Chapter 5

This Royal Marriage with Jung Daehyun

You and Daehyun soon reached a small, cottage restaurant called 'Baby Bar and Restaurant'. You peeked out the window and tilted your head, "Baby Bar and Restaurant?"

Daehyun glanced at you and saw your wondering face, *I knew Himchan hyung shouldn't have named it like that... it sounds too cheesy.* He sighed quietly for you not to hear and walked out of the car. As a man, he politely opened the door for you but he walked in without waiting for you.

You stepped out and rolled your eyes, *He's bipolar, isn't he?*

"Welcome to Baby Bar and Restaurant!" a guy who had soft, pale skin and a well built body said, his eyes were very small and long and he had a undeniably sharp jaw line.

"Hyung!" Daehyun walked over to the man and they did a handshake.

"Daehyun! You didn't tell me you were coming today," the guy replied.

"I was about to call you this morning if I could visit but I wanted to surprise you," Daehyun gave a smile, "So, how's your Baby doing, Himchan hyung?"

Himchan smiled widely, "It's doing great! My mom and dad doubted me at first but the amount of money it's generating is insane!"

While the two boys were chatting, you entered the place and looked around. It was mostly made out of wood with pastel colors surrounding the place... It really seem to be a place that really is called Baby, even if it seems weird, you had to agree that the place was nice and cute like a Baby.

Himchan laughed at Daehyun's comment when he suddenly saw you wondering. Himchan quickly walked to you and left Daehyun, "Hello there beautiful, how may I help you?"

"Huh?" you turned to him and he looks so erted but handsome at the same time, maybe even as handsome as Daehyun but you doubted it. 

"I can see that you're not familiar with this place so I thought I might come over and help you with a few things," Himchan said smoothly.

"Actually, I'm with someone," you whispered.

Daehyun saw Himchan flirting with you and so he stepped in. He knew how Himchan can get very excited when he sees a girl as beautiful as you.

"Hyung," Daehyun patted Himchan's back and Daehyun stood next to you.

You turned to Daehyun slightly and gave him a confused look, *Daehyun knows this guy?*

"Daehyun don't be rude and introduce yourself nicely to the lady," Himchan ordered.

"Hyung, she's my fiance," Daehyun casually said as if it wasn't a big deal.

Your cheeks flushed as he referred to you as his fiance. It was weird and electrifying. 

"EH?!" Himchan's eyes widen and his jaw dropped open, "Her... You...?!"

Daehyun rolled his eyes, "It was an arrangement by our parents, it doesn't really matter so let's get over it... Can we eat? I'm starving."

Himchan closed his mouth and went back to reality, he nodded and led the way to a table.

You on the other hand felt a little hurt by the attitude Daehyun was displaying in front of his friend and telling him how you and the engagement doesn't really matter, *It matters to me! Even is I don't love Daehyun, I wish he shows some kindness so that we both could move on when we separate in peace.*

You obediently followed and soon you and Daehyun took a seat with the menus on your hands.

Himchan had to handle some issues on another part of the bar and restaurant.

"Sir, what would you like to order?" the waitress came over. She was obviously flirting with Daehyun, who wouldn't? The waitress battered her eye-lashes towards Daehyun but Daehyun didn't even notice, "Can I get steak with salad on side with olive oil."

Daehyun handed his menu and waited for you to order yours. However you were to busy concentrating on the waitress' disgusting, flirty actions towards Daehyun.

He frowned and followed your sight, he turned to the waitress and she was smiling ily at him, *What the?! Is this waitress crazy? She's smiling at me like mad, ugh!*

Daehyun shook his head and cleared his throat, "Order."

You snapped out and looked at Daehyun, his face was emotionless, you scanned the menu, "Can I get the same?"

The waitress nodded and didn't even bother to write your order to get some spare time to fantasize about Daehyun. Soon, she had to walk away to give in the orders to the chef.

You shook your head with disagreement on the waitress' actions.

"Jealous much?" asked Daehyun with a small smirk building on his lips.

"Tssk, as if," you crossed your arms and flicked your hair, "I'm much more cuter than her to be jealous."

*You are,* Daehyun thought, "I think she looked good, she had the cherry red high heels that shows how mature she really is."

You looked at your heels and they were cream color, your heels were girly and cute. You pouted, "You really think she looks good?"

"Why? Are you getting jealous now?"

"NO! I just wanted to ask."

"What if I say yes?" Daehyun was holding back his laugh. Your face was too cute and too funny, you were on a pout and your cheeks were puffing out while pouting.

You rolled your eyes, "You're blind then, my dad told me I'm the prettiest girl in the world and my dad has the greatest eyes in the world so what he says is true."

*Silly girl, but she is the most beautiful I've ever seen,* he thought and couldn't help but chuckle.

Your eyes widen, *He just... chuckled! OMO! How can this stranger I met last week with a cold, rude heart suddenly chuckle? And the thing is, he looks so... good!* Your heart was beating slightly faster than normal.

"And this is why I know this engagement isn't going to work out, you're too silly of a girl," Daehyun commented, *Even if you are very beautiful and innocent.*

Your heart sank, *Oh I see.* You frowned, "Whatever!"

You didn't really know how to reply to his sentence since it was harsh especially the fact that he's saying these things without him even trying, his words seem to be natural and it hurts a little. 

Soon, the food arrived but the waitress was now replaced with a waiter. You took your knife and started cutting the steak but the steak was thick that it was taking you ages to cut. On the other hand, Daehyun has finished cutting all his steak, he was about to take a bite when he saw you struggling to cut your food.

*Argghh! Cut you stupid steak!* you cursed.

Without your consent, Daehyun took your plate and replaced it with his, he started eating your plate.

You blinked at him and looked at the steak, it was cut into small pieces. You softened. It made your day since even if he did say some harsh words, his little action of affection awed you, *He's sweet but he can be rude... If only he becomes more nice maybe I might like him a tiny bit.*

And soon, lunch was finished without you or Daehyun attempting any conversation, it was awkward but both of you didn't show it. He sent you back to your house and you gave him a smile, "Thanks for the lunch, maybe I'll pay you back next time."

Daehyun stared at you coldly, "I just wanted to say one thing before you go."

"What is it?"

He cleared his throat and took a deep breath, "My mom told me that the wedding will be in 3 months and that our engagement party is next week and our relationship will be known by the public then," you turned into a shade of red, "Firstly, please don't act stupid because not only will you embarrass yourself but you will embarrass me as well. Secondly, our marriage is 100% base on business so no feelings involved. And finally, all our skinship only happens if it's necessary, for example if our parents are around."

Daehyun made it clear now. You felt a little sad, since he says all these things without any kindeness or friendliness on his voice. You couldn't disagree because the connection you and Daehyun had is pure business. You nodded but didn't meet eyes with him.

"Goodnight, then." 

Daehyun entered his car and left in the speed of light. You stood there with a slightly defeated spirit, *He's right, our marriage is 100% base on business so no feelings involve! _ _ _ _ _ don't feel sad because of that jerk, it's not worth it!*


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PLEASEE! Update... This was one of the first fanfiction's I've ever read and I really want to continue!
Chapter 11: ~please update soon~
<3 story
taeng_goo #3
Chapter 11: yahhh update soon
can't wait for more updates! :D
Chapter 11: omo new reaeder here:)
update soon i love ur story^^
Chapter 11: Update soon~ so exciting(:
Chapter 11: Minji's gotta go~ Hehehehe. New reader here. I find this fic very interesting. I got a feeling tt Daehyun is actually falling fr her, kekekeke. Update soon author-nim! ;D
MelloMiyuki #8
Chapter 11: New reader here!
I likes your story :)
Update soon~~~