
Teachers Wife


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Chapter 19: Yongguk is a pabo for his daughter already! Hahaha
Chapter 1: Sweet~ >///< And also fluffy~!!
nice story ^^
Chapter 13: that was a short but still awesome story~!
great job!
Chapter 21: Idk why but from the start i really want eunji and youngjae to be together!!! Why why you do this to me??!! I kennot accept this
bbangjae #6
this story is perfect! great job author-nim
Chapter 21: wait- what?
it ended already? huhuhu T . T
poor peniel tho sobs :c
Chapter 19: Ahhhhh!!! That was awesome!!! Thank you so much for making an awesome story and an awesome series. Good job!! ^_^
Chapter 19: *crying rivers of tears* That was so fast!!!
FanGirl_94 #10
Chapter 20: No it can't end nothing happened with DaeHyun & the eunji plus where's youngjae plus I need more action with Peniel plus what about Zelo jongup & that uncle the story can't end yet & how can you just start with soomin as the lead with out finishing all this good stuff you started again where's youngjae I mean he's there in the tags but I didn't read nothing about him in the story but this is a really good fan fic & I mean really good but don't end it when stuff just starts getting good p.s plese keep writing your really good I'm always at the end of my seat when I'm ready this fan fic so keep it up *FIGHTING* (ゝω´・)b