Chapter twenty-seven

Get hitched in a month

No one's POV: 

"Are you sure?" Kris asked as he stood across from Heechan 
"Positive" she replied 
"How long?" he asked  
"Three months, the same time you've been in China with EXO M" she replied as Kris started laughing and slowly walked over to her before dropping onto his knees and kissing the bump that was now beginning to form on her stomach and Heechan smiled before he stood up and hugged her. The two of them had been married for three years now and since then Yeon and Luhan were finally married and had a little boy whilst Kai finally asked Soomin to marry him and Aecha began to date Xiumin. As for the other EXO members? Well they're still going strong with their girlfriends and a few of them are also thinking of asking their girlfriends to walk down the aisle.... as for who those members are? I'll leave that up to your imagination... 

"What's this?" asked Kris as Heechan handed him a booklet 
"All the scans I've had so far" she replied as Kris opened it and smiled at the scan of his future son or daughter as he turned the page and paused at a list 
"What's this?" he asked as Heechan had a look and blushed 
"A list of baby names I made when I was thirteen" she replied as Kris smiled and had a look at them 
"You've had these since you were thirteen?" he asked as Heechan nodded 
"Around the same time I made that stupid plan of mine... I don't know why I kept the list anyway" she said as she cuddled up to Kris and he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in close.

"Quiet night in then?" he asked as Heechan nodded 
"Yes please" she replied before she got a text 

From: Aecha 
To: Heechan 

Where are you? Your parents and everyone are here waiting for you two!!!

"Oh no" Heechan mumbled to herself before sighing 
"What's wrong?" asked Kris 
"Aecha's organised a party for the two of us because of the baby" she replied as Kris smiled 
"So much for our quiet night in" he said as Heechan nodded and the two got ready to go out for their party... 


"What are you doing?" asked Jinri as Kris looked across from him and found his four year old daughter sat next to him 
"Looking through your baby book" he replied as he sat his daughter onto his lap and began to show her the pictures of Heechan's ever increasing stomach throughout the pregnancy to when she was born 
"That was me?" asked Jinri as Kris nodded and they began to look through more of her pictures of her first birthday and of Kris playing with her 
"I was cute" said Jinri as Kris laughed 
"You still are" he replied as he began to tickle her and making her squeal and laugh until she told him to stop. 

That was when Heechan came wondering in and boy did she feel rough 
"After this one, we are having NO MORE Kris Wu" she said as went into the kitchen for a drink and Kris laughed a little 
"Why does mummy keep being sick?" asked Jinri 
"Because soon you're going to have a little brother or sister" replied Kris as Jinri's eyes widened 
"Really?" she asked her voice going up slighlty in pitch. 

"Yes really" replied Kris as Jinri was about to jump up and down excitedly but Kris stopped her 
"She doesn't know you know... yet, so until then... sshh" he said as Jinri nodded before skipping out of the room and Heechan came wondering back in 
"What's she skipping about?" she asked as she sat next to Kris and he shrugged
"But she saw her baby pictures" he replied as Heechan smiled 
"Soon we'll have to make a new one" she said as Kris nodded 
"And I cant wait" he replied as he kissed her. 



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frostysnowprincess #1
Quackerz #2
Chapter 22: O.O Kris...WILL YOU FRIKKIN WAKE UP!? =PP

Update soon!
compopanda #3
Chapter 1: I'm really curious about what will happen next :) ... that imagination of Sehun getting married :D :D :D