Chapter 15

One and Only Hyung~

Donghae's Apartment


Eunhyuk's POV


We arrived at Hae's apartment. It's not big like mine but the warm feeling around the place is welcoming me. So I can say that his apartment was better than mine, even though mine is bigger. I sat on the couch, and Hae started walking towards his room to pack for his things. 


"Hae!" I shouted, maybe he needs some help?

"What?" he replied back.

"Need some help there?"

"No, I'm fine baby just wait there."



Why he's acting like that? I need to distract myself. 




"hello?" the other voice on the line said.


"Ne! Oppa! How are you!!" 

"I'm fine. and how about you?"

"I'm fine too! I just miss you oppa!!"

"I know."


Argh. I miss my Hae more! What am I thinking? Stupid, Stupid!



"Oh, what?"

"I'm going there next month, you hear me oppa?"

"Wha-Ne! Okay."

"Oppa!! Saranghae!!"

"Ne, Saranghae"




"Who's that hyung?" 





"It's?" he repeated, raising an eyebrow.


Damn, I can't say it! 


What's wrong with my mouth? I can't produce a word.


"'s okay if you don't want to say, come on let's get going."


While walking towards the car I froze. I don't know what to do. It's just easy to say that, "Oh, Hae that's my girlfriend, Hyoyeon." But nothing's coming from my mouth. 


"Hyung are you okay?" 



Donghae's POV


Hyung is not talking to me. He stayed silent. I wonder why? 


Anyway, earlier back on my apartment. I was packing my things when I heard my hyung speaking to someone.



"Hyoyeon?....I'm fine, and how about you?....I know...."


He stayed silent.


"Oh, what?....What-Ne! Okay. ....."


"Ne, Saranghae"'


I asked him who it was but, I think he doesn't want to tell me so I just shrugged it off.


Maybe his girlfriend? I don't know. But I felt hurt on my heart. 


I always ask myself, why in the world did I fall inlove with my hyung? Yep, there are many girls around there, waiting for me. But I chose my hyung. From the day he left me,  I promise to myself that I will bring him back to me. But now, I felt disappointed. Maybe I should stop teasing him because he already have girlfriend. And I must find one too. I will be sad, but as long as my hyung is happy, I'm happy for him.


"Hyung, we're here." I said to him.


Then I saw him sleeping. 'How cute' I thought. If only I could stop the time and kiss him right away, but NO.


I shake his shoulders.


"Hyung, we're here." 


He opened his eyes, blinking. Then he pout.


Control your self, Donghae.


"What?" He asked.




I was staring at him again. I hurriedly get my things and went inside the apartment.




I finished arranging my new room with Under the Sea theme. I know, sounds childish right? That's me.


I'm already tired and exhausted. 


So, I lay myself on my loving bed and I drifted off to sleep.


Eunhyuk's POV


Umma already left, so it was just me and Hae. 


Speaking of Hae, he hadn't eaten yet!


I knock on his room. No respond.




No respond.


So, I just noticed that the door was unlocked. I manage to sit on the bed while his hair. OMO! I don't know what I'm doing!


He's been ignoring me since we left his apartment. Maybe, he didn't want to move here? 


He's peacefully sleeping, how I wish I could cuddle him and sleep next to him anytime I want.


But, truth hurts. I already have a girlfriend, and I assume that Hae had girlfriend too. That's reality. 


But I really need him! No, I want him! I like him! I love him! 


Until I didn't notice I was leaning closer to him. Decreasing the gap of our lips. 


I kissed him.


Those thin lips of his, perfectly suited with my lips.


"I love you Hae." I whispered.


If only I could say those wors to you. Too bad you're asleep.


Then I left the room and headed towards my bedroom.


This is all your fault Donghae. Making my heart beats faster than it's normal speed. 



(A/N: Chapter 15 is out! Tell me what you think! OMO! Thank's for the subscribers and the comments! I really appreciate it! I was busy these past days~ and so.... Nevermind! Tell me what you think of this chapter! I hope I won't disappoint you with this one! And I am doing my other story too. I was planning on posting it soon~ maybe now? haha!! Just leave me some comments! I love you all!)
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sherasazaly #1
Chapter 22: sooooo cute!!!!sequel maybe???
so cute ^.^ great ending! sequel?! hehe!
Chapter 22: lol i cant help but laugh at the ending it is soo funny :P
i love this story
it is soooooo cute~~~~~~~~
gr8 job author nim :)
Ladyghai #4
Chapter 22: it;s so cute! i love it! :)
Chapter 22: Aw! Cute ending! Thank god their parents accept their relationship! <3
esmeberta #6
Chapter 22: well, that was really good, but this pregnant-Hyukkie thing is really weird...<3 :D
rossy80 #7
Chapter 21: at least their parent approve of them.....they are together for real now....
Chapter 20: yeeeey finally they together, hyukkie should just break up with hyo and running away with hae~~

thanks for updating :D