The Roots of the Tree of Life


The Class Rep was scared of approaching the new student, at first she thought he was nice, after all what could a mere boy like him do? Then the incident 2 days ago happened, now she doesn’t know what to believe anymore. As she got closer to their classroom she took in deep breaths

You can do this

When she entered the classroom she saw D.O Right away

Class Rep: D.O                                                                                  


D.O looked up

D.O: Yes?

Class Rep: Our adviser said as punishment for what happened 2 days ago, you have to bring this to our classmate

D.O: The one who’s currently home arrested?

Class Rep: Yeah, I wrote down the directions to get there

D.O knew that the class rep was supposed to take him but she was scared, not that he blames her.

D.O: Sure, I’ll do it after class

Once D.O had the papers he looked away

Pretend as though you’re not weird, Fake it ‘til you make it.





2 days ago…

New School guess my family’s freaked out enough to send me this far away.

That’s what happens when the only person in the world who actually genuinely loves you happens to be scared of what you’ve become.

My family owns a farm, the story of my family is that, we owned land and one day my Father struck oil in that land, boom we’re rich. Among my brother and I, I was the one closest to our Mother while my brother is closest to my Father, I guess that’s because my brother was strong while I enjoyed cooking.

I envied my brother for his strength though and wished I could be strong like him if not stronger, if that happened maybe our Father might love me more.

You know that expression “Be careful what you wish for”? Well it fitted my situation to a tee

On my 18th birthday last year my brother took me out and we got drunk, I guess some guys at the bar hated my brother’s guts and they approached us with the intention of brawling. They were beating my brother to a pulp, I knew I couldn’t do anything but I couldn’t let my brother get beaten down, I punched one guy, it was just a punched but I broke his jaw, seeing that other guys tried to come at me and I beat every single one of them, after that all five of them were unrecognizable. I don’t know where my brute strength came from, sadly the school found out then kicked me out, I was at the farm when on my angry rant I stumped my feet as hard as I could and oil suddenly flowed from the ground, my father saw this and knew something about me is different, a normal person couldn’t do that, machines are needed to dig out oil. So as I repeat my senior year they sent me here, somewhere far away from them.

I guess I’m not really surprised but the thing that hurt the most was that sending me away was my Mother’s idea…

D.O stood in front of the class and introduced himself

D.O: Please call me D.O

Teacher: Have a seat.

When it was lunch time D.O got called by a group of bullies

Even though I’m on a different place, things tend to stay the same

Once they had D.O cornered they tried to beat him but D.O just kept evading and the bullies accidentally hit each other, when there was one last bully D.O punched him straight on the face, breaking his nose, sadly the teacher arrived only to see D.O punching the last bully.

Though the situation was cleared D.O was still on probation, waiting for his judgment

First day and I’m already on probation

Two days later when he received his punishment when the Class Rep gave him the papers

Not so bad, afterall I was expecting to get kicked out again.


End of Do's Chapter

D.O as the soft rebel kekekeke~


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Please update
Chapter 33: it's been a while i haven't active here.... i love your story, i love your use of images it makes me fall in love more if possible, with the story
akahashi #3
Chapter 33: Ahaha... wow.. update! Still confuse, but can through it..
ynnywinny #4
akahashi #5
Chapter 32: Ahh, you haven't updated it yet.. Why? Why? This is a really nice story.. The picture, the description.. Everything.. Please.. Just continue it..
Chapter 32: Omg so kai's uncle is taemin?O_O wow and xiumin is so cool here~ myahahahaxD
This is so great!why you havent updated it till now?T_T
Hope you'll update this soon teheehee~
Prev. Chapters were amazing^^)b
how will the ending be?
Chapter 31: Ah~ Taemin's past was sweet~~ i wonder what makes him so lonely and heartless??
Chapter 30: No, Soongie ah..... TT_TT
Xiumin's smile is magic, it makes Kris smiles....
plz, write some KrisLuMin next chapter!!....