Note 89-Note 90

New Note


There I was standing in front of his locker again. This was Note 89. I must say I’m pretty amazed that he’s still reading them. I for sure thought he would be weirded out, but he wasn’t. That’s why I love him. He’s so caring and loving. He’s so open minded about everything and anything and most of all he gives everyone a chance.

 I kissed the little black note before slipping it into his locker.

I started my way back home when I suddenly felt my phone going off.

“ You and I go hard at each other like were going to war. You and I go roug-“

“Hello” I said as I answered.

“Hey I know today’s your day off but do you think you could come in were really slammed right now?”

“No problem, I’ll be there in five minutes”

“Thanks” with that I hung up the phone and made my way to the Café.

‘Whoa, it really is packed in here’ I thought to myself.

“Hey Thanks again for coming! Like I said no problem”

“Right, Okay well once you’re done changing, if you could go over and help  Say, Yezi, And Ljoe Take orders that would be great.”


I went into the backroom and started to change into my black slacks and a White button up. I was making my way out the door when someone suddenly walked into me.

“Whoa” I said as my balance went off a little.

“I’m Sorry” A voice quickly said. I looked at the person and saw them bowing. I smirked knowing who it was immediately.

“It’s Okay” I said and his head shot up. He stared at me with wide eyes. I could see a little pink on his cheeks which made me smirk more.

“We better get going it’s pretty crowded out there” I whispered to him. I then gently walked past him and headed out the door. I couldn’t help the smile that was playing on my face. I walked up to Say to let her know I was going to work the floor with her.

“What’s got you so happy” Say said.

“What makes you think I’m happy” I asked with a raised brow.

She smirked at me then raised her own brow. “Maybe the fact that Mr.No emotion was actually smiling on a busy day like this.”

“I have Emotions” I said with a straight face.

“Right and Woohyun is’nt a greasy S.O.B” That made me crack a smile.

“Say you’re a big hypocrite”  L.Joe said as he walked over to us.

“Why?” Say asked L.Joe

“Well because you don’t have any emotions either” L.Joe pointed out.

“Yes I do” Say replied. I could tell she was getting irritated.

“Oh my bad, you do have an emotion.” L.Joe paused nodding, before he said. “An emotion to be a total Bi- owww” L.joe whimpered in pain as yezi came up and smacked him with a tray.

“Yah would you all shut up and help me, FYI we are packed in here if you pabo’s forgot” We all quickly apologized to yezzi and then quickly got to work.


“ughhhhh” I sighed. The store finally seemed to have calmed down. It was about 6:30 now and I was exhausted. I was whipping one of the tables when woohyun came by me.

“Hey you can head home now the night crew can handle it from here.”

“Kay” I made my way to the backroom. When I walked in I saw a figure seating on the sofa. As I walked closer I realized who it was.

“What you reading?” I asked as I peered over him. I notice him jump as I startled him.

‘cute’ I thought.

“Sorry if I scared you”

“It’s okay” he said.

“You heading home?” I asked.

“Yeah, You?” I nodded as I looked down at the note in his hand. He noticed ad put it away quickly.

“Secret Admirer?” I asked.

“Maybe” He said. He got off the sofa and started heading towards the door.

“Well see you next time sungjong” I said right before I entered the bathroom. I can tell I shocked him by knowing his name. I quickly smiled at that.

“ahhh, Finally home” I closed my door and flipped on my switch. As I took off my coat I was greeted by my cat.

“Hi LuLu” I cooed as I pet her. I picked her up and made my way to my bedroom. I laid her down on my bed before quickly going to my desk. I pulled out my pen and paper and started writing.

Note 90

Hello sungjong, I hope you’re not too tired from yesterday. I hope you have a nice day today. We will finally get to meet in exactly 10 Notes from this one. I hope you are as excited as me. Till next time.


I smiled at my newest Not to him. I quickly closed my newest not and kissed it before lying down on my bed.

“Soon sungjong, soon we will meet again and this time I won’t let you walk away.” With that my eyes drifted close to the sound of LuLu prring next to me.


Hello I really really like this chapter. :) I think L is soo cute! And LuLu the cat!!! hehehehe...

<3 143TOFU


None- Family was watching a foot ball game!!! all I heared was yelling, shouting, and cheers!!!

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Its almost over :'( (:


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Chapter 11: This was so cool!!!! I really enjoyed this story!! Cute L and Sungjong!!!! :) Thanks for writing this sweet Fic ^^
rei_zha #2
Chapter 11: It's really a sweet and nice story....
you gonna make a sequel? wow...i'll wait^-^
AhnNeulRin #3
Chapter 11: I can't wait to read your sequel....
This story really sweet...
andreaylen #4
Chapter 10: I like mysterious
potgas10 #5
Chapter 11: Sequel please!
bohyemi #6
Chapter 11: SEQUEL SEQUEL!!!
Chapter 11: Awww~ OMG! This is soooooooooooo cute! >//< PLEASE~ make a sequel! MAKE A SEQUEL! ^^
I seriously loved it! Every single chapter, every single word! >//<
woosoogyu #8
Chapter 11: A sweetie & romantic new year moment of myungjong... ^_^
sequel..? I would never say no to any story I like & enjoy reading...! ^_~