
i'm baekhyun's girlfriend !!!









“So,,, what do you think to help me forgetting Kristal??” kai asked me curiously while kept his gaze to the book which he read.


I tried to think deeply and made sure that it was my great idea to help him. Suddenly, Yoori’s face popped out from my brain. Yeah, that’s good idea!! (Evil eyes).


You will accept whatever to help you go away from your problems and you get easy to forget her??” i asked Kai to make sure that he should agree with my suggestions.

Ehm... okay. But if your suggestions won’t make me more crazy!!” he looked at me with his smirk that made me feel it was disgusting.


I rolled my eyes and huffed to make calm towards his smirk.


You just have to date with my friend, my close friend for exactly!!” i explained him while looked for Yoori’s number in my phone.

What?? But,,,, who she is???” he startled his body when he heard my saying and face to me soon.


I gazed at him deeply then gave him a soft smile after that. I pick my phone up until it was in front of his face so he could read the name of its own number. Yoori’s name made him surprised.


What?? Yoori??” he widened his eyes and grabbed my phone from me.

Are you kidding me??” he asked me in shock.


I just nodded my head and gave him a serious gaze.


Ouch no... why do you want me to date with her?? You can’t force her to like me, right??” he asked me fussily.


I glared at him while tried to grab my phone back.


Aish,, I want you to date with her because she like you, babo!!” I yelled at him as soon as hit his head with my palm.

Are you sure???” He stared at me unbelievably.

I huffed and turned my body around to leave him alone in his room.


Yes!! I said to him when I reached the door of his room.


I turned my face so that I could see his confused face and also exuded happiness on my face. Maybe at least I could help him t avoid Kristal who never I liked, although he always made me more crazy whenever I had problems with Baekhyun.




In the next day, I tried to make the strategy to make Kai and Yoori have a date, so I asked Chanyeol and D.O oppa to find me in the hallway at the lunch. Both agreed about my idea, but they were also confused how to make Kai and Yoori dated. Suddenly, when we kept quite to produce our brain, Baekhyun came and approached us. He also said that he wanted to help us. Ouch, he not only peek out meeting but also listened our conversation too. Yach!!! I was too lazy to meet him at that time but why did he always come to me when I had that feeling???


I rolled my eyes to avoid eye contact with him. But in my surprising, he suddenly linked his arm around my shoulder form aside. What’s wrong with him??? How can he do that to me in front of Chanyeol and D.O oppa??? >.<


My eyes automatically were like D.O’s eyes at that time. I couldn’t move my body because I felt his embrace was like a magic that made me follow what he wanted. Chanyeol and D.O oppa were looking each other with their confused face. Maybe they were confused how to not bother us but if they really that, I would hit their head until they lost their brain. LOL


Time was like stopped and I was so blank for a while until Baekhyun said something beside my ear but I couldn’t catch his saying. I got up from my blank and turned aside my face to meet his. And my lucky happened once more. When I tried to turn my face aside, Baekhyun did that too, so in the result our lips met. Hua.............!!! I screamed deeply on my brain but I couldn’t do that in the real life. It was so sweet right?? Maybe!!!


Chanyeol and D.O oppa were shocked about what’s going happen and maybe both opened their mouths when they noticed Baekhyun and I have a kissing scene. Baekhyun eyes were wide spontaneously as like me. We pushed our body away in unison and tried to avoid our face each other. I just wanted to run away from there and thought that I didn’t want to meet Chanyeol and D.O oppa again. I was so shy !!!!


“ouch, we must go back to our class first now!! We will think about the strategy in there!!” D.O spoke up while led Chanyeol to leave Baekhyun and I in the hallway.


I just nodded and gave them an awkward smile although it wouldn’t change anything. Baekhyun just stood still with his confused face and so did I when we didn’t see them. We kept our mouths shut until the bell rang. Ouch,,, my luck came again. We looked each other and grinned in unison. What’s going on our brain???


“I’m so sorry for that!! You will go back to your class right??” baekhyun apologized while kept his chuckle.

I smile at him and nodded my head after that.


“may I lead you to tour class??” he offered himself to bring me to go back in my class.

“Of course you can!!” i gave him my pure smile

Our fingers linked each other automatically and we didn’t know what the reasons. We just enjoyed that and maybe we even wanted do that every time whenever we met.





“okay, we will do that!!” Chanyeol and D.O oppa nodded in unison.

“ so, you and Bacon hyung will do too, right??” Chanyeol asked me to make sure that I would the strategy with Baekhyun.

“aish, of course I will.” I pouted and hit his shoulder after that.


They laughed and tried to mock me again.


We agreed about the strategy which Baekhyun gave through the message an hour ago to us. We would make Kai and Yoori met in the hallway this afternoon. Chanyeol and D.O oppa would ask Kai to go there and so did I. I must ask Yoori to find me this afternoon in the hallway to discuss something.


We dealt to hide as close as we could hear their talking and we could easily peek them. Although I knew that Kai wouldn’t do anything to Yoori, but I was so scary if they stuck in the awkward moment.


A half of an hour I and the other came towards hallway to prepare anything, the hiding place for exactly. Chanyeol and D.O oppa hid in the back of the board that was very close with the coach in the hallway. Maybe Kai and Yoori would sit there. Meanwhile, Baekhyun and I hid ourselves in behind the wall that I thought it was a bit far from there. But Chanyeol oppa forced us to follow what he suggested, so we just agreed with him.


After we were so bored in waiting for Kai and Yoori, finally Yoori came there first and I could notice that she was spinning through the hallway. She must be looking for me. But we didn’t need more long time until Kai followed behind her. Both looked each other and of course they were so surprised. I could see Yoori’s cheeks were red so did Kai. Although he doesn’t have a puppy skin as me but he could exude his flushed on his cheeks.


“are they so cute??” baekhyun said softly behind my left ear.


I felt butterflies were flying on my stomach when he asked me. I didn’t know why, but I felt so nervous when I faced him. He gave me an angelic smile. Omooo!!! I was so crazy.... that feeling felt deep as soon as his face more close with mine, so his face just an inch from mine. My heart beat faster and I couldn’t do anything. Suddenly I noticed that Baekhyun made his eyes shut and slowly our nose touched each other until our lips met. We kiss again!!


My eyes widened soon and I didn’t know why I closed my eyes too. Slowly but sure I responded his kisses. Baekhyun’s hand kept on my waist meanwhile mine linked on the back of his neck. His lip was so soft as like I imagined. He kissed me passionately and sincerely.




That voice made Baekhyun and I pushed our body away from each other. I was so surprised when I noticed Kai, Yoori, Chanyeol and D.O stood in front of us. I thought that Baekhyun had the same expression like as me but it’s wrong!! I noticed he kept smile and grinned with them. What’s going on?? I didn’t believe that I kissed him and they knew what I did.


“ ouch, so sweet!! D.O laughed with his mocking tone.

“so, we have two couples in a day, right???” Chanyeol laughed that followed by Kai and Baekhyun .

“ huh?? What did you say?? Two couples?? Who are they??” I furrowed curiously.

“ Yoori and me plus Baekhyun and my sister of course!!” Kai explained while patted my head.


I felt my cheek was flushed. Ouch, I was so shy!! but,,,, Baekhyun never said that he likes me right?? My happiness face changed to be sadness face.


In the mid of my thought, suddenly I felt Baekhyun grab my hand and ouch,, what’s was going on?? There were the other of exo-k’s member and Luhan popped out from the one of building that was close from us.


“What’s happening here??” i asked them curiously.

Baekhyun turned my body aside so I could face him. He smiled brightly to me.

“Do you really forget about something in your life??” baekhyun asked me once again while rubbed my right cheek.


I just didn’t know what exactly happen until I heard my mother’s voice boomed behind me.


“ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, honey!!”


Ouch yes!! I forgot about my birthday. But I was so happy they remembered my birthday although I never remember about that by myself. This was a great birthday that I had.

“so,, you really forget your birthday??” Baekhyun chuckled.

“aish, shut up..” I pouted and hit his chest.

He laughed and pulled me to go in his embrace. I just grinned in his embrace.


“ so, would you like to my girlfriend??? Emm ... Baekhyun’s girlfriend for exactly!!” baekhyun pulled me away and stared at my eyes deeply.


I was so surprised with his statement. I heard the other screamed out by them to accept Baekhyun to be mine.


“ of course I will.” I muttered so they wouldn’t hear my answer clearly but Baekhyun must be hear that.

“ what?? I couldn’t hear your answer.” Baekhyun pretended that he didn’t hear my answer.


I was just so shy to speak more loudly in front of people. But he forced me to speak loudly so they could hear what I spoke.


“ ok... I will be Baekhyun’s girlfriend!!!” i yelled at him with my boring face.


The other screamed happily around me. I noticed Kai and Yoori linked their fingers and that was the evidence that they were dated. Baekhyun smiled at me with his angelic smile and pulled me in his embrace once more. now, I’m Baekhyun’s girlfriend for real!!!:)









Yeah....... finally I can finish this story..

Maybe this is so fast but I’m just confused how to make longer... so I end this story with that moment. I just don’t want to bother my study now days because I have many homeworks that should be finished next month. And fortunately, I have a little time to finish this.

I’m so sorry if my story is so bad. I just write down my story from my brain. 

don't blame me if my story  is the worst story you ever read..:(

Hope you like it!!!:)

Once again, thank you for the readers and of course my subscribers.... I really appreciate that....:)




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maxjaehunhan #1
Chapter 12: waaaaaa ! really! so sweet~~ i wanna be Asha so bad right now! XD love your story authornim ;)
SharonLau #2
kimae09 #3
Chapter 1: funny first meeting XD hitting by stone? XDD it hurts even if its little! haha