Chapter four

Get hitched in a month

No one's POV: 

"Come in" Heechan called when she heard a knock on the door and smiled when Kris walked in 
"I forgot my jacket" he said as Heechan handed it over to him 
"Are your friends always this random?" she asked as Kris nodded 
"And the rest" he said as Heechan laughed and Kris turned to walk back out when he stopped and turned back around to face Heechan. 
"W-would you like to.." he began but couldn't find the words 
"Would I like to?" asked Heechan wondering where he was going with this 
"Would you like to perhaps... go out for some drinks tonight?" he asked as Heechan smiled 
"I'd like that" she said as she scribbled down her address on a peice of paper and gave it to Kris. 

"Here's my address, pick me up around seven?" she asked as Kris nodded and left and both of them were now rreeeaalllyyyyy excited. 
"There you all are where have you been?" asked D.O as Kris, Baekhyun and Chanyeol rejoined them 
"Dont ask" Kris and Baekhyun said at the same time and everyone's eyes widened when they saw how swollen Chanyeol's lip was 
"Does anyone have an ice pack?" he asked as he got some tablets down him. 

Heechan's POV: 

I have a date tonight... yay!... well... can you call it a date if you're just going out for drinks? Saying that... I dont drink alcohol which is going to be awkward if he does... I'll just have to tell him later I guess 
"Why are there so many clothes here?" asks Aecha as she walks in to see half of my wardrobe scattered around the room 
"I give up" I call from the kitchen 
"Give up what?" she asks as she joins me 
"Sunglasses... really?" I ask her as she takes them of and squints her eyes for a second 
"I could have murdered people at work today... they were all SO LOUD" she says as I hand her some tea and painkillers 
"That's what you get for mixing drinks" I say as she rolls her eyes. 

"Anyway, what are you giving up about?" she asks as I sigh 
"Do you remember Sehun's friends at the wedding the other day?" I ask her as she nods her head 
"Do you remember the really tall one?" I ask as she thinks before nodding again 
"What about him?" she asks 
"Well he and his friends were at the hospital-" I begin before she interrupts 
"Why were they at the hospital?" she asks as I sigh 
"One of them... Chanyeol I think it was... cut his lip open and I had to stitch it up ANYWAY, Kris came back and asked me out for the evening... but I have NOTHING decent to wear" I say as Aecha finished her drink and drags me back into the living room to start looking again. 

"You know your birthday is next month right?" she asks as she picks up some tops before throwing them back down 
"Dont remind me" I say as I begin to look through
"And remember that plan you made when you were thirteen?" she asks as I sigh... not this again 
"Yes I do" I say 
"Well, your time is running out, are you hoping this Kris guy will fall in love with you and ask you to marry him in the space of now and your birthday?" she asks... this wasn't what I was expecting 
"What... no way" I say 
"Ah but in the minute you'll be thinking about it" she says and I know she'll be right... stupid Aecha... 

"Here, this will do" she says as she hands me my outfit and someone knocks on the door 
"It's only 6:00 shoot" I say as I shoot up and run to get changed as Aecha goes to answer the door and I can hear squealing... what is going on out there 
"Heechan, Yeon is here" Aecha calls as I walk out and my eyes widen
"Han Yeon?" I say as I smile and run towards my old friend hugging her 
"I haven't seen you two since I moved schools" she says as we break the hug 
"What are you doing here?" Aecha asks and she explains to us that she's here visiting her boyfriend Luhan because she got time of from work. 

"I know Aecha works at YG as the new manager for Big Bang and all but what about you?" she asks as she turns to face me 
"Nurse" I say as she smiles 
"And how's Dongyup?" she asks... him... 
"We broke up just before I went into uni" I say as her face drops 
"Oh, I'm sorry" she says as I wave my hand in dismissal 
"You didn't know" I say as Aecha joins back in. 
"She has a date tonight" she says happily as Yeon smiles and drags Aecha out 
"Well we wont stay here for any longer, enjoy" she says as they walk out and I quickly shove my clothes back into my wardrobe just before Kris arrives. 

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frostysnowprincess #1
Quackerz #2
Chapter 22: O.O Kris...WILL YOU FRIKKIN WAKE UP!? =PP

Update soon!
compopanda #3
Chapter 1: I'm really curious about what will happen next :) ... that imagination of Sehun getting married :D :D :D