Cheesy Sender

The Perfect Mis-Match
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"I've found the key to happiness. Stay the hell away from s"


I'm so totally gonna freak out. Today we were told that there's a chemistry test next monday. And chemistry is not one of my subjects. I hate it.

But IU loves chemistry and doesn't understand what is making me shiver.


Ya, ya, IU, I know you're great at chemistry.


I mean, what is this? sometimes I really grow jealous of IU, she's just so good at everything.

Sports, music, she's popular, has an amazing voice and she's smart. But the only thing about her I hate is her BIG mouth.

And I'm not talking about the Myungsoo thing.


She doesn't think twice before blurting things out of .


It's so...annoying.


Anyway, tonight I'm going to study chemistry.

Yeah I will!



And by the way, I also got a note by my so-called-secret-admirer today.

It was something like this:


Okay, the sender is just really cheesy.

Here is the list of people I think would be the sender:


1) The geek, Jaekyung. (who always wears a sweater even though it's summer)

2) Hara. Playing around.

3) IU. Playing a prank on me? No no, she has a BIG mouth, so if she was the sender, she would have said it by now.

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Chapter 68: I really really love this story ^^ I love the characters I love the quotes I love the way baekhyun love jiyeon I love it all ehehehe good job authornim :D
LyanTalib #2
Chapter 68: OMG I swear to god if she ended up with Myungsoo I would've cried for ever and I wish there is someone like Bakhyun in my life JIYEONNIE I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT
exo-hun #3
Chapter 68: Yaasss! OMG I was so scared Jiyeon was going to choose Myungsoo lol, I'm glad she chose Baekhyun!! I love you authornim!
Chapter 68: yes. yes. you made a perfect choice ; u ; ♡

continue chuseyongggggggㅡ
niiyeon #5
Chapter 68: can i cry for baek?? ;A; jiyeon, youre so lucky and pick the right choice *^*
Bleak_night #6
Chapter 68: WOAH FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY she make it now i love this couple... Baekhyun isn't really into my first three bias but i liked him so much here haha but is this the end... I loved this fanfic from my heart ^^
cericeria #7
Chapter 68: yeaah finally they're together now!! cant wait for their sweet moments kkk ;)
JiYeon_Lover #8
Chapter 68: agghhhhhh finally T^T
She choose Baekhyun *-*
But, this is the end or not? o.O
i wish you could make hara and myungsoo suffering because it's still not enough for me lol
Barbar #9
Chapter 68: This is beautiful... Thanks for write this story, i love this T_T one of my favorite fanfict that end up perfectly <3