
The Roots of the Tree of Life

They were hanging out on Kai’s room

D.O: I was the last one to be adopted, I was 9 years old when I was adopted and my Mother took me in because she was amazed that I was such a great cook at the age of 9.

D.O explained the events of last year and how finally he got here, how his mother’s decision to send him away was what hurt the most.

It wasn’t your mother’s decision, it was mine

D.O: wait what?

Kai looked at him

D.O: Did you say something?

Kai: Nope

Don’t be afraid

D.O stood up and looked around

Kai: it must be Luhan

D.O: He said it wasn’t my mother’s decision that it was his

Kai: I wouldn’t be surprised, he’s the reason why I’m on house arrest.

Kai explained his situation.

Kai: Now we have to find 9 more

Help him, direct him to Suho.

D.O: He says I should direct you to Suho, wait a sec is Suho like us?

Kai: If the high holiness says so…

D.O took out his wallet, he got an old picture and showed it to Kai

D.O: this was us back then before Sehun got adopted

Kai: Sehun?

D.O: Sehun was the first one to get adopted, out of the 12 of us. He was 2 when he got adopted. Anyway Suho lives in Winslow, Washington now.

Kai: And you know this, how?

D.O: We spent the most time together he was the 2nd to the last one to get adopted, he was 9 and I was 7. His father is a famous writer but he likes to sail. We still keep in touch.

Kai: Wait Imma search about Winslow and Suho on the net.

Kai teleported and left his ankle monitor to D.O

D.O: What am I supposed to do with this?

Kai said, move around the house so the police won’t suspect a thing.



Kai teleported into the Harbor and hoped that no one saw him, he wandered a bit and finally saw a guy seated by the edge of a sailing boat, Kai was pretty sure that was Suho, after all the sail boat wasn’t moving from where it was parked while other sailboats gently followed the sway of the water below it

Kai teleported behind a spot where Suho won’t be able to see him but will hear him when he speaks.

Kai: You know, I ‘m surprised no one’s discovered your powers yet

Suho looked for the source of the voice and stooped his control over the water, his sailboat moved following the sway of the water.

Suho: Who are you?

Kai: I’m Kai

Suho: Kai?... Kai! From the orphanage?

Kai: Do you know why I’m here?

Suho: No but before you explain, let’s go to my house

They talked a bit and did some catching up. Suho’s house was a glass house overlooking the harbor. 

Kai: Your place is nice

Suho: Thanks, have a seat, would you like anything?

Kai: Nah, I'm good.

Kai explained their situation

Kai: Now I don't care how you do it but you have to move to my house.

Suho: That's not really impossible but I can't do it asap

You have to before april arrives

Suho: Woah, who was that?

Kai: Luhan

Suho: why april?

Kai: I don't know either

All 12 EXO must gather, before April arrives

Kai: Aish~ So much to do, now I got to find 8 more

Suho: 8 more what?

Kai: 8 more of us

Suho: I...

Kai: What?

Suho: I think I know where one is but I'm not so sure... He's the son of my Father's friend, I saw his picture and thought he looked so much like Baekhyun but I'm still not sure...

Kai: That's a lead!

Suho: and one more thing, I need to show you something.

Suho went in front of a mirror and summoned water, he splashed it and wiped it off

But he wiped it off another face came out


Suho: whenever I use my power, I see his face. I don't really know why

Kai: Hey! the it only took a picture of your face to get me here, maybe I could teleport to where that guy is... see ya!

Kai was in such a hurry that he didn't hear Luhan's warning.

No don't go after Ice!


End of Suho's chapter

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Please update
Chapter 33: it's been a while i haven't active here.... i love your story, i love your use of images it makes me fall in love more if possible, with the story
akahashi #3
Chapter 33: Ahaha... wow.. update! Still confuse, but can through it..
ynnywinny #4
akahashi #5
Chapter 32: Ahh, you haven't updated it yet.. Why? Why? This is a really nice story.. The picture, the description.. Everything.. Please.. Just continue it..
Chapter 32: Omg so kai's uncle is taemin?O_O wow and xiumin is so cool here~ myahahahaxD
This is so great!why you havent updated it till now?T_T
Hope you'll update this soon teheehee~
Prev. Chapters were amazing^^)b
how will the ending be?
Chapter 31: Ah~ Taemin's past was sweet~~ i wonder what makes him so lonely and heartless??
Chapter 30: No, Soongie ah..... TT_TT
Xiumin's smile is magic, it makes Kris smiles....
plz, write some KrisLuMin next chapter!!....