chapter 8 - I miss you

Secretly In Love


Chapter 8

Exactly a week after the engagement party, you continued on with your daily life which makes you forget with the bitter reality that life is offering right now. You’re busier than ever now or maybe just making yourself busier than the usual. It’s a good strategy to forget about what happened at the engagement party.

Hyomin already knew about your feelings for Seunghyun and you’re sure that she didn’t tell it to Seunghyun. But what you’re not sure of is if she told anybody about it. You’re sure that she won’t be able to take it by herself and needs someone to talk to.

You never texted Seunghyun first but he often sends a message which you only reply with short text like “Okay.” “Thank You.” “Sure.” “I’m fine.” “No.” “Yes.” “I will.” Then he sensed that there might be something wrong. He asked if he could meet you but you refused by saying that you’re busy and might be out of town for this weekend. He bought your lies.

How much longer will you refuse him? It was just an engagement party! Not yet the wedding! Why am I being like this? You thought to yourself. You need to get your life back. Ignore whatever pain you feel. You can’t avoid him forever and you’re sure that in no time, everything will be back to normal. Except that, you won’t have a chance with him anymore.

You sent a message to one of your college friends to meet you up. Since its Friday night, you wanted to have a girls’ night out with them. Of course you have other friends, not just Choi Seunghyun. It’s been awhile since you’ve seen and talked to them. You want to catch up with their lives so that you won’t be left out.

So later that night, you and your girl friends decide to go clubbing. You haven’t set foot inside a club for a while now. Maybe almost 2 years now. And you’ve been inside a club three times only since you were 20. You don’t like its loud music, the smell of cigarette, drunk people dancing and talking to you. But you don’t have a choice. You don’t like to be called killjoy. So you agreed with whatever plan they have.

There are 9 girls of you with 3 guys. Those guys are boyfriends to 3 of your friends. So you try to “participate” in whatever is happening. You dance with the music, drink a non-alcoholic beverage – at first – then sit for awhile then dance again. Now it’s almost 1 am. Some are getting the mood and some are starting to get tired. You sat to where some of your friends are.

You were talking to two of you college friends, Hye Rin and Eunsol. Yaaah, I miss this. You miss having a life! It’s not like your boring but recently you take life so seriously. As you keep on talking, you get your phone from your purse. 4 messages. All from CHOI SEUNGHYUN.

“Soojin-ah! How are you? Haven’t heard much from you recently. I miss you. MWAAAHH HHUUGGS! :* “

You sighed. If only those words were meant in a different way.

“Yah. Soojin-ah. What’s wrong? Are you really okay?”

NO. No, you’re not.

“KIM SOOJIN. Where are you? I came by your place and you’re not home. You don’t even answer my messages. It’s past 2 am already. You’re worrying me.”

Is he at my place right now or just came and left? Maybe he left right away, you think.

“Kim Soojin. Call me. I need to know where you are or I will report to the police that you’re missing!”

WOOOAAAHH! He can’t possibly do that. You got up from your seat and when to the bar area. You asked a waiter to let you get inside the kitchen for awhile to make a call to someone. Luckily, it was a guy waiter and he said yes. Yaaaaahh, what charms could you possibly have.

It’s already 2:38. You dialed his number and he picks up after the first ring.


“Yah, Kim Soojin.” His deep voice was calm but you can feel the worried feeling he has. It’s not that loud but you think he can hear a little music. “Where are you?” He asked you.

“Oppa, I’m out with some friends. I’m at a club.” You answered him in a low voice.

“Yah, what’s up with you lately?” You looked at the chefs and assistants looking at you. Probably wondering why are you inside their kitchen?

“Nothing oppa. I’ve been busy with planning events for my clients. I’m sorry I’ve been quiet for awhile.”

“No, you’re not being quiet. You’re being distant. Is there a problem?”

Oh no. Why did he sense it? This is not good.

“No oppa. Seriously, I’m just busy.” You were trying to be busy in exact.

“So, you’re enjoying right now? There at the club?”

“Yes oppa.”

“I see. Which club are you?”

“Here at ***********” You just told him directly. “Oppa, are you still at my place?”

“Nope. I’m at home now. Be safe there okay?”

“Arasso, oppa. Bye Oppa.”

“Bye, Soojin-ah. I miss you.” Then you hang up. And sighed.

You went back to where your friends now. Now only one of your friend and his lover are seated. And guess what, they were kissing! Kissing so much like there is no tomorrow! Oops! This is really awkward.   You thought to yourself as you make your way to sit down.

You just scan the internet through your phone. You don’t feel like dancing nor drinking nor even moving! More than 20 minutes have passed since you talked to Seunghyun. It’s almost 3am now. You decided to go home first since you feel like your friends are having the best time yet. So you bid goodbye to them then made your way out of the club.

As soon as you step out, you look directly at the street which is a little less empty than the usual. Less car. Less people. The wind gently brushes your face and flew a little of your hair making it look more beautiful. Its a little cooler tonight. You turned right cause you wanted to walk for awhile. But before making at least two steps. Somebody called your name.

“KIM SOOJIN.” You turned your head and there, you saw CHOI SEUNGHYUN. With one of his foot on the ground and the other pressed against the wall. His back leaning to the wall and both his hands inside his pocket. You seem to remember how he approached you at his first day being a new student in your school.

“OPPA?!” You were shocked. What is he doing here? Oh right! You told him which club you are. He must have followed you here.

“What are you doing here?” You asked him. What a careless thing you did!

He approached you slowly until your only inches apart. He grasp your small face with his hands and he said, “I’m here to fetch you, little girl.” He looked at you directly in the eyes and kissed your forehead.

His eyes. Your favorite of all. Such beautiful eyes that you could stare at it all day.

“I missed you.” Then he gave you a hug. He hug you tightly that you can really feel he misses you.

“I missed you, too.” You told him. Then a tear fell down on both of you cheeks.




What do you think??

I'm planning a soojin-seunghyun moment for the next chapter SInce they had a little moment in this story.

What do you want them to do???


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please wait for further updates!!


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Chapter 29: Author nim!!! Wherw are you???u left me hanging here T^T sorry for nagging hiks hiks
nice story!!
avocadocheese #3
great story :)
Chapter 29: omo omo is it going to the end now ?? you leave me hanging in here :( hope soojin and seunghyun can make it !! btw is jaejoong really like soojin or what ? update ASAP dear authornim juseyoooooo TT TT
HoneyHanie #5
Chapter 29: Hahaha I want Jaejoogs wealth too ;p
Chapter 29: I want Jaejoong's wealth. I swear!
nar12345 #7
Chapter 29: whoooohooo sound too good to be true..
Chapter 29: OMMO!!! IS THIS GONNA BE THE END?! O.o
SoongYeong-a #9
Chapter 29: Ah thanks a lot for not making jiyong as a bad guy. And I bet hyomin is crazy when find this out hahahaa.