The Munhwa Festival [Part 2]

Inculpable Panic!

   "It's done! It's finally done!", Yesung shouted through the room after he had finished the last sentence of the script, he was writing for the play, the dorm's were working on for the Munhwa festival. Then he went with Ryeowook to Siwon, who had a look on the script to see if it was good or not. They stood nervously in front of the student council president, who was reading the script carefully. After Siwon finished it, he took a deep breath, which gave Yesung a fright, because he thought that the president would tell him now that it wasn't good enough. But then Siwon looked up to him with a smile.
   "It's fabulous, Yesung-sshi!", Siwon said and Yesung smiled happily all over his face.
   "It really is", Siwon repeated and stood up, "It was the right choice to ask you! I'll really take a good look at it."
   "Thank you very much", Yesung bowed deeply to thank the president, while Ryeowook patted his roommate's back in excitement.
   "I will decide the cast immediately and announce it at dinner", Siwon added.
Yesung and Ryeowook said goodbye to Siwon and went out of his room, where Ryeowook immediately congratulated Yesung for his good script: "It's so great, hyung! And I helped you!"
   The whole day every student was really curious about who would get a role in the play. Most of them wanted to see the Wang and Donghae, while some wanted to see Baekhyun or other student council members.
   All students gathered together in the big dining hall for dinner, but first to hear who would play which role. A murmur was hearable, because the students were still discussing about the possible actors.
   Then Siwon went in with a bulk of papers under his arms, Minho and Jinki were following him. As he reached his place next to Kyuhyun, who gave him a curious glance, the students stopped talking and everybody just stared at Jaeneung's student council president.
   "Now I'm going announce the cast for the drama festival", Siwon started and took a list out of his papers, "I'll announce the other staff afterwards. Now then, I'll start. The female mainrole will be played by..."
   The whole room stopped breathing until Siwon finished his dramatically break, staring at Donghae and Kyuhyun. "The Juliet will be played by Chaegim's Byun Baekhyun", Siwon announced and a shocked murmur went through the room.
   "Eh? Me?", Baekhyun said confused, because he already thought that he would only be alternative for Donghae or Kyuhyun.
   "No way...", Chanyeol was shocked and looked straight at Siwon, who didn't show any attention to the agitation of the students, while Hangeng ang Heechul exchanged smirks.
   "Hey, it's Baekhyun", Ryeowook said and Yesung nodded, "That's great!"
   "Great! It's Baekhyunnie", Yunho and Changmin sang loudly together, while they hugged each other tightly, "Congratulations!"
   "Siwon-sshi", Baekhyun said loudly to catch everyone's attention, "I feel very honored, but regarding the design of the costumes..."
   "It's a lot of work, but I want you to work both roles", Siwon talked with a smile and Baekhyun nodded.
   "Okay, thank you very much!", Baekhyun smiled happily before he turned to the students, "The honor and respect of the dormitories are on the line. I'll work my very hardest so I won't disappoint you!"
   "Then", Siwon continued, "For the male main character, the one, who gives up his life for his love, the Romeo will be played by Jihye's Park Chanyeol!"
   Chanyeol's eyes grew big after he heard that, while Donghae took a relieved breath.
   "The one playing Romeo's cousin Bonvolio will be played by the Wang, Cho Kyuhyun. Juliet's cousin Tybalt is Jihye's Hangeng. Romeo's friend Mercutio is also from Jihye, Lee Donghae. Juliet's nurse will be Kim Heechul from Jihye."
   After Siwon finished his announcement all students were in a deuce of a stir, especially Chanyeol, because his plan didn't work and now he even would take place as an actor as well.
   "Everyone, please give a round of applause to our actors", Siwon added and all students clapped excitedly to support the person, they liked the most, and the actors bowed.
   Donghae felt really awkward, but he was happy, that he didn't had one of the main roles, eventhough he hasn't expected that it would be Tybalt. Now he had to practise at lot, that his dead scene would be good.
   "Well, Siwon-sshi really knows his stuff", Yesung told Ryeowook as they returned into their room after dinner and sat down on his bed.
   "Last year, for Madame Butterfly, even if he was the fourth or fifth main character, Baekhyun's acting was the most suberb", Yesung explained and Ryeowook nodded. Eventhough Kyuhyun wouldn't play one of the main characters, he was happy to see his friend as the Juliet. "Ah, what's Wookie in charge of?", Yesung asked.
   "Um, I'm...", Ryeowook looked down on the list Siwon handed each student, "...part of the stage crew... What does that mean?"
   "The stage crew has the important job of helping the actors and making sure, that everything goes smoothly", Yesung explained.
   "That sounds quite busy!"
   "Ya!", Henry shouted as he stormed in Yesung's and Ryeowook's room, "You have to follow me, quickly!"
They ran after Henry, who lead them down the hallway to the stairway, where Chanyeol had a hugh fight with Siwon.
   "Everyone is looking forward to the Wang playing the Romeo!", Chanyeol shouted angrily.
   "But the dormitory's play isn't a popularity contest", Siwon answered calmly, "Our goal is to have a marvelous performance, which everyone is happy with."
   "Not seeing what everyone wanted to see, how is that happy?", Chanyeol countered, "First, how can you have the main character be in charge of the costumes? That goes against common sense!"
   "But he is able to work both roles at once", Siwon talked stricly and turned away from Jihye's student council president, "And you should be more wary of Jihye. Juliet is played by Chaegim's Baekhyun and Bonvolio is played by Kyuhyun. The rest of the main roles were all given to Jihye. Those are all very important roles and your school has the most people. I think Jihye should be very satisfied with this, am I right?"
   Siwon gave Chanyeol a strict glance and Jihye's student council president gulped nervously. He hadn't notice yet, that all important roles besides Juliet and Bonvolio were given to his school.
   "I'll go", Chanyeol said pissed, because Siwon was right and he didn't want him to be right again.
   "Yesung-ah", Siwon turned to Yesung, who stood on the stairs with his friends, observing the discussion, "Next, you should go confer with Baekhyun-sshi and me, regarding cosmetics and costumes. As the script writer, would you care to join us?"
   "Wow, give your best hyung!", Ryeowook encouraged his friend, before Yesung went down to the student council president.

   After the sun had set, most of the commotion had calmed down again and the students returned to their rooms. Heechul and Hangeng in the meanwhile took a bath together like they usually did.
   "Did you see our president's face?", Heechul laughed, while Hangeng massaged his shoulders, "He really deserved it! He wanted Donghae to be the main character as a stepping stone to join the Wang election and at the end, he got the main role!"
   "But among the four of us, Donghae-ah has the best chances to become the next Wang", Hangeng said and Heechul leaned against his lover's chest, who laid his arms around Heechul's neck.
   "That depends on whether things will go smoothly until the end or not!"
   "Right, nothing is certain", Hangeng said and started to kiss Heechul's neck. There was just one thing, which was certain: That they would have fun together tonight.
Donghae sat in the lobby, reading the script, which he closed after his character died after a fight with Tybalt. He sighed loudly and pushed the script away, as he noticed that someone came in. He looked aside and saw Eunhyuk, who stood at the door frame.
   "Donghae seonbae", Eunhyuk said quietly and Donghae waved to him, that he could come closer.
   "This is pain... I can't do this at all", Donghae spoke and looked desperately down on the script.
   "Let me help you!", Eunhyuk talked seriously with a blushed face, "I'm looking forward to it so much. I will practise with you, help you to learn your lines and everything!"
Kyuhyun and Ryeowook practised outside in the dorm's park, where no other students were around to disturbe them.
   "Good morrow, cousin", Kyuhyun read his line, which he practised, while Ryeowook read Romeo's line.
   "Is the day so young?"
   "But new struck nine."
   "Ay me! Sad hours seem long. Was that my father that went hence so fast?", Ryeowook talked loudly, trying to change his voice, so he would sound more like he thought Romeo would.
   "It was. What sadness lengthens Romeo's hours?", Kyuhyun said and waited for Ryeowook's answer, but nothing happened, "Ryeowook? Is everything okay? It's your turn!"
   "I know, but... why does it sound so weird?", the small boy asked confused.
   "You don't know 'Romeo and Juliet'?", Kyuhyun asked and Ryeowook shook his head embarrassed and the Wang had to laugh.
   "Kyuhyun-ah...", Ryeowook pouted and the Wang tried stop laughing, while he hid his face behind his script, "You aren't supposed to laugh..."
   The Wang stepped closer to Ryeowook and hugged him without any reasons. "I'm sorry, you are just too cute! Thank you for helping me! Do you wanna see the most popular scene from 'Romeo and Juliet'?"
   Ryeowook nodded with a smile and Kyuhyun let go of him again, before the Wang told him to lay down on the bench with closed eyes.
   "Oh my love! My wife! Death, that hath the hones of thy breath, hath had no power yet upon thy beauty", Kyuhyun talked with a sad, desperate voice, while he walked closer to Ryeowook, who peeked at him with one opened eye. Then Kyuhyun kneeled down next to the bench and grabbed Ryeowook's hand, "Ah, dear Juliet. Shall I believe that unsubstantial death is amorous, and that the lean abhorred monster keeps thee here in the dark to be his paramour? For fear of that I still will stay with thee and never from this palace of dim night depart again. Here, here I will remain with worms that are thy chambermaids. O, here will I set up my everlasting rest and shake the yoke of inausoicious stars from this world-wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace and lips, oh you the door of breath, seal with a righteous kiss", Kyuhyun talked and gave Ryeowook a gently kiss, before he kept talking the original verse of Romeo, "Come, bitter conduct; come unsavoury guide! Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on the dashing rocks thy seasick weary bark! Here's to my love!"
   Kyuhyun pretented to drink the poision, which killed Romeo. "Oh true apothecary! Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die!" Kyuhyun stammered, like he was about to die and gave Ryeowook one more kiss, but this time he stopped acting and gave the small boy a passionately kiss, which confused the small boy at first. But without noticing, Ryeowook replied the kiss quickly.
   There were just the two of them, no other students, no sounds, not even the wind was hearable. Only the Wang and the transfer student. Only Romeo and Juliet.

Hey everyone!
I'm sorry, that it took so long to upload this, but my beta-reader has a lot to do for her exams at university, that's why I won't be able to upload the next chapter until the next week, but I hope you still like the chapter!
Thank you, your author-nim
Ji Hoo

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the first chapter will be up later today^^


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I impressed with you Author-nim.. this story made three years ago.. I believe at that time there was no issue or idea about Wookie's solo album..
I just finish read this story and found out the words "Wang", "The Little", and "Flower"
all those words are really compatible with Ryeowook first solo album.. "The Little Prince" and symbolize by "Flowers"

Wow... you really can predict that someday those words will be so meaningful for Ryeowook

Our Author-nim Daebak.. ^0^
Omg! Omg! Omg!
I'm so late How come I didn't come across this...
Oppa, is my apology even accepted....
! this story came to an end, I'm going to miss this,
I loved the it's awesome at last stubborn kyu made my wookie cry a lot and now he is finally accepting the fact that he fell for ryeowook for being ryeowook, not because he was a replacement....
I love kyuwook and even eunhae, but I feel bad for yesung.
Sungie go find your love (siwonnie maybe ^^)
just kidding, overall loved this story from the bottom of my heart.
Chapter 37: and the story comes to an end.....I am gonna miss this....I love strawberry panic....poor any other kyuwook story?
lixian971 #4
Chapter 37: finally, it comes to an end. :)
glad that kyuhyun finally admitting that he fall for ryeowook :D
poor yesung :( i hope he can find the right person for his life soon

ahh you have another story about kyuwook? i can't wait xD
hwaiting :D
and thank you for such a beautiful story from you ^^
PaboForSJ #5
Chapter 37: OMG~ The story ended well~ :D Kyuhyun did it~ He finally accepted his real feelings~ :D I'm so proud of him~ :') This story was one of the best I have ever read~ Thank you very much author for this wonderful story that you have come up with~ And HWAITING! for your upcoming and future stories~ :D★
PaboForSJ #6
Chapter 36: Siwon ah~ Please think through it again carefully~ :( Kyuhyun~ Are you really gonna do this? Keep your love to yourself and just disappear out of a sudden? :( The story is gonna end already? :( I love this story so much I wish it wouldn't end~
lixian971 #7
Chapter 36: kyu, why did he keep avoiding wookie. (sighed)
kyuwook's obliviousness are very frustrating sometimes.

what?? the next chap will be the last? oh my god, that fast?
aishh it's ok author ssi. i can't wait for the nect chapter.
have fun in china :D
superannesnow #8
Chapter 36: kyuwoook !!!! :) waiting for ur next update
Wookiebaby #9
Chapter 36: Kyu....why are u leaving wookie behing .... Great jod author nim ..... It's as exciting as can be .... Like every chapter makes me cry ....I totally love it .... Hope you have fun in china . Look forward your fantastic update . Thx for the ff
Chapter 36: KYU don't you dare break wookie's heart!!!!