -.-') BUT I LOVED IT SOOO MUCH SOO I COULDN'T CONTAIN MY FEELS TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED NEXT >.< THIS MADE ME SOOO HAPPY!!!! Thank you! :) Now im gonna read the sequel ^.^ Thank You sooo much :)
THIS IS SOOOOO CUTE! Good job on this story author-nim! :o I am amazed ^.^ Argghh.. I read this in one day. Off to reading the sequel ^.^ <3
SOO CUUUUUUTTEE!! :)) Love love love it!!!
Chapter 26: waah! So cute! XD
Chapter 26: Aww! So adorable*spazzing like crazy* =D