
Teachers Wife

 Yongguk drove Eunji to the doctors to get a pregnancy test done. The whole way there he was jittery and twitchy. Every noise and flashing light scared him and made him slam on the breaks.

"Yongguk what are you doing?!" Eunji yelled and punched Yongguk's shoulder. He apologised and tried to make it to the doctor's office as safely as possible. Eunji was freaking out enough, she didn't know how she was going to deal with all of this. She had no job, Yongguk was just getting good work as a music producer and with the possible addition of a baby she felt like she was going to faint. He pulled up to the doctor's office and ran around the car to open the door for Eunji. "Good lord Yongguk." Eunji rolled her eyes and walked into the doctor's office. Yongguk hung around her blocking her path from any sort of damage. It was sweet, but it was driving Eunji crazy. She got an appointment in ten minutes so she and Yongguk sat down on a small love seat in the waiting room.

"Are you okay? Do you want something? Coffee? Wait you can't drink juice? Can you have that?" Yongguk was panicking over the stupidest things possible. Eunji sighed heavily and she dug out Yongguk's wallet from his pant pocket. She headed over to the vending machine and got both of them a can of orange juice.

"The last thing you need is coffee." Eunji muttered before chugging half of the can in one go. Yongguk was finally started to settle down when his cell phone rang. It was one of his employers, he politely excused himself and headed outside so as not to disrupt the other patients.   Eunji smirked and finished her orange juice before drinking the rest of Yongguk's. "er." She said as she slide down in her seat to try and get more comfortable. Every once in a while she could see Yongguk pacing back and forth in front of the window, casually talking to someone with a smile on his face.

"Mrs. Bang Eunji?" A female doctor called out. Eunji raised her hand and stood up. Yongguk's back was to the window and he was still talking to someone on the phone. Rather than bugging him, Eunji went into the doctor's office alone. "So Mrs. Bang, what seems to be the problem?" The doctor brought them to her personal office and motioned for Eunji to sit in the chair opposite her. For a second, Eunji reached to the chair beside  her, regretting not getting Yongguk to come in with her.

"I think...I think I'm..uh...Pregnant..." Eunji felt ashamed. The doctor looked Eunji over and saw how young she was. She looked over the file and began to list off some questions she was required to ask.

"Are you married?"


"Have you traveled anywhere in the last two weeks?"


"Have you come in contact with anyone who has traveled in the past month?"


"Could you have food poisoning?"

"Not that I know of."

"Have you taken a home pregnancy test?"

"Nope." Eunji was getting annoyed with the questions. She knew they had to be asked but she just wanted to take the test and get the results. The doctor reached into a drawer and pulled out a small plastic cup. She explained what Eunji had to do and lead her to the bathroom. Yongguk hung up the call and came back into the office to see Eunji was gone. He cursed and sat back down in his seat. He picked up his orange juice but the can was empty.

"Sneak son of a gun." Yongguk chuckled to himself. He tapped out a beat he was working on. After a few minutes Eunji came out of the office with her head hung. The doctor patted her on the back and then called in another patient. "So?" Yongguk was bouncing. He couldn't wait anymore. She smacked a piece of paper against his chest and stormed out of the building and headed straight to the car. he held the paper up and tried to read it while running after Eunji. "Wait, so this means...?" Yongguk was reading it over and over again. He didn't understand any of the medical terminology on the paper.  Eunji whipped out her cell phone and hit the first number on speed dial. It rung for a second and when the person on the other end of the phone picked up, Eunji erupted into tears.

"OPPA! I'm...I'm pregnant!" Eunji cried into the phone and flailed her arms in the air dramatically. Yongguk threw his arms up in the air.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT! YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He cheered and ran around the car while Eunji was crying.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOW DID IT HAPPEN?!" Eunji yelled at her brother. After a few seconds Eunji grabbed onto Yongguk and shoved the phone in his face.

"Uh, Hello?"

"You got my sister knocked up?" Zelo growled into the phone. Yongguk glared at Eunji who hid in the car. "YOU STUPID FACE! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Zelo hung up the phone and jumped in his car to head of you his sister's house. Yongguk sat in the driver's seat and tossed Eunji's phone onto her lap.

"You called your brother....not cool Eunji...not cool." Yongguk smirked as he backed out of the doctor's office and drove home.

"Yeah's your fault anyways." Eunji pouted as she rested her forehead against the window. Yongguk was going to defend himself but, technically, it was his fault.

"Touché." Yongguk stopped at a red light and lightly placed his hand on Eunji's knee and rubbed his thumb against her jeans. "You're brother is probably at our house waiting for me."

"Don't worry. I won't let him kill you.....who else is going to pay for all the baby stuff I have to get now." Eunji said placing one hand over Yongguk's and the other on her stomach. She couldn't believe what was happening. She was twenty and pregnant. She wanted to burst out crying again but couldn't figure out if it was because she was genuinely upset or if it was the raging hormones racing through her.


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Chapter 19: Yongguk is a pabo for his daughter already! Hahaha
Chapter 1: Sweet~ >///< And also fluffy~!!
nice story ^^
Chapter 13: that was a short but still awesome story~!
great job!
Chapter 21: Idk why but from the start i really want eunji and youngjae to be together!!! Why why you do this to me??!! I kennot accept this
bbangjae #6
this story is perfect! great job author-nim
Chapter 21: wait- what?
it ended already? huhuhu T . T
poor peniel tho sobs :c
Chapter 19: Ahhhhh!!! That was awesome!!! Thank you so much for making an awesome story and an awesome series. Good job!! ^_^
Chapter 19: *crying rivers of tears* That was so fast!!!
FanGirl_94 #10
Chapter 20: No it can't end nothing happened with DaeHyun & the eunji plus where's youngjae plus I need more action with Peniel plus what about Zelo jongup & that uncle the story can't end yet & how can you just start with soomin as the lead with out finishing all this good stuff you started again where's youngjae I mean he's there in the tags but I didn't read nothing about him in the story but this is a really good fan fic & I mean really good but don't end it when stuff just starts getting good p.s plese keep writing your really good I'm always at the end of my seat when I'm ready this fan fic so keep it up *FIGHTING* (ゝω´・)b