Chapter twenty-six

Get hitched in a month

*one month later* 

No one's POV: 

"I'm home" Heechan called as she got home from work but was met with silence 
"Kris" she called as she stopped and noticed rose petals on the floor leading up the stairs and to their room all the way to the bed where there waiting for her was an outfit (minus shoes and bag) was waiting for her with a note attached to it; 

I told you we would be celebrating your birthday at one point... shame it took so long... anyway, this is here for you to wrap up warm, don't forget shoes or whatever and meet me in the garden. BUT you must keep to the petal path, see you soon! 

Heechan re-read the note one more time before grinning and picking up the clothes laid out on her bed and went to change before she paused and found a present on her bed, as she opened it, there was a necklace that use to belong to her grandmother before she followed the petals out and into the bathroom where there was another present waiting for her from Yeon and Soomin and when she opened it there was a brand new tiara waiting for her 
"What am I going to need this for?" she asked herself as she followed the petals back out and into the spare room where her next present was waiting. 
"From Boeun" Heechan said to herself as she opened it and found a bracelet studded with blue jewells with a note attached saying: 

Look after this, it's very special to me because I wore it on my wedding day!

'Why is she giving it to me then?' Heechan asked herself as she followed the petals back down the stairs and into the living room to her last two presents; lots and LOTS of chocolate from EXO and from Aecha some VERY underwear along with baby clothes as Heechan blushed redder than a tomatto and hid the underwear away 
'She is dead when I next see her' Heechan thought to herself before getting confused at the baby clothes and following the petals into the kitchen were coke bottles were waiting in a bucket of ive which made her laugh; 

Seeing as neither of us drink... these will do, be a darling and bring them out into the garden? :P 

"This guy" Heechan said to herself smiling as she took the bucket and followed the petals out into the back garden as she opened the door and paused when she saw what had happened to the garden; 


"Like it?" asked Kris as he appeared next to Heechan and took the bucket as he led her to a picnic set up in the middle 
"How long have you been planning this for?" asked Heechan as she sat down 
"Since the day you asked me to move in" replied Kris as Heechan smiled and hugged him 
"I love it" she said as Kris smiled 
"Did you like your presents?" he asked as he began to grin 
"I was actually confused by them" replied Heechan 
"Really, why?" asked Kris as Heechan explained to him what presents she got... leaving out the underwear of course as Kris listened and nodded and waited for her to finish. 

"You do know there was reasoning behind those presents" he said once Heechan finished explaining and she looked at him confused 
"There was?" she asked as Kris nodded and sat closer to her 
"Your grandmothers necklace- something old, the tiara- something new and the bracelet- your something borrowed and something blue" he replied as Heechan's heart began to race and Kris handed her a present which she opened and her eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when she saw what was in it. 

"Wh-what's going on?" she asked as Kris reached into his pocket and pulled out a box 
"When I was in the hospital I kept having nightmares of you leaving me and telling me you didn't want me to wake up. That was when I realised how much of a jerk I was to you and that I didn't want to lose you and wanted to stay with you until the end of time" he said as he placed the ring onto Heechan's finger and kissed her to stop her from saying anything and once she realised the situation she hugged him and started to laugh excitedly.

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frostysnowprincess #1
Quackerz #2
Chapter 22: O.O Kris...WILL YOU FRIKKIN WAKE UP!? =PP

Update soon!
compopanda #3
Chapter 1: I'm really curious about what will happen next :) ... that imagination of Sehun getting married :D :D :D