99 Roses

A Modest Beneath Love


"Oh my gosh Jihyun, I can't stop telling myself that I'm a genius. The plan worked perfect!" Someone with a sharp voice just entered the girl's room.


*Could it be..?*


"Yup, definitely a pure genius. Sehun sticks to you like a glove, he spends so much time with you! Unlike me, all alone."

"Aww Jihyun, don't say that! You'll find someone that loves you in no time!"

"I hope so, then I'll have such a perfect love story like you, HyunA! But wait, what was your plan again?"


*Ahh, HyunA. I knew it!*


At this moment, your cellphone buzzed.



Jae Mi: I know, I CAN HEAR THEM


"Ugh, how many times do I have to tell you the whole damn plan? Since it seems empty in here, I'll tell you one more time, don't ever ask me again!"

"Yes HyunA, mianhe.."


HyunA's voice deepened, sounding more serious and secretive as she told Jihyun her "wonderful" plan.


"WHAT? YOU DRUGGED SEHUN'S DRINK AND MADE HIM THINK YOU BOTH HAD ?!?" Jihyun screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Wow calm down woman and yeah I did. Smart eh?"

"I would have never thought of that!"

"I know right? But I did. Let's go, So-hyun's waiting for us!"


You heard the door open and they walked out. You got out of the cubicle and saw Su Hyun looking at you.



"HyunA drugged Sehun's drink to make him think that they had so Sehun would be responsible and be with HyunA!!"

"I know, I heard.."

"So what are you going to do?" Su Hyun nudged you.

"What do you mean?"

"Sehun is innocent, you silly girl!"

"Let's just go home, I need to think," you sighed and said.

"Well if I were you, I'll forgive him without even thinking."




It's half past nine, you're sitting on your bed, hugging a fluffy unicorn plushie Sehun gave you last year. In your hands, you had your cellphone, hovering the 'dial' button. 


*Should I call him?*


Suddenly, your phone rang. Sehun was calling!


"Here goes nothing.." you muttered and picked up the call.


"Jae Mi yeobo?"

"Hi Sehun,"

"I'm so glad that you picked up!"

"Haha yeah, so why did you call me?"

"Happy third anniversary, saranghaeyo!!"


You were taken aback, frantically searching for a calendar. Yup, it was 1st April, your third anniversary with Sehun.


"Hello? Jae Mi? You there?"

"Oh I'm still here!"

"I love you.."

"I love you too Sehunnie.." 


You bit your lip as a tear rolled down your cheek.


"Am I hearing things? You love me?!?"

"Is it wrong?"



You giggled at his reaction, it was pretty cute.


"I wanted to call you but since you already did so umm.."


"I'm sorry for not believing what you said, HyunA is a total for creating such a devious plan to break us apart. I should have trusted you. Can we be together again?

"In my heart, we never broke up. I never stopped loving you."


Your heart cringed when you heard Sehun's words. You never stopped loving him too.


"Baby, would you mind doing me a favor?"

"What is it, Sehunnie?"

"Open the door."


You didn't get it, but you just rushed to the door and opened it.


Sehun stood in front of you, holding a large bouquet of red roses.




Sehun wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly as he kissed your lips.


"For you my dear," He handed you the bouquet.

"Kamsahamida!" You kissed his soft lips, accepting the bouquet. You looked at the bouquet with shimmering eyes, trying to count how many roses there were.


"99 roses for my special girl, do you like them?"

"I don't like them, I love them."


The next thing you knew, you were tucked in bed, with Sehun shirtless beside you. 


"You're so beautiful."

"You're so handsome."


The both of you giggled at how stupid you guys sounded.


"I love you." 


Sehun pulled you closer, cuddling you.


"I love you too."


You closed your eyes, and made your way to dreamland.

Sehun smiled at how cute you looked, kissed your forehead and closed his eyes too.

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Lilponie #1
Chapter 18: Why of all dates, 1st april? :O
rudelysweetk21 #2
short,sweet and cute,,just my type of fic :D keke thanks for writing.
Chapter 19: Awwww i love the message!
Daebak story!!
Chapter 19: sweet story ^v^
Chapter 19: I really liked the message behind this story!!!
Chapter 4: Don't give up!! I mean she's already brave for at the very least attending the party!
Chapter 2: Awesome >.<
Chapter 1: I'm liking the story so far >.< good job author-nim!!!
snsdhwang #9
Chapter 3: i love your story!!!! can you teach me someday? hahahaha i'm just kidding:D keep up your work!!^^