Are you.....?

Teachers Wife

"Oh my gosh I'm SO SORRY!" Chorong rushed to Eunji and began shaking her hand. Eunji tried to pull away from it but Chorong had a tight grip. Yongguk could see that his wife was in a bad mood now and knew that Chorong was only making it worse.

"So Chorong, what can I help you with?" Yongguk squeezed Eunji's shoulder to try and comfort his clearly angered wife.

"Well actually, I was hoping you could look at some projects I have going on right now." Chorong reached into her bag and pulled out a binder full of music sheets. Then she pulled out a keychain that had seven memory sticks of various bright colours hanging off of it. Chorong looked to Yongguk with wide pleading eyes and Eunji knew that Yongguk was weak against someone in need. Yongguk looked to Eunji for permission and she gave a little nod.

"Sure. I have some workspace upstairs, I'll show you the way." Yongguk kissed the top of Eunji's head before heading upstairs. Chorong turned to follow him but then turned back to Eunji with a smile on her face.

"I really am sorry that I thought you were his sister." Chorong shook Eunji's hand again except this time her grip was much tighter. "I didn't know that Gukkie liked such childish looking girls. I thought he would like someone a bit more...womanly." Chorong smiled innocently before skipping happily up the stairs and heading into Yongguk's work space and closed the door loudly behind her. Eunji was left standing in the kitchen, stunned that Chorong quickly changed from an innocent princess into a wicked witch. Eunji wanted so badly to charge upstairs and kick Chorong out of her house, but she knew that Yongguk was just helping her with her work and that nothing else was going on between them. She punched the counter top before heading upstairs. She grabbed her small bag full of all of her drawing materials and then she headed out into the backyard.

"Stupid Chorong....getting close to my man...." Eunji whispered the whole time while she curdled up on the small patio chair and sketched their backyard in her small notebook. She loved the smell of the charcoal that she drew with and the soft wind that was moving the plants in such a whimsical way that she found it hard that she never noticed how peaceful her own home was. After a few hours later Yongguk said goodbye to Chorong and then he went about searching the house for Eunji. He peeked out into the back yard and saw her sleeping in a patio chair with her hands blackened from the charcoal, and her sketch book laying forgotten on the ground. Yongguk smiled to himself as he picked up the book and placed it on the table. He then effortlessly picked up Eunji in his arms and carried her into the house and then into their bedroom.

"Cute..." Yongguk muttered as he placed her on the bed and then rushed into the bathroom to get a cloth to wash her hands. As she slept, Yongguk knelt beside her and carefully wiped all off the charcoal off of her hands. When her hands were clean Yongguk looked at his sleeping wife and a smile came onto his face. "I'm so lucky." He kissed the palm of her hand and then quietly snuck out of the room to let Eunji rest. When he left Eunji felt like something had left her. Her hand reached across the bed looking for Yongguk but he was nowhere to be found. Eventually she fell asleep cuddling a pillow that still has his scent lingering on it from the night before. It was faint, but it was enough to calm Eunji down and bring her back into a deep, comfortable sleep.

--3 months later--

Chorong came over maybe three times a week to get Yongguk to look over her work. It was like every time He and Eunji planned to have some time alone Chorong would magically appear and beg for Yongguk to help her in fear that she might lose her job. Eunji grew to hate the two faced woman who became mean to her the second Yongguk left the room. Yongguk knew that Eunji hated having Chorong at their house constantly, but she never said no and quietly left them to their work. Recently Eunji had been looking into getting another job in an art gallery, but all of the places that she applied rejected her the second that they saw that she worked for Peniel. It was like his name was a dark cloud hanging over her. Eunji was determined to find a job, but most days she just hung around the house waiting for Yongguk to come back. On a Saturday morning Eunji was awoken by a sudden wave of nausea. She bolted for the bathroom and was violently ill. Yongguk knocked on the bathroom door to check on her.

"You okay honey?" Yongguk asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He heard Eunji groan and he headed down stairs to get her a glass of water. Eunji held her hair away from her face with one hand and with the other she clung onto the toilet for dear life. Yongguk came back a minute or two later and opened the door to see his wife as pale as a ghost. "What's wrong?" He flushed the toilet and handed her the glass. Eunji looked up at him with wide eyes. Tears started to form and Yongguk started to panic."Are you in pain? Should I call an ambulance? Come on, let's get you to the hospital." Yongguk reached for Eunji's arm but she pulled away from him.

"I....I haven' period...." Eunji mustered up the strength to say those words. Yongguk looked at her with a blank expression on his face. He didn't know why he was telling her this. After a minute it finally clicked and his eyes grew as wide as hers. His mouth hung open as his brain scrambled to try and form a full sentence.



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BUWHAHAHA who saw this coming? haha

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Chapter 19: Yongguk is a pabo for his daughter already! Hahaha
Chapter 1: Sweet~ >///< And also fluffy~!!
nice story ^^
Chapter 13: that was a short but still awesome story~!
great job!
Chapter 21: Idk why but from the start i really want eunji and youngjae to be together!!! Why why you do this to me??!! I kennot accept this
bbangjae #6
this story is perfect! great job author-nim
Chapter 21: wait- what?
it ended already? huhuhu T . T
poor peniel tho sobs :c
Chapter 19: Ahhhhh!!! That was awesome!!! Thank you so much for making an awesome story and an awesome series. Good job!! ^_^
Chapter 19: *crying rivers of tears* That was so fast!!!
FanGirl_94 #10
Chapter 20: No it can't end nothing happened with DaeHyun & the eunji plus where's youngjae plus I need more action with Peniel plus what about Zelo jongup & that uncle the story can't end yet & how can you just start with soomin as the lead with out finishing all this good stuff you started again where's youngjae I mean he's there in the tags but I didn't read nothing about him in the story but this is a really good fan fic & I mean really good but don't end it when stuff just starts getting good p.s plese keep writing your really good I'm always at the end of my seat when I'm ready this fan fic so keep it up *FIGHTING* (ゝω´・)b