One Year



“Oh silly girl. How long did you think you could run from me?” I can hear the smirk in his voice, face hidden underneath an ancient hood.


“I was not running from you. I was simply leading you from temptation. Mother did not send you just to kill me and bring me home. I am sure she wants to know what I plan on doing here on Earth. Or do you think otherwise Reaper?” He chuckles darkly “She did not want you here in the first place. I am making the executive decision to bring you back. Do not fret, I will tell her all about your efforts to stay alive and sadly, your life was once again ended. I will make sure she never lets you out of her sight again.”  I do not reply.


            I have taken us to small cave overlooking a vast lake. It is dark here but the moon reflects light of the surface of the water. I would take in its beauty in a different time, a safer time. As it stands I cannot direct my attention away from the Reaper for too long or he may try something. I cannot afford to finish my journey here. Not after so long, and certainly not after just getting back a third time. I have to help those young men. I am positive I will be able to contact LuHan and help them from the shadows where I will not be judged or treated with distaste. After a long bout of silence I finally speak up.


            “With me here, there is no one to disturb you and mother from ing.” The Reaper seems to ruffle at this and I cannot help but giggle to myself. “Death and I do not e. Why would we ever-”


            “Do not act coy with me. The amount of time you two spend alone. What else would you do? Chat about the biggest celebrity gossip? That must be a treat.” He is raising his scythe, having enough of my tormenting. The Reaper always had a bit of a temper. Not as bad as mother, but bad enough. “Wait!” I see his weapon lower slightly. “Give me one year, if I cannot complete my task within that time I will voluntarily accompany you back to that hell hole.” He is silent, contemplating. “One year? You think you can come even close to finishing your task in that amount of time?” I smile weakly, “No, but I can try.”


            “One year ________, and when I get you, you better not make a fuss or things will get messy.” I nod and he vanishes in a puff of smoke.


            One year… I can do it right? How do I contact LuHan though? I am not yet familiar with his mind so telepathy is completely out of the question. This will be much harder than I thought.




LuHan's POV


            “Junmyeon is being an idiot Minseok! She was going to help us. I saw it. I saw her helping us and what does he have to go do. He has to insult her! This is why I should’ve been leader, I would’ve been so much better and I can see reactions and plan accordingly. He’s getting careless and it’s pissing me off!” Minseok holds up a hand signaling me to stop speaking. I slump onto my bed and stare across at him, waiting for him to speak.


            “Talk to Yifan, he’ll know what to do. Just calm down, LuHan, I think she’ll still try to help us… well if the Reaper hasn’t gotten to her. We just have to find her and-”


            “And what? Apologize for what Junmyeon said? Hell no, he needs to apologize himself for being such a prick to her. And you know what else he needs? He needs to learn some respect. He thinks he’s better than her but he’s not. She’s never actually killed anyone. Tried to with her brother but she’s never even thought of using her powers for the darkness. Besides we weren’t even trying to save her . She was quite safe here with us. I just needed proof that she could actually re-animate someone who has passed on.” Minseok looks slightly disturbed at my last statement.


            “You didn’t even know if she would be able to do it, but you were willing to sacrifice Chanyeol?! What the hell LuHan? What were you thinking?”


            “I never actually saw Chanyeol die. I didn’t see anyone die. So I don’t know. I’ve been messing up so much lately and I thought I finally had something right with this and then she just walked out. I’m just a waste of space here, I’ll understand if you don’t want to be roommates with me anymore. Just say the word and I’ll go.” Minseok, who is still standing, crosses over and pulls me up into a tight hug. “I think you’re overreacting. You just need a good night’s sleep and you’ll have a much more positive outlook in the morning.” He releases me slowly and I crawl into my bed.


            “Goodnight Minseok, thank you.”


            “Goodnight Luhan, you’re welcome. Just stop freaking out.”


            I hum in acknowledgement and he turns off the light before plopping down on his own bed. I’m drifting off to sleep much sooner than I thought. Oh ______ where did you go?  


A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS! I dunno what to say... Um I'll update again tomorrow morning when I wake up! And... yeah. I LOVE YOU ALL THANK YOU FOR READING AND SUBSCRIBING AND COMMENTING AND WHATNOT  !!!!!!! <3 Until tomorrow ;)


I feel like I'm using a lot of Baekhyun pictures. I CAN'T HELP MYSELF AH He's climbing his way up my bias list. little


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[Consumed] I've started chapter 27! I hope I'll finish sometime this week and have it up shortly after that! Thanks everyone who still reads this!!!


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Chapter 27: Welcome back!!! =D I'm soooooo glad that your mother is okay now ^^ (when I read "she has a tumor growing inside of her skull", my heart actually missed a beat and I was like O.O). We will always wait for you and for now take care of your mom without worries =). FIGHTING and good luck for everything!!!*lots of love for you :* <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
DJTrix00 #2
Chapter 26: I hope everything will be alright with your family and we'll be waiting :)
Oh don't worry about us because we'll wait patiently for you to come back =)
I hope your mother will be okay and stay strong for her and for your family^^
DJTrix00 #4
New reader and I love your poster it is sooo cool!! It looks like a book cover instead :)
alienJoongieattack #5
OMG I love this fic! Pls update~
What an A.MA.ZING story!<3
Thank you author-nim and update whenever you feel like!<3<3
Please please update soon author-nim~ <3
Chapter 15: I'm worried as to how this happened D: but I love all the mystery in this fic, can't wait for the update next Tuesday! :3 And have fun at work! Try not to overwork yourself ^^
Chapter 14: Omo, what happened OO'