Late Night

You're my Prophecy

The lamps above me shone like dead stars, their lights flickering in and out of existence.

“I should’ve left earlier.” I sighed to myself, shivering from the cold. I had just left a friend’s house after she decided to get drunk at a party. Me, being the great friend I am, took her home, made sure she wasn’t going to choke of her own puke, changed her clothes and put her to bed. Now I was on my way home, which was a good mile from hers. If I was smart, I would’ve just stayed overnight, but I wanted to get back home.

A light above flickered off with a light pop, leaving me in moonlit darkness. My heart jumped into my throat but I keep walking, now with slightly hurried steps. A dog barked in the distance and I jumped, my hand flying to my mouth to stop the squeak that rose to my lips. I stood there frozen for a moment, another shiver running painfully down my spine. Once I had determined I was just being jumpy, I turned to head back in the direction of my house, but was met with a wall of flesh.

“You shouldn’t be out this late.” A cool voice said. I stepped back, bowing before looking up at the person’s face. He was handsome, for an Asian at least. He stood around 180 centimeters, and had dirty golden blonde hair that was dyed from the dark color of his eyebrows.

“I’m sorry. I was just heading home right now.” I replied, dropping my gaze before it met his eyes.

“Why are you out this late?” He asked. His voice was a creamy tenor, and I felt drowsy listening to it.

“My friend, I was helping her home.” I replied. My eyes felt tired and I had a hard time keeping them open. My vision began to blur and my limbs became weak.

“You should tell your friend to take care of herself next time.” He replied with a small smirk. I merely nodded, having no energy to speak.

“Because now you’re the one in trouble.” He whispered in my ear and gently traced a finger along my jaw line. I managed to put my arms up in an attempt to push him away, but he merely wrapped a strong around me and pulled me close, his fingers no trailing down to the edge of my turtle neck, slowly pulling it down.

“What…” I managed to breathe out. I was fighting consciousness. The man didn’t reply only smirked as he tore the fabric of my turtle neck, revealing my neck.

“That’s better.” He muttered and leaning forward, the exposed flesh. I couldn’t do anything, the energy out of me, leaving me half conscious.

“Kyuhyun!” Another voice shouted out, this one softer and gentler, but commanding.

“Aish…” Kyuhyun muttered and dropped me; I could barely feel the pavement as I collapsed to the ground.

“Do you always have to interrupt my meals?” Kyuhyun sighed, annoyed.

“If I don’t who will?” The other replied. His voice seemed closer now.

“You know there’s no way you can defeat me in a fight.” Kyuhyun scoffed.

“Then just give me the girl and go.” The other said.

“I don’t think so. She’s my prey.” Kyuhyun snarled. Suddenly, a larger growl sounded nearby and I could hear Kyuhyun’s breath hitch.

“You really think I wouldn’t face you without backup?” The other said. Kyuhyun didn’t reply at first, seeming to decide his odds.

“Fine, but I’ll back for her.” Kyuhyun snarled and I heard footsteps receding off into the distance.

“Will he ever quit?” The other man’s voice said and it became increasing closer to me till I felt a breath of air hit my head.

“Poor girl.” Another voice came out of nowhere nearby.

“Come on, help me pick her up.” The first one ordered.


“Are we just going to leave her bleeding in the street to die and hope someone finds her?”


“Just grab her arms.” I suddenly felt myself lifting off of the ground. After Kyuhyun left, the tiredness finally began to fade from my body. I could now feel the throbbing pain in my head and the strong arms that held my arms and legs. I wanted to speak, but now I was frozen with fear; what was going on?

“Do you think she was knocked out?” The second one said.

“Possibly.” The first one replied. I attempted to open my eyes but was only met with blurred vision so I closed them again, trying to ignore the churning in my stomach from the bumpy movement of the two men carrying me.

After what felt like forever, they finally stopped and I was transferred completely into someone’s arms.

“Hurry up.” The first man’s voice rang clearly in my ears. A few moments later, I heard something like a door opening and then we began moving again. It wasn’t long till I was placed onto something soft, similar to a bed, but much closer to heaven.

“Minho! Please bring me the first aid kit!” The voice shouted.

“What makes you think we have a first aid kit?” A new voice replied back.

“Just find me something to fix her wound.” The first one shouted.

“I’m not finding anything!” Minho replied several minutes later.

“Hold on.” The first replied and I heard him leave my side. I took this chance to open my eyes and look around. It looked like a simple room: white walls and ceiling, beige curtains but the bed was a deep contrast. The sheets were a dark blood red and the wood a deep mahogany. I listened for any feet approaching and sat up, but immediately regretted it. A strong dizzy spell hit and my head began to throb hard. I reached up and felt my head, and my fingers met wetness. I looked at them to see red dripping from my fingertips.

“You should lay down.” A now familiar voice told me. I looked over and saw a man with dark blonde hair with dark roots, the ends just reaching past his chin. His eyes were warm and pleasant and a soft smile graced his lips.

“What?” I replied stupidly, taken aback by the gorgeous image of the man in front of me. He just smiled back and approached me. I noticed bandages in his hands.

“Lay down.” He ordered when he got to me, gently pushing me back down onto the bed.

“Where am I?” I asked, watching him as he arranged the items in his hands.

“Questions later.” He replied. I sighed but listened. If he was anyone of any caliber of Kyuhyun, he probably wasn’t someone for me to mess with. He then reached forward and turned my head slightly to reach my wound. He then pressed a cold liquid against my head, stinging for a second but then everything slowly became numb.

“What are you doing?” I asked, unable to help myself.

“I’m patching you up.” He replied, continuing his work without glancing at me, not that I could see from my turned-away position.

We sat in silence for a several long minutes as he worked. A million questions popped in my head but I bit my lip to hold them back.

“Don’t bite too hard. I don’t want to have to sew up your lip as well.” He suddenly said suddenly in a light tone. I laughed nervously but my lips, feeling the indention there from my teeth.

“All done. Now let me put this bandage on, please sit up.” He said, and I complied. He turned me towards him and moved closer to me, to where our face was a few inches apart. I was able to more closely observe his features. His skin was smooth and clean, his lips a pale pink but full for a male. His eyes were slanted in the typical Asian fashion, the iris a deep brown, almost black.

I was so busy observing him that I didn’t even notice him put the bandage around my head.

“All done.” He smiled at me. My heart jumped a little at the sight of it. He was much more attractive when he smiled. “Now, you should sleep. You’ve gone through a lot within the last hour.”

“I’m sure it could’ve been worse.” I replied, mostly to myself. The man merely grinned at me and motioned me to lie down.

“Goodnight Sungtae.” He whispered before leaving the room, turning off the lights behind him.

It wasn’t until I was halfway to dreamland that I finally wondered how he knew my name.

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Chapter 10: ohmygawd i love this story!!! you should really write more! i would love to hear more from you:)
Chapter 10: Awesome!!!!!!!! Nice story! Write more :D
lwyCarmen #3
Chapter 10: It's an awesome story! You should write more! xD