Chapter 22

A promise to keep

Stretching her hand out of the window, Jaehi smiled. The night is breezy and as it is already past midnight, the road was calm and there was no traffic. Heading home, Jaehi thought of what happened a couple of hours ago.

“Jae Jae, eodi-ya?” Heejin called. “We’re already at the restaurant.

“On the road,” replied Jaehi.

“Are you with Su-oppa? I thought he couldn’t make it?” asked Heejin.

“Su-oppa?” asked Jaehi, forgetting about her little lie.

“You told Jae-oppa you’re picking him up,” said Heejin. Noticing that Jaehi is a little flustered, she then said, “Jae Jae~?”

“Uh mian Jinnie ah,” Jaehi apologises, realising that Heejin have already seen through her. Wuickly thinking of another excuse, she then said, “Uh! But didn’t you want me to set up a date for you and Jae-oppa?! Well, here’s your chance! Just give him some excuse or something.”

“I’m gonna just head home and sleep. Been a tiring week you know,” said Jaehi, playing on Heejin’s conscience.

“A-arasso!,” Heejin replied hesitantly then turned to the side and whispered, “You could have told me earlier you know!”

“Heh, Jinnie hwaiting!” said Jaehi and put down.

Putting the phone back into her bag, Heejin turned to Jaejoong.

“Hmm, what did she say? Where is she?” asked Jaejoong expectantly.

“Uh, Jae Jae, she..saidshe’sgoinghomecauseshehasasplittingheadache,” rambled Heejin.

“Ah, I see,” replied Jaejoong, disappointment in his face. “You win this round, Hee,” he thought.

“Well oppa, if you don’t feel like dining, we can just go home,” said Heejin, catching his attention.

Looking at Heejin’s expecting face, Jaejoong smiled and said, “Aniya, kwenchana. We’re already here anyways and I bet you’re famished right?”

“I am,oppa! Let’s order!” said Heejin, her face brightened.

Jaejoong signalled for the waiter and asked Heejin, “So my lovely lady, what would you like to have for starters?” turning on his charm.

Dinner went really well for Jaejoong and Heejin. Well according to Heejin that is. She has been rambling on and on about it during breakfast the next day to Jaehi. Dragging Jaehi out of bed at 10am on a Saturday is an absolute sin, considering she has been on relying on 4 hours of sleep the past week.

Having the keys to Jaehi’s house, Heejin went in and go straight into Jaehi’s bedroom. Finding the latter sleeping face down with her hands and legs wide apart, Heejin giggled. Tiptoeing over to her bed side, she peered and then decided to do what every annoying sister would do in the morning.

She got onto Jaehi’s bed and jumped up and down vigorously like an excited energiser bunny, chanting, “Jae Jae~ Iroenayo! I’ve come to play~”

Shocked by the sudden intrusion, Jaehi’s body jerked and her head shot up, mumbling, “Whaa..”

Realising that it was just Heejin, she scratched her head and went deeper into the comforter. “Yah, get off my bed!” she shouted.

“Andwae! Ireona!~” said Heejin, stubbornly.

Feeling for a pillow, she got one and threw randomly, trying to aim towards Heejin without looking. “Yah! Ka!”

However, the pillow went towards her door instead. Giggling, Heejin jumped and landed on her back beside Jaehi. “Jae Jae! I had the best time yesterday,” she said to Jaehi, not caring if Jaehi’s asleep or no.

“Good for you. Now leave me be,” mumbled Jaehi, moving away from Heejin.

Hugging Jaehi from behind, Heejin just continued giggling with sparkling eyes. “Jae-oppa’s the best you know, he..”

Jaehi thought, “Jaejoong in the morning. Of course it’s about mighty Jaejoong. Sheesh, I can’t take this without coffee. Might as well get up. It’s not as if she’s gonna leave me alone.”

Before Heejin, could continue, Jaehi said, “Arasso, arasso he’s the best.” Moving very slowly, Jaehi got off the bed and headed towards the bathroom.

Not giving up, Heejin got off the bed too and walked beside Jaehi, linking her arms, “He is, isn’t he? I think..”

Stopping, Jaehi turned to Heeji, and said as calm as she could, “Jinnie-ah, if you woke me up just to talk about Jaejoong, then better make yourself useful and make me breakfast. We, I mean you, can swoon all you like while I’m having breakfast and I won’t even barf. Deal?”

Looking at Jaehi, Heejin burst into giggles again and said, “Oh Jae Jae, you’re really so dramatic. Arasso, I’ll make the best one just for you.” Skipping out and down to the kitchen, Heejin hummed happily.

Sitting on the W.C, Jaehi sighed, “Quiet at last..”

But was interrupted by Heejin shouting, “Jae Jae! How do you turn this stove on?!”

“Nope, what was I thinking?!” thought Jaehi. Tying up her hair, she proceeds to wash up and then head down. Hoping the kitchen would not be on fire by then.

Eating just plain cereal with milk, Jaehi was sitting at the counter, while Heejin was, well, still rambling on about Jaejoong.

“So much for the best breakfast,” thought Jaehi, spooning a mouthful of cereal into .

“..and then he sent me all the way to my door. My door, Hee! He could have just driven off after I got off, you know. Isn’t he sweet?" asked Heeji, dreamily.

Nodding thoughtlessly to whatever Heejin has said, Jaehi continued to have breakfast. Realising that Jaehi wasn’t paying attention, Heejin shrieked, “Lee Jaehi! Are you listening?!”

“Yah, tone it down a notch. You’re voice’s ringing,” said Jaehi softly, covering her ears with her hand. “I get it Jinnie, you had a great time. I’m happy for you.”

“I knew it was a good idea to leave you two alone. See, progress!” said Jaehi, trying to sound cheerful. Deep down, Jaehi felt her heart tightened and whiffed it off as something that had to do with over-protectiveness on her part.

“Komowo, Jae Jae, you’re the best!” Heejin said, going over to Jaehi to give her a big hug.

“Anything for you, Jinnie,” said Jaehi. “Now, get off me! You’re choking the love out of me already!”

“Hehe, always the drama queen, Jae Jae,” Heejin said. Jaehi just sat staring at her bowl of cereal, her mind blank.

Shaking it off, Jaehi put her unfinished bowl of cereal in the sink and went off to the living room to join Heejin.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading on!

I'll be a little busy for now cause I've been handed a big project to head so I'll prolly be updating a little lesser.

Anyways, a little update on Jaehi and Heejin's sisterly love.

Do comment ya! Komowo~

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lazycharms #1
Is there ever going to be an update of this?!~~~~!!!! i want to know what the heck happens between them!~
6002sn #2
Updatw pleasssssssssse
sn6002 #3
Please update...i've been waiting so long
Chapter 15: Dang it! I don't remember what chap I'm on
Crystalbone #5
Chapter 42: Haha, Jaejoong :D
Chapter 42: uaahahahahahaha,,,that must be jae joong,,
aigoo,,,jaehi ah,,just admit ur relationship with jaejoong oppa dear,,,u will save after that..hahaha
thanks for the update honey^^
Chapter 42: Is that Jaejoong who shouted? Why are they all rooting for Yunho? Why can't JaeHi be back with Jaejoong? will surely wait for your next update so update soon :)
jaejay #8
Chapter 42: but update soon please!!! :(
jaejay #9
Chapter 42: any one could say that it is Jaejoong!!!! HA HA HA... :D please jaehi.. go back to jae... thats where you belong!!!!