The Munhwa Festival [Part 1]

Inculpable Panic!

   Jaeneung, Jihye, Chaegim. The Mt. Sam Munhwa festival, taken hold by the three schools, is taking place every year on the same date, the 1st weekend of October. The key event was put up by the middle and high school's drama clubs of the three schools along with the dormitories. The dormitories' play was the highlight.
   "Well then, from the opinions of the presidents, the final choices are Romeo & Juliet, Phantom of the Opera and Carmen", Siwon explained to the student council members, who sat all together in the conference room on a big quadrangular table, while Kyuhyun sat at the head of the table, listening to their conversation, "Please choose one of those plays to represent the dorms' play this year."
   "I think the Phantom of the Opera is the most appropriate one", Chanyeol said and leaned back against his backrest, while he faced Siwon seriously, who sat directly across from him.
   "But that was already performed five years ago", Baekhyun mentioned, while he was checking his notes on his yellow clipboard, "I vote for Romeo & Juliet, obviously. It's a classic play and it's already over 15 years ago, that the dorms have performed it."
   Chanyeol immediately rose his hand, so he could say something about Baekhyun's idea without getting interrupted by any other members.
   "Go ahead, Chanyeol-sshi", Siwon said and nodded to Jihye's president.
   "But main characters of that play are Romeo and Juliet, right?", Chanyeol started and stood up to invest his speech with more power, "Following the rotation rules every year, the actors are to be chosen from Jihye and Chaegim this year. Jaeneung is in charge of stage probs. But every year, by tradition we always have the Wang on the stage. If we think about it, Romeo should be acted by Kyuhyun-sshi. As for the second lead, Juliet, I think that our Donghae-ah is the most suited. But this way, Chaegim wouldn't have one of the main characters. This is a collaborative effort of the entire dorms. We don't need to divide things up among schools."
   "Are you really okay with this?", Siwon asked curisouly, while he rose one of his eyebrows up, until he noticed Kyuhyun's troubled expression about the fact, that he should play Romeo.
   "Sure", Baekhyun agreed and Chanyeol clapped his hands joyfully.
   "Then, let's do Romeo and Juliet. Kyuhyun-sshi will be Romeo and Donghae-ah will be Juliet", Chanyeol said and laughed, "I'm getting excited just thinking about it! Right, president Choi?"
   "But isn't that a bit rude?", Heechul suddenly asked.
   "The president of Chaegim is able to act as the second lead", Hangeng added, he and Heechul understood each other even without looking at each other, "And the one, who decides on the play's actors is Jaeneung's president, Choi Siwon! When you go ahead without hearing president Choi's opinion and decide, that Kyuhyun-sshi and Donghae-ah will be the main characters like that... I don't know what you are thinking, but is there any reason for Donghae-ah to be on stage?"
   Chanyeol was shocked. How could Hangeng dare to talk to him like this? Wasn't he and Heechul on his opinion anymore, to get Donghae as the next Wang?
   "Wait, what are you saying?"
   "Stop right there", Siwon interrupted their quarrel even before they really started with it, "Don't fight in the middle of a meeting!"
   "Wang, what do you think?", Baekhyun asked and turned to Kyuhyun, while Chanyeol sat down on his chair with a pissed expression again.
   "Ryeowook?", Yesung whispered confused, while he stood behind his friend, who tried to overhear the student council's discussion with a glass, which he pressed against the wall and his ear to hear them better.
   "Shhh", Ryeowook only made before he thought, "I can't hear what Kyuhyun is talking..."
   "What are you doing here?", Henry asked confused as he saw Yesung and Ryeowook and both of them turned quickly around, making "Shhh" together, which confused Henry and Zhoumi even more.
   Then suddenly the door of the conference room bumped open, which gave Yesung and Ryeowook a hugh shock. They lined up in a row and greeted every student council member, so they won't even start thinking of them as students, who just tried to overhear them.
   After the members left, Ryeowook turned around. There he stood, Kyuhyun, looking down to him with his usual, warm smile, like nothing happened between them. Ryeowook gazed back at him, unable to say something, until Kyuhyun bend down and picked up the glass, which Ryeowook had dropped as he got the fright.
   "You dropped this", Kyuhyun said and smiled at him, while he handed the transfer student his glass. Then he left and Ryeowook stared after him with a sad expression. Why did he act like nothing happened? Because he ran away this evening? Because he left him alone? But he was in shock, he couldn't do anything else, but running away. Was Kyuhyun mad at him?
   "Siwon-sshi!", Yesung said as the president came out of the room together with Baekhyun. He wanted to know which play they would perform this year.
   "It's been decided", Siwon smiled and turned to the younger students, "It's Romeo and Juliet."
   "Really?", Yesung asked with shiny eyes. They took the play, he  had suggested.
   "That's great, hyung!"
   "So what's Romeo and Juliet?", Zhoumi asked confused, which gave the others a kind of shock.
   "Romeo and Juliet is... um...", Ryeowook stammered. Actually he heard about it, but he has never read or seen it before.
   "Now then, I shall explain", Yesung said with a smile, while Ryeowook blushed embarrassed, "Romeo and Juliet is a tradegy written by William Shakespear. It's about two young lovers, whose families are hating each other. Their long-standing quarrel prevents Romeo and Juliet from being able to profess their love openly. Because they can't profess their love openly, in the end fate intervense and causes Romeo to kill himself, believing Juliet is dead. When Juliet discovers the death of his secretly married husband, she killed herself, wanting to be with her lover through eternity."
   Ryeowook stood next to his roomate with big, bright, shining eyes, as he was listening about the sad love story, which was so sad but also so romantic, causing the small boy to dream off about having such a romantic relationship. But of course without that somebody had to kill himself in the end.
   "Hey, Yesung-sshi", Siwon interrupted, "Can you write out the play, please?"
   "Yes, I hope that you can creat a fabulous script."
   "Okay! I'll do it! I'll try my best!"
So Yesung started to write out the play immediatly after school had ended, because he wanted it to become famous among the Munhwa festival. But it wasn't that easy, because every time he wanted to start writing, somebody knocked on the door. First Henry and Zhoumi came to bring him some cookies, so that Yesung could work well, because they were looking forward to his great play. Then suddenly Chanyeol stood in front of their door. He wanted to affect Yesung, that he would write the play so that Donghae and Kyuhyun had to play the main roles. And after Chanyeol had left, even Baekhyun came, but he just wanted to tell him, that he would help Yesung, when he needed something, because Baekhyun had a lot theater experience.
   "It's like hyung is a teacher, who has all the control", Ryeowook said, while he sat on his bed, trying to encourage his friend not to let himself getting affected by others, "But... I really wish to see the Wang as Romeo... I'm looking forward to Kyuhyun as Romeo..."
   Yesung looked at Ryeowook, who stared into space thinking about Kyuhyun as Romeo, blushing all over his face, causing Yesung to sigh quietly to himself. He wasn't sure how he should write out the main charactes and now, everybody wanted him to put Kyuhyun in as Romeo?
   On the next day, everybody was already talking about the play and everybody heard the rumour about Kyuhyun and Donghae playing the main roles. Everywhere you would go, you heard other students talking about the play.
   "The play will be Romeo & Juliet this year."
   "Romeo is definitely acted by the Wang, right?"
   "Then he will be the main character for two years in a row."
   "And who's Juliet?"
   "I heard it's Jihye's Donghae-sshi!"
   "But Chaegim's Baekhyun-sshi is very popular, too."
   "But I do want to see the Wang and Donghae-ah as a pair."
Everywhere you go, you could hear all those conversations over and over again, which Chanyeol really liked to see, because he was sure, that Siwon had to accept his suggestion about the roles, now that everybody was looking forward to the Wang and Donghae as the main characters.
   "The Wang and me?", Donghae asked confused, as Eunhyuk had told him about the play and that the students said that they would play the main roles, "So troublesome! I really don't want to act."
   "Is that so?", Eunhyuk asked with a disappointed expression on his face, because he really wanted to see Donghae on stage.
   "That won't do", Chanyeol said, who suddenly appeared behind them, "Everyone is looking forward to your and the Wang's performance together! When the actors are chosen, you'll be forced to accept!"
   "But, my acting is a bit...", Donghae talked uncertainly to himself.
   "Come on, Donghae! Has there ever been anything you couldn't do?", Chanyeol asked ironically, because he didn't want to hear anything else then that Donghae taking the role in the play. For Chanyeol, Donghae had to become the next Wang, no matter what would happen.
   "But... but..."
   "Eunhyuk want to see it too, right?", Chanyeol said and turned to Eunhyuk, who looked blushed on the ground and nodded in agreement.
At the same time Baekhyun, sat in the lobby with Yunho and Changmin. He made some sketches for the costumes for the play, while Changmin and Yunho were playing 'rock, paper, scissors'.
   "I'm bitter, that Baekhyun's popularity is below that of Wang and Donghae-sshi", Changmin mentioned, while he kept playing with Yunho.
   "Oh my, I feel honored to be right after those two", Baekhyun said with a smile without looking up to his friends, "I'm fine just being able to design the best costumes. Siwon-sshi also asked me to be in charge of the costumes.
   "But Juliet is most suited for you, Baekhyun", Yunho added.
   "You definitely won't lose to Donghae-sshi in acting! You have much more practice than he has!", Changmin said, while he concentrated badly on his game with Yunho.
   "I won!", Yunho suddenly shouted and jumped up.
   "No! You cheated!", Changmin said angrily and stood up as well, as Yunho suddenly grabbed his hand, pulled him closer and gave him a kiss.
   "I know that, hehe!"
   "Ya! You tricked me!", Changmin added with a blushed face and sat down again while pouting.
In the meanwhile, Ryeowook stood outside in the dorm's park, already wearing his pajama. Actually he wanted to help Yesung, who was writing on the script again, but Yesung was so concentrated that he didn't even notice the tea Ryeowook had prepared for him. So the transfer student decided to take a walk, so Yesung could work without getting disturbed.
   Ryeowook sat down on a bench, looking up to the stars, while he had pulled his legs as close as possible to his body, hugging them with his arms.
   "What's the matter, being here?"
Ryeowook looked up and saw Kyuhyun, who sat down next to him on the bench.
   "Wang", Ryeowook greeted him and looked down on his knees, "I didn't want to disturb Yesung hyung, so I came here..."
   "Is that so?"
Ryeowook looked to Kyuhyun, who looked up to the heaven as well. He looked troubled and tired. Eventhough he was just wearing his pajama like a normal student, Ryeowook had the feeling, that Kyuhyun was something special.
   "Um...", Ryeowook started shyly and caught Kyuhyun's attention again, "I'm really looking forward to see you as the Romeo."
   "But I was the main character last year, so it won't be fresh having me again", Kyuhyun said and looked to the stars once more.
   "No way..."
   "Why? Do you wanna see me so badly?", Kyuhyun asked curisouly and looked to Ryeowook, who nodded in agreement, "Why?"
   "Because last year, I wasn't here to see you acting on stage", Ryeowook pouted and Kyuhyun had to smile.
   "Mhh?", Ryeowook turned back to Kyuhyun, who faced him with his usual warm smile, the Wang only gave him, "After the actors are chosen, can you help me with practicing my lines?"
   Ryeowook's eyes grew big, because he was so happy about the question Kyuhyun asked him. It would mean, that the Wang wasn't mad at him anymore, or maybe never was mad at him, because he left that night without saying anything. So he could be together with him again without  anybody around and like this, Ryeowook couldn't wait for the next day, when Siwon would annouce the actors for the play.


I'm soooo sorry that it took so long but my beta-reader needed a lot of time.. I don't know why ><
But I hope you like it and still look forward for the next chapter!!
Ji Hoo


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the first chapter will be up later today^^


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I impressed with you Author-nim.. this story made three years ago.. I believe at that time there was no issue or idea about Wookie's solo album..
I just finish read this story and found out the words "Wang", "The Little", and "Flower"
all those words are really compatible with Ryeowook first solo album.. "The Little Prince" and symbolize by "Flowers"

Wow... you really can predict that someday those words will be so meaningful for Ryeowook

Our Author-nim Daebak.. ^0^
Omg! Omg! Omg!
I'm so late How come I didn't come across this...
Oppa, is my apology even accepted....
! this story came to an end, I'm going to miss this,
I loved the it's awesome at last stubborn kyu made my wookie cry a lot and now he is finally accepting the fact that he fell for ryeowook for being ryeowook, not because he was a replacement....
I love kyuwook and even eunhae, but I feel bad for yesung.
Sungie go find your love (siwonnie maybe ^^)
just kidding, overall loved this story from the bottom of my heart.
Chapter 37: and the story comes to an end.....I am gonna miss this....I love strawberry panic....poor any other kyuwook story?
lixian971 #4
Chapter 37: finally, it comes to an end. :)
glad that kyuhyun finally admitting that he fall for ryeowook :D
poor yesung :( i hope he can find the right person for his life soon

ahh you have another story about kyuwook? i can't wait xD
hwaiting :D
and thank you for such a beautiful story from you ^^
PaboForSJ #5
Chapter 37: OMG~ The story ended well~ :D Kyuhyun did it~ He finally accepted his real feelings~ :D I'm so proud of him~ :') This story was one of the best I have ever read~ Thank you very much author for this wonderful story that you have come up with~ And HWAITING! for your upcoming and future stories~ :D★
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 36: Siwon ah~ Please think through it again carefully~ :( Kyuhyun~ Are you really gonna do this? Keep your love to yourself and just disappear out of a sudden? :( The story is gonna end already? :( I love this story so much I wish it wouldn't end~
lixian971 #7
Chapter 36: kyu, why did he keep avoiding wookie. (sighed)
kyuwook's obliviousness are very frustrating sometimes.

what?? the next chap will be the last? oh my god, that fast?
aishh it's ok author ssi. i can't wait for the nect chapter.
have fun in china :D
superannesnow #8
Chapter 36: kyuwoook !!!! :) waiting for ur next update
Wookiebaby #9
Chapter 36: Kyu....why are u leaving wookie behing .... Great jod author nim ..... It's as exciting as can be .... Like every chapter makes me cry ....I totally love it .... Hope you have fun in china . Look forward your fantastic update . Thx for the ff
Chapter 36: KYU don't you dare break wookie's heart!!!!