Daring Rescue

You're my Prophecy

Kyuhyun POV                                                                                                                                                                                   

“Seriously Kyuhyun, you’re going to get killed, and me along with you.” Yesung sat in front of me, looking over his turtles.

“You’re not going to be killed. Maybe banished for a couple of years but that’s not too bad.” I shrugged.

“Do you know how long it took me to convince Leeteuk to let me back here?” Yesung growled.

“But think about it. If I successively get Sungtae, then we’ll have someone even more powerful on our side.” I persuaded. Yesung paused for a moment.

“Only if you can awaken her powers in time.” He scoffed and turned away from me, placing food in one of the small bowls.

“Yesung, she may be our only hope of releasing us from the tyrannical hand of Leeteuk.” I continued, growing desperate.

“Never heard the word tyrannical describe an angel.” Yesung muttered.

“He’s a fallen angel.” I retorted.

“Doesn’t change that he could wipe us all out without even blinking.” Yesung retorted.

“Yesung, will you just fly me there?!” I snarled, becoming irritated. Yesung sighed and glanced back at me, several emotions crossing his face. Then he disappeared into another room without saying anything. I growled impatiently. Was he really just going to ignore me? Just then another male came out from the room Yesung just went into.

“You’ll need this.” Ryeowook said, handing me some sort of cloth.

“What is it?” I asked, taking it from his hands.

“Just put it on and don’t take it off till you get back.” He ordered. Just then Yesung came back out, a tight, dark outfit now fitted around his slim body.

“I’ll be back.” Yesung said to Ryeowook, pulling a cloak around his neck.

“Stay safe alright?” Ryeowook replied, looking at Yesung with worry and concern.

“I’ll be back.” Yesung repeated, but leaned down to peck the younger man on the lips. I wrinkled my nose at the scene and pulled the cloak Ryeowook gave me around my shoulders. A strange tingling ran through my body but I shrugged it off.

“Don’t take it off.” Ryeowook said once again before disappearing to another room.

“Let’s go.” Yesung ordered, walking out of the house. I followed behind him quietly, running my plan over and over in my mind. We walked up to the roof where Yesung motioned to me to wait for a second. I watched curiously as his body melted and formed into the largest black raven I had ever seen. The raven’s head turned back to me, looking at me with large navy eyes and motioned for me to climb on. I cautiously went forward, finding a place just in front of his wings to sit somewhat comfortably. Without warning, Yesung opened his wings and began to flap them. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, afraid of falling off. Yesung continued his actions till we started lifting off of the ground. He suddenly went forward, heading toward the skies.


We landed on what looked like a cloud, but Yesung’s bird feet made contact with it and stood stable. Just when I was about to get out, Yesung suddenly transformed back, causing me to tumble to the ground.

“What the hell?” I spat at him, but he didn’t seem to notice.

“This is as far as I can go without being detected. You need to go the rest of the way yourself. It’s not too far, but you might have a hard time finding the girl. That place is like a maze.” Yesung said, looking of into the distance with a hint of fear in his eyes.

“I’ll be fine.” I hissed back and headed off in the direction of Leeteuk’s place.

I managed to sneak into a side door, without seeing any body. Usually there were several creeps patrolling the outside. I shivered at the thought of them and continued forward, searching for Sungtae. Yesung was right; this place was a maze. I wasn’t sure if I was lost or going to right way. The white disoriented me. Suddenly, a familiar scent tickled my nose. A small grin teased the corners of my lips and I followed the scent. Just then a solider appeared in front of me, eyes scanning me emotionlessly. I froze in place, my breath catching in my throat.

We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity before he turned away without a word. I sighed and continued forward, the scent growing stronger.

“…must be killed.” Leeteuk’s voice floated through the hallways. I slowly snuck forward, now listening to the conversation.

“Isn’t that a little drastic? She may not be the half-demon. Have you considered that?” An unfamiliar voice replied.

“Rather be safe than sorry.” Leeteuk replied.

“Is it really necessary to kill her? Maybe she could end up being an asset to us, creating a peace between us and the lower ones.” The person replied.

“It is necessary to kill her Kangin. She could turn against at any time and we have to kill her before her powers are awakened.” Leeteuk snarled. It sent a cold shiver through my bones. An angry angel was a dangerous one.

“Maybe you should calm down and think rationally for a minute.” Kangin replied. I could hear a chair scoot back.

“I have already thought about it.” Leeteuk snapped. Kangin sighed.

“Fine. Kill her if you want. But I won’t be here when everything starts to go wrong.” Kangin snapped and there was a loud snap and then silence followed. I sat still for a moment, worried that Leeteuk was going to come out and kill me. After a few minutes, I didn’t hear anything so I moved forward, heading to my destination.

I came to a small wooden door, vastly contrasting with the pure white walls around me. I grabbed the door knob and slowly opened the door. I opened up to another white room, the only thing standing out what the lump figure on the floor, dressed in a white gown that was stained red.

“Sungtae?” I asked, my voice echoing around the room. She stirred slightly, slowly sitting up to find the source of the voice. Once her eyes fell upon me, she looked confused, and then they were replaced with bitter anger.

“What are you doing here?” She snarled. Venom dripped out her voice, and her eyes were cold. I rolled my eyes and approached her.

“I’ve come to take you out.” I told her. She scooted away as I came closer.

“Why? So you can slaughter me like you did my sister?” She snapped. I froze; just what lies did Leeteuk feed her?

“I’m not going to kill you. But if you stay here, then Leeteuk will.” I sighed, coming towards her again, holding out a hand to her. Suddenly the smell of her blood hit my nose and I hissed as my fangs grew, gently pressing against my bottom lip.

“So why are you here?” She hissed, watching me closely.

“For my own selfish reasons. Now come here and let’s get out of here before Leeteuk finds us here.” I growled. She seemed to hesitate, but her desire to leave this cleverly disguised hell was greater than her hatred of me.

“Fine.” She snapped, taking my hand. I quickly lifted her up, only to have her almost collapse to her knees.

“What did he do to you?” I whispered to myself, looking at her blood-stained dress. She just shook her head in response. I sighed and then lifted her up onto my back.

“Hold on tight.” I ordered and then started out of the room, trying to remember the way I had come.

This place was a maze, and I was lost. I couldn’t find my way out.

“Did the birds eat your breadcrumbs Hansel?” She asked sarcastically.

“Do you know the way out? Then shut up.” I snarled at her.

“Lost?” A voice asked. I looked down the hallway to see a large rather muscular man looking at us. I didn’t reply but took a step back, ready to run.

“If you go, you’ll just get more lost and it’s only a matter of time before Leeteuk finds you two.” The man continued. His voice sounded familiar.

“I’m Kangin.” The man finally said, pushing off of the wall and coming towards us, “And if you listen to me, you’ll get out of here safely.”

“Why do you want to help us?” Sungtae asked.

“I have my reasons.” Kangin replied with a gentle smile, “Now, follow me.”

Kangin led us through several more hallways till we reached a hidden door. He opened the door to reveal the outside world, rolling clouds slowly turning black.

“He’s just found out she’s gone.” Kangin said, mostly to himself. He then whistled and out of nowhere appeared a tall stallion, a pair of wings sporting out of his back.

“Take this Pegasus and she’ll take you back down to earth. Stay hidden until you can release her powers” Kangin whispered then pushed us outside, closing the door behind us. I quickly helped Sungtae up onto the horse, and then jumped up on behind her.

“Let’s go.” I said to the horse, and it took off, plummeting back down to earth.


Onew POV

I sat at the dining table, picking at my food. I was worried about Sungtae whether or not she was still alive. I couldn’t reach Leeteuk in anyway and I had no means to go up there and talk to him myself.

“Hyung cheer up. She’s probably fine.” Taemin said to me, smiling at me brightly. I managed to force a small smile back at him but it dropped immediately. Suddenly, a loud knock came from the door.

“I’ve got it.” Minho stood up and hurried to the door. I listened to the door open and Minho gasp.

“Leeteuk? Why are you here?” Minho asked. Leeteuk didn’t answer and I heard his footsteps approaching. I stood up and turned as he appeared in the room, but before I could say anything, his hand was around my throat and I was shoved up against the wall.

“Where is she?” Leeteuk’s voice was dark and threatening, nothing like I have ever heard before. A cold fear began to run through my veins.

“Who?” I gasped out; Leeteuk was slowly cutting off my air supply.

“The girl. Where is she?” He snarled.

“I thought she was with you.” I spat out, but I was slightly relieved; Sungtae was out of his grasp and alive.

“Do you think I’d be here if she was? You didn’t want her to come with me. Who did you get to take her?” Leeteuk snarled.

“I didn’t talk to anyone. I haven’t done anything!” I protested, now trying to pry his hands away from my throat. Leeteuk released me and I fell to the ground, trying to catch my breath.

“You better hope I find her.” Leeteuk snarled and disappeared before anything else could be said.


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Chapter 10: ohmygawd i love this story!!! you should really write more! i would love to hear more from you:)
Chapter 10: Awesome!!!!!!!! Nice story! Write more :D
lwyCarmen #3
Chapter 10: It's an awesome story! You should write more! xD