
You're my Prophecy

Sungtae POV

I stood in a white room, dressed in a simple gown. Nobody answered any of my questions; they just pushed me around with emotionless faces.

“Hello again.” Someone said to me. I looked around and found Leeteuk standing next to a wall, watching me with vague interest.

I didn’t reply but watched as he quietly approached me, his wings ruffling slightly.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, trying to be pleasant. I just snorted at his question, glaring at him.

“Don’t take it too personally. My subjects have no emotions; they just follow orders. If you would just comply, then….”

“How about you explain why I’m here and maybe I’ll start listening.” I snapped, interrupting him. A small flash of anger passed through Leeteuk’s eyes, but disappeared before I could really determine it.

“There are some suspicions around your birth.” He said, now slowly walking around me in circles.

“My birth? What does that mean?” I replied, following him with my eyes.

“Your mother, what did she do?”

“I don’t know. She died when I was very young.”

“And your father?”

“I’m not sure. A businessman maybe. He was gone a lot on business trips. He never told me what for?”

“So you raised yourself.”

“I had a twin sister for a while, so we depended on each other, but she disappeared in middle school. After that, I took care of myself. Why do you care?”

Leeteuk ignored me, mulling over the information I had given him.

“That necklace. Where did you get it?”

“My mother gave it to me just before she died. My sister had one just like it.” I explained, grasping the amulet in-between my fingers. Leeteuk paused for another moment.

“Did you know that your sister has been dead for five years?” He suddenly asked me. I felt like I had been hit with a hammer.

“W-what?” I asked, shocked.

“Kyuhyun killed her.” He said his voice quiet. My knees felt weak and my chest burned.

“No, no that can’t be true.” I gasped, grasping my chest and slowly falling to my knees.

“I still have her body preserved in a room nearby. I can show you.” Leeteuk said, pointing to the door. I paused for a moment and then managed to climb back to my feet.

“Fine. Show me.” I replied. Leeteuk smiled slightly at me and then led the way.

Everything in the building was white, the walls, the floor, even the chandelier, which I could only see by the candles that sat upon it. It made my head hurt looking at all of it. Leeteuk led me into a room that looked vastly different. I was dark and damp and a cold chill ran deep into my bones.

“This is the room where we keep interesting subjects to study them and understand them. Don’t worry, we haven’t done anything to your sister’s body.” He assured me, walking over to what looked like a large drawer. He waved his hand in front of it and it slowly creaked open, revealing a body. He motioned to me to step forward and look. With shaky legs I walked forward, the body coming into clearer view.

I looked down at a cold, motionless mirror of my face, face pale with lack of blue and life.

“Ahyoung.” I whispered, reaching out to gently touch my sister’s face. It was bitterly cold compared to my warm hand and I quickly pulled away.

“Do you believe me now?” Leeteuk asked. I didn’t reply, just kept looking at my sister’s body. The first thing I noticed was her amulet, the ruby dead and void, just like my sister’s body. I reached out and touched it, it sparking to life for a second before dimming back.

“Ahyoung…” I repeated, wanting to say something but nothing came to my lips. My vision slowly began to blur, but then I noticed something interesting. There were no bite marks on her neck. Wasn’t Kyuhyun a vampire? If he killed her, there would definitely be a bite mark, right?”

“Let’s head back.” Leeteuk said, placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. I didn’t reply, just turned away from my sister’s body and ran out of the room, wiping away the faint tears. A few minutes later Leeteuk followed me out.

“Do you know why he killed her?” I asked Leeteuk, following him back to the room we came from.

“I’m not sure. Kyuhyun is a ruthless villain, and he hates Onew above all else. Perhaps he just wanted to hurt his brother.” Leeteuk replied.

“Brother? Onew and Kyuhyun are brothers?” I gasped.

“Blood brothers. They were turned at the same time, which is uncommon for vampires. I’m not sure why though.” Leeteuk seemed to be lost in his own thoughts and I closed my mouth, not wanting to ask any more questions. I felt sick.

WE came back to the room and Leeteuk turned to face.

“That amulet, may I see it?” He asked, suddenly solemn.

“Why?” I asked, grabbing it and taking a step away from him. Leeteuk’s eyes seemed to flicker with amusement and he reached out to me, his hand heading towards my necklace.

“Stop.” I said, taking another step from him. He snapped his fingers and I was suddenly frozen in place and my hand forcefully fell to my side.

“What are you doing?” I whimpered and his hand slowly approached me. Suddenly, before he hand was even a few inches away from the amulet, a sharp pain erupted on my back, as almost an aversion to his touch. I winced slightly but Leeteuk didn’t stop, and the pain increased.

“Ah! Stop!” I screamed, my face contorting in pain. Leeteuk finally looked at me and then dropped his hand. I collapsed onto the ground in pain, tears streaming from my eyes.

“Thank you. That’s all I needed to know.” He smirked and left the room, leaving me curled up on the floor.



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Chapter 10: ohmygawd i love this story!!! you should really write more! i would love to hear more from you:)
Chapter 10: Awesome!!!!!!!! Nice story! Write more :D
lwyCarmen #3
Chapter 10: It's an awesome story! You should write more! xD