
We have different lovers when we love eachother.....

I was in the white room again, and I knew that I was going to be here for a while.

I sat up since I was in the bed, and I saw new stuff in this room.

There was a new chair, desk, many books and much more.

I looked around, and closed my eyes,

If I could make things appear into this white room however I wanted, then that would be awesome!

I thought about a bathroom, kitchen, closet, and so much more.

I was adding more to the house.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that the room got bigger as I thought, and I saw doors on the walls.

Smiling, I skipped to the door, and I opened it.

This was the bathroom, and I was amazed by how fancy it was.

By the time I was done with imagining and thinking, the room looked like the picture above.

I smiled, and I stepped into the garden or field outside of my house.

I thought of how I could change this, and I decided to think that later.

As strange as the silence and peace was to me, I kind of liked it.

I was on my way to the bench when suddenly, there was something like an electric shock on my chest.

I breathed hard, but the force came at me again, only this time, it was harder.

I looked at the sky which was threateningly getting dark like it was going to rain.

I didn't want it to rain.

So I quickly closed my eyes, and thought of the weather as nice as I could.

I even said it out loud, but when I opened my eyes, the sky was about to let down the rain.

I started to cry as the force hit me more and more, and the rain drops begin to fall.

I cried harder, and I was lying on the ground, and the pain on my chest was incredible.

It didn't hurt, but the numbness took over me, and I ended up gasping for air.

I felt dizzy, and I closed my eyes thinking that even this place wasn't going to be able to save me.

I thought of Taemin, and his smiles.

I thought of how his kindness made me always smile at the toughest times.

I let another tear fall down, and I breathed out through my mouth quietly.

The force was calming down, and I could breathe easier now.

I smiled when I opened my eyes, and saw that the sky was clear.

I was smiling, but that smile disappeared when I heard the voice I longed to hear, but was afraid to.

I turned my head, and saw Taemin sitting down next to me, and he was smiling warmly at me I gasped, and sat up trying to look at him the whole time.

His smile was still charming, and I practically almost collapsed again when he laughed.

He caught me, and he leaned me closer to him.

"Minnie... are you okay?" he was still smiling, and that caused me to just stare at him.

His smile was fading, and I snapped out of my gaze.

"Y-yeah I'm fine.... but how... why.... you're here?"

He chuckled.

"You tell me how I was called here."

I thought for a minute.

I was thinking of Taemin and he came into this world of my dreams from the real world?

No that's not it.

I looked at Taemin again.

"So you're like..... not the real Taemin, but a Taemin in my dream right?"

Taemin frowned and I didn't like that.

I hated it when he frowned.

He looked away, before talking.

"So you're telling me that I'm just your imagination?" I jerked back.

I guess I did sound too rude.

I pointed my fingers, and tried to force his frown back to a smile.

I succeeded, and I laughed.

He smiled for real, and hugged me.

I hugged him back, but I felt like I was still missing something.

"Minnie.... don't leave me......" I froze.

"Taemin" didn't want me to leave him.... leave from this world.


Taemin's POV:


The doctors did the electrical thing.

I saw a tear drop from Minnie's eyes, and more followed, and I knew she was dreaming.


Soon, the operation was done, so I could visit her.

G-Dragon, and Sungyeoul had something that was important, so I came.

When I was done talking with Sulli in the library, I stepped out, and when I turned my head, I saw a Minnie who had fainted.

Thus, all this led up to this.

I sighed and rubbed my head.

I was sitting next to Minnie, and I held her hand.

I smiled at her, and I went near her ear.

"Minnie.... don't leave me....."

I put my head next to hers, and went to sleep.


Hi guys! Srry I didn't update, but hope you guys are enjoying the story as much as I am writing them ^^

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yeaineedalife #1
taemin is so confused wit who to go to..n i myself is confused bout who i love more..T.T
well taeminnie...its going to take quite some time for minnie to forgive you! xD<br />
i mean seriously that is bad! you forget everything about her....and your relationship and hang out with your friends......i mean its like u care about your friends more than her! minnie! stay strong! :)
oh no! minnie! you better not commit suicide!
awww poor minnie she keeps on getting hurt and she doesnt know who she truly likes
I would hold it in, just so she knows that I'm nice, but for this story, Minnie should scream at her >=D
whoa~ everyone changes on who they like xD<br />
its weird but cool<br />
cant wait for the next one!
So many character changes! A possible Sooyoung and Jiyong couple O_o?
kind a confused yet sweet alot!!! hehehe...
supp012 #9
haha No... all comments are welcome unless they are like offending kind of thing which you guys don't do, so don't worry ^^